
An attempt at Laravel-like routing in WordPress

2.1.5 2014-09-22 08:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-07 19:59:23 UTC


Deprecated: this package is no more maintained. See wp-routes for a possible alternative.

A set of wrapping classes that should allow Laravel-like routing in WordPress thanks to WP Router plugin and some packages from Laravel.

Including the library in a theme or plugin

The library is meant to be used with Composer in a Composer-managed project and to include in the project the following line should be added to composer.json require entry

    "require": {
        "lucatume/wp-routing": "dev-master"


Setting routes

While the inner workings of the wrapper classes will build on WP Router code and hence any example applies the library will wrap the methods required to set up routes in a Laravel-like interface to go from this

// file my-routes-plugin.php

add_action('wp_router_generate_routes', 'generateMyRoutes');

function generateMyRoutes(WP_Router $router)
    $router->add_route('wp-router-sample', array(
        'path' => '^wp_router/(.*?)$',
        'query_vars' => array(
            'sample_argument' => 1,
        'page_callback' => array(get_class(), 'sample_callback'),
        'page_arguments' => array('sample_argument'),
        'access_callback' => TRUE,
        'title' => 'WP Router Sample Page',
        'template' => array('sample-page.php', dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sample-page.php')

to this

// file my-routes-plugin.php

WPRouting_Route::get('wp_router/{word}', function($word){
        echo "Hello $word";
    })->where('word', '.*?')
      ->withTitle('Wp Router Sample Page')
        dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sample-page.php'

Route methods

The entry point of any route generation is always one of 4 methods:

  • WPRouting_Route::get to handle GET requests
  • WPRouting_Route::post to handle POST requests
  • WPRouting_Route::put to handle PUT requests
  • WPRouting_Route::delete to handle DELETE requests
  • WPRouting_Route::all to handle all requests

each one of the methods above will take two arguments

  • a path relative to the root URL
  • a filters and callback parameters parameter

The path can contain placeholders strings like {word} in the example above that will require a definition using the where method later in the fluent chain.
The second parameter can be a simple callback function or be an array containing:

  • an array or a pipe char separated list of filters
  • a callback function

Any filter needs to be registered using the filter static method.

  • withTitle: sets a route page title, can be a string or a callback function.
  • withTemplate: sets the template to be used to display the route, follows the same mechanic WP Router follows.
  • with: sets a key/value pair of meta information to be attached to a route.
  • withId: explicitly sets the route id, normally the route id would be constructed dash-separating-the-path.
  • where: sets a pattern to be used for the route path.
  • filter: static, sets a filter to be used for the route access callback.
  • pattern: static, sets a pattern to be used for all routes.


Please note that path variables are passed in their appearance order to the page, access and title callback methods/functions.
I want to add a /posts page displaying the posts archive

WPRouting_Route::get('posts', function(){
    echo 'My post archive';

I wand to add a /secret-posts page accessible to admins alone

WPRouting_Route::filter('admin', function(){
        return current_user_can('activate_plugins');
    }) ;

WPRouting_Route::get('secret-posts', array('admin', function(){
        echo 'Secret posts';
    }))->withTitle('Secret page');

I want to add PUT and POST endpoints for editors to edit posts

WPRouting_Route::filter('editor', function($id){
        return current_user_can('edit_posts', $id);

WPRouting_Route::pattern('id', '\d+');

WPRouting_Route::put('posts/{id}', array('editor', function($id){
        echo 'Doing some post updating';

WPRouting_Route::post('posts/{id}', array('editor', function($id){
        echo 'Adding a post';


An extension of the base WPRouting_Route class that allows persisting route meta information to the WordPress database.

Persisting a route meta information

The class defines a shouldBePersisted method accepting a boolean that will trigger route meta information when set to true; by default routes will not be persisted.
At a bare minimum a route must define a title and a path to be eligible for persistence; it's a fluent method to be used like

    // file my-routes-plugin.php

WPRouting_PersistableRoute::get('hello', function(){
        echo "Hello there";
    })->withTitle('Wp Router Sample Page')
        dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sample-page.php'

The shouldBePersisted method will default to true if no value is passed to it and hence


If the persistence of the route meta is set to true then any route argument not related to WP Router (see the WPRouting_Route::$WPRouterArgs variable) and not excluded from persistence (see WPRouting_PersistableRoute::$nonPersistingArgs variable) will be persisted as route meta information. All routes meta will be stored in a single option in WordPress database (see WPRouting_PersistableRoute::OPTION_ID constant for its value) in an array using the structure

    'route-one' :
        ['title' => 'Route One', 'permalink' => 'route-one', 'some-meta' => 'some meta value']
    'route-two' :
        ['title' => 'Route Two', 'permalink' => 'route-two', 'some-meta' => 'some meta value']

where 1st level array keys are the routes ids.

Hooking to alter the route meta information

Before route meta information is persisted to the database and after the argument pruning has been made the WPRouting_PersistableRoute class offers a filter hook (see WPRouting_PersistableRoute::ROUTE_PERSISTED_VALUES_FILTER for its tag) to alter the route meta before it's persisted to the database.
The arguments for the filter function are the route arguments and the route id, the filter will trigger one time for each route.