
A set of utilities to support snapshot testing of WordPress code.

2.0.0 2022-10-14 10:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-14 15:34:41 UTC


Snapshot testing of WordPress code for PHPUnit, based on the PHPUnit Snapshot Assertions package by Spatie.

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composer require lucatume/wp-snaphot-assertions --dev


Snapshot testing comes very handy when testing the HTML output of some WordPress generated and managed code.
In such instances WordPress will often generate time-dependent values, like nonces, and full URLs, like image sources.
Those environment and time related differences might break a snapshot for the wrong reasons; e.g. the snapshot was generated on one machine (say locally) and ran on another machine where WordPress might be served at another URL and the test will surely run at a different time (say CI).
For that purpose the WPHtmlOutputDriver driver was born:

use Spatie\Snapshots\MatchesSnapshots;
use tad\WP\Snapshots\WPHtmlOutputDriver;

class MySnapshotTest extends \Codeception\TestCase\WPTestCase {
	use MatchesSnapshots;

	* Test snapshot for render
	public function test_snapshot_render() {
		// from some environment variable
		$currentWpUrl = getenv('WP_URL');
		$snapshotUrl = 'http://wp.localhost';
		$driver = new WPHtmlOutputDriver($currentWpUrl, $snapshotUrl);
		$sut = new MyPluginHTMLRenderingClass();
		// create a random post and return its post ID
		$postId= $this->factory->post->create();
		$renderedHtml = $sut->renderHtmlFor($postId);
		$driver->setTolerableDifferencesPrefixes(['post_', 'post-']);
		$driver->setTolerableDifferencesPostfixes(['-single', '-another-postfix']);
		$this->assertMatchesSnapshot($renderedHtml, $driver);

By default the driver will lok for time-dependent fields with an id, name or class from a default list (e.g. _wpnonce); you might want to add or modify that list using the WPHtmlOutputDriver::setTimeDependentKeys method.

On the same note, the driver will look for some attributes when looking to replace the snapshot URL with the current URL; you can modify those using the WPHtmlOutputDriver::setUrlAttributes method.

Very often WordPress HTML will contain attributes and strings that will inline post IDs, titles and other fields; in general the comparison of the snapshots should not fail because the random post ID used when the snapshot was generated was 23 but it's, in another test run, 89.

To avoid that use the WPHtmlOutputDriver::setTolerableDifferences method to define what values defined in the current test run should not trigger a failure (see example above); furthermore run-dependent variables could be used to construct id, class, data and other attributes: if you know that the rendered HTML will contain something like this (where 23 is the post ID):

<div class="post-23" data-one="23-postfix" data-two="prefix-23">

You might want to say to the driver that the current post ID is a tolerable difference even when prefixed with prefix- or postfixed with -postfix:

$this->assertMatchesSnapshot($renderedHtml, $driver);

When HTML attributes contain truly unique or time-dependent values, those attributes can be excluded completely using the WPHtmlOutputDriver::setTimeDependentAttributes method.

// Void all the `data-one` attributes in the HTML document.
// Void all the `.container data-two`  and `.container data-three` attributes in the HTML document.
$driver->setTimeDependentAttributes(['data-two', 'data-three'], '.container');
$this->assertMatchesSnapshot($renderedHtml, $driver);