
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.0) of this package.

1.0.0 2017-02-01 09:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-18 23:14:15 UTC


This package has been effectively replaced by a newer version. However, it does not include the web service; it's simply a single class.


This package serves two purposes:

  1. A simple class which represents a UK Postcode and contains functionality such as formatting and validation.
  2. A wrapper for this web service for geocoding postcodes.


Via Composer:

"lukaswhite/uk-postcodes" : "dev-master"

UkPostcode Class

A simple class to encapsulate a UK postcode. While it's primarily used as the return format for the web service, it does have the odd use in itself.


$postcode = new Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcode('sw1a2aa');


if ($postcode->isValid()) {
    // do something...

Alternatively, use the static method:

if (Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcode::validate('sw1a2aa')) {
    // do something...


$postcode = new Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcode('sw1a2aa');

print $postcode->formatted();

// > "SW1A 2AA"


The outcode is the first part of a UK postcode. To illustrate:

$postcode = new Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcode('sw1a2aa');
print $postcode->getOutcode();
// SW1A

$postcode = new Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcode('GL9 1AH');
print $postcode->getOutcode();
// GL9

$postcode = new Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcode('gl91ah');
print $postcode->getOutcode();
// GL9

The Web Service Client

Provides wrapper for this web service for geocoding postcodes.

Geocoding a Postcode

It's probably easiest to demonstrate the usage through an example:

// Create the client
$client = new Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcodesClient();       

// Call the web service
$postcode = $client->postcode('sw1a2aa');

print get_class($postcode);
// Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcode

print $postcode->formatted();
// SW1A 2AA

print get_class($postcode->getCoordinate());
// League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate

print $postcode->getCoordinate()->getLatitude();
// 51.503539898876

print $postcode->getCoordinate()->getLongitude();
// -0.12768084037293

print get_class($postcode->getCoordinate()->getEllipsoid());
// League\Geotools\Coordinate\Ellipsoid 

print $postcode->council->title;
// City of Westminster

print $postcode->council->code;
// E09000033

print $postcode->council->uri;

print $postcode->ward->title;
// St. James's

print $postcode->constituency->title;
// Cities of London and Westminster

If the postcode cannot be found for whatever reason, it'll simply return NULL.

Nearest Postcode

You can get the nearest postcode to a given point using getNearest().

Specify the point using either an instance of League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate or an array of lat / lng, e.g. [51.503539898876, -0.12768084037293].

// Create the client
$client = new Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcodesClient();       

$to = new League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([51.503539898876, -0.12768084037293]);

$postcode = $client->getNearest($to);

print $postcode->formatted();

// SW1A 2AA

Postcodes within x miles

Get the postcodes within x miles of a given point using getWithin(). First parameter is a point, second is the number of miles (5 miles maxiumum).

// Create the client
$client = new Lukaswhite\UkPostcodes\UkPostcodesClient();       

$location = new League\Geotools\Coordinate\Coordinate([51.503539898876, -0.12768084037293]);

$postcodes = $client->getWithin($location, 3);

// returns an array of all postcodes within 3 miles of Lat 51.503539898876, Long -0.12768084037293


There are a bunch of unit tests (PHPUnit) in /tests.


Better error handling.


Unit tests for getNearest() and getWithin().

There is a function currently called getPostTown() adapted from this site, but it doesn't appear to be 100% reliable. When I get time, I'll attempt to fix this.