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ZF2 module for CMS content via LwcCmsPage module

dev-master 2013-12-09 23:28 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 16:07:55 UTC



"require": {
    "lwc/lwccmspage": "1.*", /* if not added yet */
    "lwc/lwccmscontent": "1.*"

ZF2 config setup

  • Add the "LwcCmsContent" module to your config/application.config.php file

Database setup

  • Warning: Make sure to setup the LwcCmsPage module first!
  • Import the data/table-init.sql file into your database. It will create a few basic tables for storing the cms contents.
  • The module will provide a ServiceManager alias called LwcCmsContent\DbAdapter. Per default, it points to a "dbAdapter" service. You may have to change this according to your application's default database adapter.

Defining your own content types

You may extend the LwcCmsContent module with your own content types. I'll describe an example use-case for a "person" content type here.

Type definition in your module's config file

return array(
  'lwccmscontent' => array(
    'types' => array(
      // this array key will be inserted into the cms_content table, so
      // it should be unique within the whole application
      'acme_spokesperson' => array(
        // or any other namespace within your module
        'class_name' => 'Acme\ContentType\Spokesperson', 
        // this view-helper will be used within the LwcCmsContent module
        // via __invoke(ContentEntityInterface $content), where $content 
        // is an instance of your "class_name"
        'view_helper' => 'contentSpokesperson' 

Creating the content type class (model)

Within your module, create the src/Acme/ContentType folder an put a Spokesperson.php file in it, like so:

namespace Acme\ContentType;

use LwcCmsContent\Model\ContentEntityInterface;
use LwcCmsContent\Model\AbstractContentEntity;

class Spokesperson extends AbstractContentEntity implements ContentEntityInterface
    public function getTypeId()
        return 'acme_spokesperson';

By extending the AbstractContentEntity class, the only thing you'll need to define is the getTypeId() method. You may / have to define any getters/setters which you will need to display your content. However, while loading the contents, a ClassHydrator will be used to call the setters. So make sure your setters match the database columns. Underscores are allowed for the column names (those will be treated via camel-casing). Also take care not to specify typehints within your setters, as (basically) strings will be passed in from the database resultset.

Creating the view helper to display the model

Create the folder src/View/Helper and put a ContentSpokesperson.php in there, like so:

namespace Acme\View\Helper;

use Zend\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;
use LwcCmsContent\View\Helper\RendererInterface;
use LwcCmsContent\Model\ContentEntityInterface;

class ContentSpokesperson extends AbstractHelper implements RendererInterface

     * @return string
    protected function getViewModel()
        return 'content/spokesperson';

     * (non-PHPdoc)
     * @see \LwcCmsContent\View\Helper\RendererInterface::__invoke()
    public function __invoke(ContentEntityInterface $content)
        $viewModel = $this->getViewModel();
        return $this->view->render($viewModel, array(
            'person' => $content

The getViewModel() method is not needed, but it makes the file a bit cleaner / extendable (imho).

Adding the view script (ViewModel)

Create a view/acme-module/content directory and put a spokesperson.phtml in there, like so:

<div class="foobar">
<?php echo $this->escapehtml($person->getXYZ()); // use any methods from your model class here. ?>

Adding the ViewModel and the ViewHelper to your config

return array(
  // ... other module stuff ...
  'view_helpers' => array(
    'invokables' => array(
      // the alias is important.
      // php namespace has to match the Helper class you just added above
      'contentSpokesperson' => 'Acme\View\Helper\ContentSpokesperson'
  // ... even more stuff ...
  'view_manager' => array(
    'template_map' => array(
      // path could be any path, doesn't really matter. the array key is important
      'content/spokesperson' => __DIR__ . '/../view/acme-module/content/spokesperson.phtml',