m6web / redis-mock
Library providing a PHP mock for Redis
Installs: 2 663 418
Dependents: 27
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 81
Watchers: 68
Forks: 59
Open Issues: 15
- php: >=7.1.0
Requires (Dev)
- atoum/atoum: ~3.4||~4.0
- predis/predis: ~1.1
- dev-master
- v5.6.0
- v5.5.0
- v5.4.0
- v5.3.0
- v5.2.0
- v5.1.0
- v5.0.1
- v5.0.0
- v4.7.0
- v4.6.1
- v4.6.0
- v4.5.0
- v4.4.1
- v4.4.0
- v4.3.0
- v4.2.1
- v4.2.0
- v4.1.0
- v4.0.0
- v3.3.2
- v3.3.1
- v3.3.0
- v3.2.0
- v3.1.0
- v3.0.0
- v2.8.0
- v2.7.0
- v2.6.0
- v2.5.0
- v2.4.0
- v2.3.0
- v2.2.0
- v2.1.0
- v2.0.1
- v2.0.0
- v1.12.0
- v1.11.0
- v1.10.0
- v1.9.0
- v1.8.0
- v1.7.0
- v1.6.0
- v1.5.0
- v1.4.0
- v1.3.0
- v1.2.1
- v1.2.0
- v1.1.0
- v1.0.1
- v1.0.0
- dev-feature/test-extension
- dev-feature-hhvm-support
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:17:33 UTC
PHP 7.1 library providing a Redis PHP mock for your tests.
Work for now only with predis
$ composer require --dev m6web/redis-mock
It currently mocks these Redis commands :
Redis command | Description |
DBSIZE | Returns the number of keys in the selected database |
DEL key [key ...] | Deletes one or more keys |
DECR key | Decrements the integer value of a key by one |
DECRBY key decrement | Decrements the integer value of a key by decrement value |
DECRBYFLOAT key decrement | Decrements the float value of a key by decrement value |
EXISTS key | Determines if a key exists |
EXPIRE key seconds | Sets a key's time to live in seconds |
FLUSHDB | Flushes the database |
GET key | Gets the value of a key |
HDEL key array<fields> | Delete hash fields |
HEXISTS key field | Determines if a hash field exists |
HMGET key array<field> | Gets the values of multiple hash fields |
HGET key field | Gets the value of a hash field |
HGETALL key | Gets all the fields and values in a hash |
HKEYS key | Gets all the fields in a hash |
HLEN key | Gets the number of fields in a hash |
HMSET key array<field, value> | Sets each value in the corresponding field |
HSET key field value | Sets the string value of a hash field |
HSETNX key field value | Sets field in the hash stored at key to value, only if field does not yet exist |
HINCRBY key field increment | Increments the integer stored at field in the hash stored at key by increment . |
INCR key | Increments the integer value of a key by one |
INCRBY key increment | Increments the integer value of a key by increment value |
INCRBYFLOAT key increment | Increments the float value of a key by increment value |
KEYS pattern | Finds all keys matching the given pattern |
LINDEX key index | Returns the element at index index in the list stored at key |
LLEN key | Returns the length of the list stored at key |
LPUSH key value [value ...] | Pushs values at the head of a list |
LPOP key | Pops values at the head of a list |
LREM key value count | Removes count instances of value from the head of a list (follows the predis parameters order) |
LTRIM key start stop | Removes the values of the key list which are outside the range start ...stop |
LRANGE key start stop | Gets a range of elements from a list |
MGET array<field> | Gets the values of multiple keys |
MSET array<field, value> | Sets the string values of multiple keys |
QUIT | Quit the REDIS |
RPUSH key value | Pushs values at the tail of a list |
RPOP key | Pops values at the tail of a list |
SCAN | Iterates the set of keys in the currently selected Redis database. |
SSCAN | Iterates elements of Sets types. |
SET key value | Sets the string value of a key |
SETEX key seconds value | Sets the value and expiration of a key |
SETNX key value | Sets key to hold value if key does not exist |
SADD key member [member ...] | Adds one or more members to a set |
SDIFF key key [key ...] | Returns the members of the set resulting from the difference between the first set and all the successive sets. |
SISMEMBER key member | Determines if a member is in a set |
SMEMBERS key | Gets all the members in a set |
SUNION key [key ...] | Returns the members of the set resulting from the union of all the given sets. |
SINTER key [key ...] | Returns the members of the set resulting from the intersection of all the given sets. |
SCARD key | Get cardinality of set (count of members) |
SREM key member [member ...] | Removes one or more members from a set |
TTL key | Gets the time to live for a key |
TYPE key | Returns the string representation of the type of the value stored at key. |
ZADD key score member | Adds one member to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists |
ZINCRBY key increment member | Increments the score of member in the sorted set stored at key by increment |
ZCARD key | Returns the sorted set cardinality (number of elements) of the sorted set stored at key |
ZCOUNT key min max | Returns the number of elements in the stored set at key with a score between min and max. |
ZRANGE key start stop [withscores] | Returns the specified range of members in a sorted set |
ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max options | Returns a range of members in a sorted set, by score |
ZRANK key member | Returns the rank of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from low to high |
ZREVRANK key member | Returns the rank of member in the sorted set stored at key, with the scores ordered from high to low |
ZREM key member | Removes one membner from a sorted set |
ZREMRANGEBYSCORE key min max | Removes all members in a sorted set within the given scores |
ZREVRANGE key start stop [withscores] | Returns the specified range of members in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low |
ZREVRANGEBYSCORE key min max options | Returns a range of members in a sorted set, by score, with scores ordered from high to low |
ZSCAN | Iterates elements of Sorted Sets types. |
ZSCORE key member | Returns the score of member in the sorted set at key |
ZUNIONSTORE dest numkeys key ... [weights ...] [aggregate SUM/MIN/MAX] | Computes the union of the stored sets given by the specified keys, store the result in the destination key, and returns the number of elements of the new sorted set. |
It mocks MULTI, DISCARD and EXEC commands but without any transaction behaviors, they just make the interface fluent and return each command results. PIPELINE and EXECUTE pseudo commands (client pipelining) are also mocked. EVAL, EVALSHA, WATCH and UNWATCH are just stubs—they won't execute anything
RedisMock library provides a factory able to build a mocked class of your Redis library that can be directly injected in your application :
$factory = new \M6Web\Component\RedisMock\RedisMockFactory(); $myRedisMockClass = $factory->getAdapterClass('My\Redis\Library'); $myRedisMock = new $myRedisMockClass($myParameters);
In a simpler way, if you don't need to instanciate the mocked class with custom parameters (e.g. to easier inject the mock using Symfony config file), you can use getAdapter
instead of getAdapterClass
to directly create the adapter :
$factory = new \M6Web\Component\RedisMock\RedisMockFactory(); $myRedisMock = $factory->getAdapter('My\Redis\Library');
- RedisMock doesn't implement all Redis features and commands. The mock can have undesired behavior if your parent class uses unsupported features.
- Storage is static and therefore shared by all instances.
Note : the factory will throw an exception by default if your parent class implements unsupported commands. If you want even so partially use the mock, you can specify the second parameter when you build it $factory->getAdapter('My\Redis\Library', true)
. The exception will then thrown only when the command is called.
Static storage & Multiple servers
The storage in the RedisMock class is organized by named areas. The default area's name is the empty string ''
but you can
specify an alternate area name when calling the factory's getAdapter
getAdapter($classToExtend, $failOnlyAtRuntime = false, $ignoreConstructor = true, $storage = '')
This enables the mocking of several remote Redis servers, each one with its own storage area.
However, one same area remains statically shared across all the instances bound to it.
The development environment is provided by Vagrant and the Xotelia box.
$ cp Vagrantfile.dist Vagrantfile $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
$ composer install
$ ./vendor/bin/atoum
Developped by the Cytron Team of M6 Web.
Tested with atoum.
RedisMock is licensed under the MIT license.