
Symfony bundle for easier email sending

1.1.1 2015-12-30 21:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 20:48:04 UTC


Symfony bundle that collects some libraries together to make sending emails easier:

  1. Renders twig template to get subject and content of an email
  2. Converts HTML content to plain text if it's not available in template
  3. Sets default From email and name to message
  4. Gets CSS for mail messages using Assetic, if configured
  5. Inlines CSS inside HTML style attributes and/or adds <styles> tag
  6. Sends message using swift mailer


Add via composer:

composer require maba/mail-renderer-bundle jimbojsb/emogrify:@dev

Register bundle:

new Maba\Bundle\MailRendererBundle\MabaMailRendererBundle(),

Configure in config.yml:

        inline: mail
        imports: mail_imports
        name: My Awesome Company
                - @bootstrap_css
                - @ApplicationBundle/Resources/less/styles.less
                - %kernel.root_dir%/Resources/public/css/mail-imports.css

css_assets node is optional, as is usage of Assetic.



/** @var FormattedMessageMailer $mailer */
$mailer = $this->get('maba_mail_renderer.formatted_message_mailer');

$mailer->sendMessage('', 'ApplicationBundle:Email:welcome.html.twig', array(
    'username' => 'customer123',
    'activationLink' => '',

Twig template:

{# ApplicationBundle:Email:welcome.html.twig #}

{% block subject %}Hello {{ username }}, welcome to!{% endblock %}

{% block body_html %}
    <div class="header">Hello {{ username }},</div>
    <div class="content">
        You've registered on Here you can make lots of stuff:
            <li>More stuff</li>
    <div class="important">
        To activate your account <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ activationLink }}">click here</a>
    <div class="footer">See ya!</div>
{% endblock %}

That's it!

All CSS rules assigned to classes will be inlined into HTML as style attributes.

Extended usage


Only these blocks are parsed from template: subject, body_html and body_text. subject and at least one of other two are required. Any other blocks or content in template is ignored.

If body_text is provided, it will be used as plain text version of mailer message.

Additionally toEmail variable is passed to the twig template, which equals to the given recipient.

I'd suggest to use single layout twig file, if there's defined structure in your mails. For example:

{# :Email:layout.html.twig #}

{% block body_html %}
    <div class="header">Good afternoon,</div>
    {% block content %}{% endblock %}
    <div class="footer">See ya!</div>
    <a href="{{ get_unsubscribe_link(toEmail) }}">Unsubscribe</a>
{% endblock %}
{# ApplicationBundle:Email:welcome.html.twig #}
{% extends ':Email:layout.html.twig' %}

{% block subject %}...{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}


inline and imports values in css_assets configuration node take Assetic asset name, which you should configure using Assetic configuration.

inline is used when applying CSS rules to message HTML result - style attributes are added to HTML nodes, which would trigger appropriate CSS rules. This is needed as some email readers support neither <styles> nor <link> (for example GMail).

imports is used to make <styles> tag with CSS contents in the mail message itself. This should be as short as possible - usually only for rules that cannot be inlined, like this one:

@import url("//,400italic,700,700italic&subset=latin,latin-ext");

That's why it's called imports in configuration.

Why <styles> instead of <link>? To avoid remote resource loading, which is also most commonly disabled by default.

Changing created message

Use createMessage instead of sendMessage with same parameters in renderer, change or add any required fields and send with swift mailer manually.