
Bundle to Help Migrating From Assetic to Webpack

0.2.0 2016-06-11 19:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 21:04:21 UTC


Bundle to help integrating from assetic to webpack.

It uses maba/webpack-bundle and symfony/assetic-bundle as dependencies.

It creates and modifies files in your repository. This means that it is not meant to be run in production - install it, use it and remove it from your project. Always keep sure to use version system like git and have no uncommitted changes as you might loose your stuff.

What is webpack and why to migrate from assetic?

Webpack is module bundler and CommonJS / AMD dependency manager.

For me, it replaces both grunt/gulp and RequireJS.

See what is webpack? and it's documentation for more information.

For comparison with assetic and alternative webpack-based solutions, see maba/webpack-bundle.

What does this bundle do?

  1. Finds assetic nodes (stylesheets and javascripts nodes) in your twig templates.
  2. Dumps js files representing bundled assets.
  3. Replaces them with webpack_asset function with reference to dumped file.
  4. Dumps configured named assets inside config.yml.

twig-template-modification-bundle is used for replacing the twig templates themselves.

Worth to note that it does support assetic variables, but as the result is usable, it's not really manageable in the long scale. Please see other means to accomplish this with conditional loading from the javascript itself. See symfony-webpack-angular-demo for an example how this could be done with locales.

Also worth to note that it ignores images assetic nodes and other nodes with unrecognised filters. You can configure ignored filters in config.yml by providing maba_webpack_migration.ignored_filters parameter.

By default, these filters are ignored:

  • cssrewrite
  • less
  • lessphp
  • scssphp
  • sassphp
  • jsqueeze
  • uglifyjs
  • uglifyjs2
  • uglifycss
  • yui_css
  • yui_js

They are ignored, as js and css files are minified by default on production, and SCSS and Less files work out of the box. Assumption is made that you use correct extension for your file types (.less for Less files etc.)

Installation and Usage

composer require maba/webpack-migration-bundle

Inside AppKernel:

new Maba\Bundle\WebpackBundle\MabaWebpackBundle(),  // if you don't have it already
new Maba\Bundle\WebpackBundle\MabaTwigTemplateModificationBundle(), // dependency
new Maba\Bundle\WebpackBundle\MabaWebpackMigrationBundle(),

Setup files for webpack bundle (see maba/webpack-bundle for more information what this does):

app/console maba:webpack:setup

Configure webpack to extract CSS into separate files. This is needed for stylesheets tags to work.

            extract_css: true

Install npm dependencies used by WebpackMigrationBundle which are not installed by default in WebpackBundle:

npm install imports-loader exports-loader expose-loader --save-dev

In webpack context, this is not window like when adding common <script> tag, this points to module.exports. This is handled by default by most libraries and when running in such mode, no variables are registered in global context (window), they are just exported in CommonJS way.

This breaks things, as your current code expects to find jQuery, angular etc. in global context.

This bundle analyses JavaScript file for common patterns and tries to use correct loaders to fix these issues. This might not always work out-of-the-box. You can always use additional loader or modify the generated code - bundle only creates and replaces files in your repository, all other modifications to the code after that can be made manually.

Run replacement command:

app/console maba:webpack-migration:modify-twig-templates

Now your twig files are modified - you can safely remove both bundles (this one and MabaTwigTemplateModificationBundle) from your kernel and vendors. You can just revert your changes in AppKernel.php, composer.json and composer.lock, asserting that you've installed MabaWebpackBundle separately.

Running tests

Travis status

composer install