
it's easy to use for creating frequency distribution tables.

1.4.3 2025-01-02 07:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 07:27:34 UTC


1. Features

PHP-FrequencyTable is a library to operate Frequency Tables easily.

You can create Frequency Tables easily just by setting data in array and Class Range.

You can get or save them in some formats, Markdown Table, CSV, TSV and HTML.

English(default) and Japanese are supported.

You can also get parsed data as hash array of PHP.

2. Contents

3. Requirements

  • PHP 8.1 or later
  • Composer

4. Installation

composer require macocci7/php-frequency-table

5. Usage

5.1. Basic Usage

You can use FrequencyTable class as follows.

  • PHP: examples/BasicUsage.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
    echo $ft->meanOn()->markdown();
  • Output: examples/

    |Class|Frequency|RelativeFrequency|ClassValue|ClassValue * Frequency|
    |0 ~ 10|2|0.40|5.0|10.0|
    |10 ~ 20|2|0.40|15.0|30.0|
    |20 ~ 30|1|0.20|25.0|25.0|
  • View: examples/

    Class Frequency RelativeFrequency ClassValue ClassValue * Frequency
    0 ~ 10 2 0.40 5.0 10.0
    10 ~ 20 2 0.40 15.0 30.0
    20 ~ 30 1 0.20 25.0 25.0
    Total 5 1.00 --- 65.0
    Mean --- --- --- 13.0
  • Details:

    • Import autoloader: require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    • Declare: use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    • Instantiate: new FrequencyTable()
      • Option Params: data, classRange, columns2Show
        • data: array
        • classRange: int
        • columns2Show: array, acceptable values are as follows
          • 'Class'
          • 'Frequency'
          • 'CumulativeFrequency'
          • 'RelativeFrequency'
          • 'CumulativeRelativeFrequency'
          • 'ClassValue'
          • 'ClassValue * Frequency'
          • 'Subtotal'
          • 'RelativeSubtotal'
          • 'CumulativeRelativeSubtotal'
    • Mean Row: meanOff() as default, add by meanOn().
    • Get Frequency Table: by markdown() in markdown format.

5.2. Changing Data and Class Range

You can change data and class range after instantiation.

  • PHP: examples/ChangeDataClassRange.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable();
    $dataset = [
        'Group A' => [
            'data' => [ 90, 20, 80, 30, 70, 40, 60, ],
            'classRange' => 20,
        'Group B' => [
            'data' => [ 100, 10, 65, 40, 55, 90, 72, 84, ],
            'classRange' => 25,
    echo "# Frequency Tables\n\n";
    foreach ($dataset as $key => $data) {
        echo "## " . $key . "\n\n";
        echo $ft->meanOn()->markdown() . "\n\n";
  • Output: examples/

    # Frequency Tables
    ## Group A
    |Class|Frequency|RelativeFrequency|ClassValue|ClassValue * Frequency|
    |20 ~ 40|2|0.29|30.0|60.0|
    |40 ~ 60|1|0.14|50.0|50.0|
    |60 ~ 80|2|0.29|70.0|140.0|
    |80 ~ 100|2|0.29|90.0|180.0|
    ## Group B
    |Class|Frequency|RelativeFrequency|ClassValue|ClassValue * Frequency|
    |0 ~ 25|1|0.13|12.5|12.5|
    |25 ~ 50|1|0.13|37.5|37.5|
    |50 ~ 75|3|0.38|62.5|187.5|
    |75 ~ 100|2|0.25|87.5|175.0|
    |100 ~ 125|1|0.13|112.5|112.5|
  • View: examples/

    Frequency Tables

    Group A

    Class Frequency RelativeFrequency ClassValue ClassValue * Frequency
    20 ~ 40 2 0.29 30.0 60.0
    40 ~ 60 1 0.14 50.0 50.0
    60 ~ 80 2 0.29 70.0 140.0
    80 ~ 100 2 0.29 90.0 180.0
    Total 7 1.00 --- 430.0
    Mean --- --- --- 61.4

    Group B

    Class Frequency RelativeFrequency ClassValue ClassValue * Frequency
    0 ~ 25 1 0.13 12.5 12.5
    25 ~ 50 1 0.13 37.5 37.5
    50 ~ 75 3 0.38 62.5 187.5
    75 ~ 100 2 0.25 87.5 175.0
    100 ~ 125 1 0.13 112.5 112.5
    Total 8 1.00 --- 525.0
    Mean --- --- --- 65.6
  • Details:

    • Set Class Range: setClassRange()
    • Set Data: setData()

5.3. Changing Columns for Output

  • PHP: examples/ChangeColumns.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $columns = [ 'Class', 'Frequency', ];
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [ 5, 10, 15, 20, 24, 27, 29, 30, 35, 40, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
        'columns2Show' => $columns,
    echo "# Changing Columns\n\n";
    echo "## Case1:\n\n";
    echo $ft->markdown() . "\n\n";
    $columns = [ 'Class', 'Frequency', 'RelativeFrequency', ];
    echo "## Case2:\n\n";
    echo $ft->setColumns2Show($columns)->markdown() . "\n\n";
    $columns = $ft->getValidColumns2Show();
    echo "## Case3:\n\n";
    echo $ft->setColumns2Show($columns)->meanOn()->markdown() . "\n\n";
  • Output: examples/

    # Changing Columns
    ## Case1:
    |0 ~ 10|1|
    |10 ~ 20|2|
    |20 ~ 30|4|
    |30 ~ 40|2|
    |40 ~ 50|1|
    ## Case2:
    |0 ~ 10|1|0.10|
    |10 ~ 20|2|0.20|
    |20 ~ 30|4|0.40|
    |30 ~ 40|2|0.20|
    |40 ~ 50|1|0.10|
    ## Case3:
    |Class|Frequency|CumulativeFrequency|RelativeFrequency|CumulativeRelativeFrequency|ClassValue|ClassValue * Frequency|Subtotal|RelativeSubtotal|CumulativeRelativeSubtotal|
    |0 ~ 10|1|1|0.10|0.10|5.0|5.0|5.00|0.02|0.02|
    |10 ~ 20|2|3|0.20|0.30|15.0|30.0|25.00|0.11|0.13|
    |20 ~ 30|4|7|0.40|0.70|25.0|100.0|100.00|0.43|0.55|
    |30 ~ 40|2|9|0.20|0.90|35.0|70.0|65.00|0.28|0.83|
    |40 ~ 50|1|10|0.10|1.00|45.0|45.0|40.00|0.17|1.00|
  • View: examples/

    Changing Columns


    Class Frequency
    0 ~ 10 1
    10 ~ 20 2
    20 ~ 30 4
    30 ~ 40 2
    40 ~ 50 1
    Total 10


    Class Frequency RelativeFrequency
    0 ~ 10 1 0.10
    10 ~ 20 2 0.20
    20 ~ 30 4 0.40
    30 ~ 40 2 0.20
    40 ~ 50 1 0.10
    Total 10 1.00


    Class Frequency CumulativeFrequency RelativeFrequency CumulativeRelativeFrequency ClassValue ClassValue * Frequency Subtotal RelativeSubtotal CumulativeRelativeSubtotal
    0 ~ 10 1 1 0.10 0.10 5.0 5.0 5.00 0.02 0.02
    10 ~ 20 2 3 0.20 0.30 15.0 30.0 25.00 0.11 0.13
    20 ~ 30 4 7 0.40 0.70 25.0 100.0 100.00 0.43 0.55
    30 ~ 40 2 9 0.20 0.90 35.0 70.0 65.00 0.28 0.83
    40 ~ 50 1 10 0.10 1.00 45.0 45.0 40.00 0.17 1.00
    Total 10 10 1.00 1.00 --- 250.0 235.00 1.00 1.00
    Mean --- --- --- --- --- 25.0 23.50 --- ---
  • Details:

    • Get Acceptable Columns: getValidColumns2Show()
    • Get Current Columns: getColumns2Show()
    • Set Columns: setColumns2Show()

5.4. Changing Language

English and Japanese are supported. (English as default)

  • PHP: examples/ChangeLang.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [ 5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
    echo "# Supported Languages\n\n";
    foreach ($ft->langs() as $index => $lang) {
        echo "## Language:[" . $lang . "]\n\n";
        echo $ft->lang($lang)->markdown() . "\n\n";
  • Output: examples/

    # Supported Languages
    ## Language:[eng]
    |Class|Frequency|CumulativeFrequency|RelativeFrequency|CumulativeRelativeFrequency|ClassValue|ClassValue * Frequency|Subtotal|RelativeSubtotal|CumulativeRelativeSubtotal|
    |0 ~ 10|1|1|0.14|0.14|5.0|5.0|5.00|0.04|0.04|
    |10 ~ 20|3|4|0.43|0.57|15.0|45.0|37.00|0.32|0.36|
    |20 ~ 30|2|6|0.29|0.86|25.0|50.0|45.00|0.38|0.74|
    |30 ~ 40|1|7|0.14|1.00|35.0|35.0|30.00|0.26|1.00|
    ## Language:[ja]
    |階級|度数|累積度数|相対度数|累積相対度数|階級値|階級値 × 度数|小計|相対小計|累積相対小計|
    |0 ~ 10|1|1|0.14|0.14|5.0|5.0|5.00|0.04|0.04|
    |10 ~ 20|3|4|0.43|0.57|15.0|45.0|37.00|0.32|0.36|
    |20 ~ 30|2|6|0.29|0.86|25.0|50.0|45.00|0.38|0.74|
    |30 ~ 40|1|7|0.14|1.00|35.0|35.0|30.00|0.26|1.00|
  • View: examples/

    Supported Languages


    Class Frequency CumulativeFrequency RelativeFrequency CumulativeRelativeFrequency ClassValue ClassValue * Frequency Subtotal RelativeSubtotal CumulativeRelativeSubtotal
    0 ~ 10 1 1 0.14 0.14 5.0 5.0 5.00 0.04 0.04
    10 ~ 20 3 4 0.43 0.57 15.0 45.0 37.00 0.32 0.36
    20 ~ 30 2 6 0.29 0.86 25.0 50.0 45.00 0.38 0.74
    30 ~ 40 1 7 0.14 1.00 35.0 35.0 30.00 0.26 1.00
    Total 7 7 1.00 1.00 --- 135.0 117.00 1.00 1.00
    Mean --- --- --- --- --- 19.3 16.71 --- ---


    階級 度数 累積度数 相対度数 累積相対度数 階級値 階級値 × 度数 小計 相対小計 累積相対小計
    0 ~ 10 1 1 0.14 0.14 5.0 5.0 5.00 0.04 0.04
    10 ~ 20 3 4 0.43 0.57 15.0 45.0 37.00 0.32 0.36
    20 ~ 30 2 6 0.29 0.86 25.0 50.0 45.00 0.38 0.74
    30 ~ 40 1 7 0.14 1.00 35.0 35.0 30.00 0.26 1.00
    合計 7 7 1.00 1.00 --- 135.0 117.00 1.00 1.00
    平均 --- --- --- --- --- 19.3 16.71 --- ---
  • Details:

    • Get Supported Langs: langs()
    • Get Current Lang: lang()
    • Set Lang:
      • English(default): lang('eng')
      • Japanese: lang('ja')

5.5. Saving data into CSV

  • PHP

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
  • Result: test.csv

    "Class","Frequency","RelativeFrequency","ClassValue","ClassValue * Frequency"
    "0 ~ 10","2","0.40","5.0","10.0"
    "10 ~ 20","2","0.40","15.0","30.0"
    "20 ~ 30","1","0.20","25.0","25.0"
  • Details:

    • There're 2 options for saving CSV.
      1. save(PATH): PATH must have .csv extension.

      2. csv(): params as follows

            string|null $path = null,
            string $quotation = '"',
            string $eol = "\n"
        • $path: File Path.
          • Bytes of csv file will be returned as type of int.
          • false will be returned when saving fails.
          • When null is given, csv will be returned as type of string.
        • $quotation: each values will be quoted with $quotation.
          • double quot(default): specify '"'
          • single quot: specify "'"
        • $eol: The end of each line will end with $eol.
          • "\n": LF (Line Feed)
          • "\r": CR (Carrige Return)
          • "\r\n": CRLF(Carrige Return + Line Feed)

        For example:

        echo $ft->csv(
            quotation: "'",
            eol: "\r\n",

        results in

        'Class','Frequency','RelativeFrequency','ClassValue','ClassValue * Frequency'
        '0 ~ 10','2','0.40','5.0','10.0'
        '10 ~ 20','2','0.40','15.0','30.0'
        '20 ~ 30','1','0.20','25.0','25.0'

5.6. Saving data into TSV

  • PHP

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
  • Result: test.tsv

    "Class"	"Frequency"	"RelativeFrequency"	"ClassValue"	"ClassValue * Frequency"
    "0 ~ 10"	"2"	"0.40"	"5.0"	"10.0"
    "10 ~ 20"	"2"	"0.40"	"15.0"	"30.0"
    "20 ~ 30"	"1"	"0.20"	"25.0"	"25.0"
    "Total"	"5"	"1.00"	"---"	"65.0"
    "Mean"	"---"	"---"	"---"	"13.0"
  • Details:

    • There're 2 options for saving TSV
      1. save(PATH): PATH must have .tsv extension.

      2. tsv(): params as follows

            string|null $path = null,
            string $quotation = '"',
            string $eol = "\n"
        • $path: File Path.
          • Bytes of tsv file will be returned as type of int.
          • false will be returned when saving fails.
          • When null is given, tsv will be returned as type of string.
        • $quotation: each values will be quoted with $quotation.
          • double quot(default): specify '"'
          • single quot: specify "'"
        • $eol: The end of each line will end with $eol.
          • "\n": LF (Line Feed)
          • "\r": CR (Carrige Return)
          • "\r\n": CRLF(Carrige Return + Line Feed)

        For example:

        echo $ft->tsv(
            quotation: "'",
            eol: "\r\n",

        results in

        'Class' 'Frequency'     'RelativeFrequency'     'ClassValue'    'ClassValue * Frequency'
        '0 ~ 10'        '2'     '0.40'  '5.0'   '10.0'
        '10 ~ 20'       '2'     '0.40'  '15.0'  '30.0'
        '20 ~ 30'       '1'     '0.20'  '25.0'  '25.0'
        'Total' '5'     '1.00'  '---'   '65.0'

5.7. Saving data into HTML

  • PHP

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
  • Result: test.html

    <tr><td>Class</td><td>Frequency</td><td>RelativeFrequency</td><td>ClassValue</td><td>ClassValue * Frequency</td></tr>
    <tr><td>0 ~ 10</td><td>2</td><td>0.40</td><td>5.0</td><td>10.0</td></tr>
    <tr><td>10 ~ 20</td><td>2</td><td>0.40</td><td>15.0</td><td>30.0</td></tr>
    <tr><td>20 ~ 30</td><td>1</td><td>0.20</td><td>25.0</td><td>25.0</td></tr>
  • View:

    • with css like this:

          table {
              border-collapse: separate;
              border-spacing: 0;
              border: 2px #666666 solid;
              border-radius: 12px;
              overflow: hidden;
          table tr:nth-child(odd) td {
              background-color: #eeeeee;
          table th {
              border-right: 1px #666666 solid;
              background-color: #0099dd;
              padding: 6px;
              white-space: nowrap;
              font-weight: bold;
              color: #ffffff;
          table td {
              border-right: 1px #666666 solid;
              background-color: #ffffff;
              padding: 6px;
              white-space: nowrap;
              color: #333333;
              text-align: center;
    • html view:


  • Details:

    • There're 2 options for saving html:
      1. save(PATH): PATH must have .html extension.
      2. html(PATH): param as follows
        html(string|null $path = null)
        • $path: File Path.
          • Bytes of html file will be returned as type of int.
          • false will be returned when saving fails.
          • When null is given, html will be returned as type of string.

5.8. Saving data into Markdown

  • PHP

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
  • Result:

    |Class|Frequency|RelativeFrequency|ClassValue|ClassValue * Frequency|
    |0 ~ 10|2|0.40|5.0|10.0|
    |10 ~ 20|2|0.40|15.0|30.0|
    |20 ~ 30|1|0.20|25.0|25.0|
  • View:

    Class Frequency RelativeFrequency ClassValue ClassValue * Frequency
    0 ~ 10 2 0.40 5.0 10.0
    10 ~ 20 2 0.40 15.0 30.0
    20 ~ 30 1 0.20 25.0 25.0
    Total 5 1.00 --- 65.0
    Mean --- --- --- 13.0
  • Details:

    • There're 2 options for saving markdown
      1. save(PATH): PATH must have .md extension.
      2. markdown(): param as follows.\
        markdown(string|null $path = null)
        • $path: File Path.
          • Bytes of markdown file will be returned as type of int.
          • false will be returned when saving fails.
          • When null is given, markdown will be returned as type of string.

5.9. Retrieving Parsed Data

You can also retrieve parsed data without showing Frequency Table.

Use parse() method. parse() method returns Hash Array as follows.

  • PHP

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
  • Result

        [classRange] => 10
        [data] => Array
                [0] => 0
                [1] => 5
                [2] => 10
                [3] => 15
                [4] => 20
        [Max] => 20
        [Min] => 0
        [DataRange] => 20
        [Mode] => 5
        [Total] => 5
        [Mean] => 13
        [Median] => 10
        [MedianClass] => Array
                [index] => 1
                [bottom] => 10
                [top] => 20
        [FirstQuartile] => 2.5
        [ThirdQuartile] => 17.5
        [InterQuartileRange] => 15
        [QuartileDeviation] => 7.5
        [Classes] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [bottom] => 0
                        [top] => 10
                [1] => Array
                        [bottom] => 10
                        [top] => 20
                [2] => Array
                        [bottom] => 20
                        [top] => 30
        [Frequencies] => Array
                [0] => 2
                [1] => 2
                [2] => 1
        [Subtotals] => Array
                [0] => 5
                [1] => 25
                [2] => 20
        [FrequencyTable] => Array
                [tableHead] => Array
                        [0] => Class
                        [1] => Frequency
                        [2] => RelativeFrequency
                        [3] => ClassValue
                        [4] => ClassValue * Frequency
                [classData] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [Class] => 0 ~ 10
                                [Frequency] => 2
                                [RelativeFrequency] => 0.40
                                [ClassValue] => 5.0
                                [ClassValue * Frequency] => 10.0
                        [1] => Array
                                [Class] => 10 ~ 20
                                [Frequency] => 2
                                [RelativeFrequency] => 0.40
                                [ClassValue] => 15.0
                                [ClassValue * Frequency] => 30.0
                        [2] => Array
                                [Class] => 20 ~ 30
                                [Frequency] => 1
                                [RelativeFrequency] => 0.20
                                [ClassValue] => 25.0
                                [ClassValue * Frequency] => 25.0
                [total] => Array
                        [Class] => Total
                        [Frequency] => 5
                        [RelativeFrequency] => 1.00
                        [ClassValue] => ---
                        [ClassValue * Frequency] => 65.0
                [mean] => Array
                        [Class] => Mean
                        [Frequency] => ---
                        [RelativeFrequency] => ---
                        [ClassValue] => ---
                        [ClassValue * Frequency] => 13.0

You can use the parsed data like this:

  • PHP

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'classRange' => 10,
        'data' => [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ],
    $parsed = $ft->parse();
    echo "Data:[" . implode(', ', $parsed['data']) . "]\n";
    echo "Max:" . $parsed['Max'] . "\n";
    echo "Min:" . $parsed['Min'] . "\n";
    echo "Median:" . $parsed['Median'] . "\n";
    echo "Median is in the class of "
         . $parsed['MedianClass']['bottom']
         . " ~ "
         . $parsed['MedianClass']['top'] . "\n";
    echo "Total:" . $parsed['Total'] . "\n";
    echo "Mean:" . $parsed['Mean'] . "\n";
    echo "Q1:" . $parsed['FirstQuartile'] . "\n";
    echo "Q3:" . $parsed['ThirdQuartile'] . "\n";
    echo "IQR:" . $parsed['InterQuartileRange'] . "\n";
    echo "QD:" . $parsed['QuartileDeviation'] . "\n";
  • Output

    Data:[0, 5, 10, 15, 20]
    Median is in the class of 10 ~ 20

5.10. Reverse Classes

You can set the list of classes in reverse order by using reverseClasses() method.

  • PHP:

    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    use Macocci7\PhpFrequencyTable\FrequencyTable;
    $ft = new FrequencyTable([
        'data' => [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, ],
        'classRange' => 10,
    echo $ft
  • Output:

    |Class|Frequency|RelativeFrequency|ClassValue|ClassValue * Frequency|
    |20 ~ 30|1|0.20|25.0|25.0|
    |10 ~ 20|2|0.40|15.0|30.0|
    |0 ~ 10|2|0.40|5.0|10.0|
  • View:

    Class Frequency RelativeFrequency ClassValue ClassValue * Frequency
    20 ~ 30 1 0.20 25.0 25.0
    10 ~ 20 2 0.40 15.0 30.0
    0 ~ 10 2 0.40 5.0 10.0
    Total 5 1.00 --- 65.0

6. Examples



Document Written: 2023/05/18

Last Updated: 2025/01/02

Copyright (c) 2023-2025 macocci7