mangopay / php-sdk-v2
- php: >=5.6
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-openssl: *
- psr/log: ^1.0|^2.0|^3.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^2.18
- phpunit/phpunit: >=5.7.27 <10
- dev-master
- 3.34.1
- 3.34.0
- 3.33.2
- 3.33.1
- 3.33.0
- 3.32.2
- 3.32.1
- 3.32.0
- 3.31.0
- 3.30.0
- 3.29.3
- 3.29.2
- 3.29.1
- 3.29.0
- 3.28.0
- 3.27.0
- 3.26.0
- 3.25.0
- 3.24.1
- 3.24.0
- 3.23.0
- 3.22.1
- 3.22.0
- 3.21.0
- 3.20.1
- 3.20.0
- 3.19.0
- 3.18.1
- 3.18.0
- 3.17.0
- 3.16.2
- 3.16.1
- 3.16.0
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- 3.14.1
- 3.14.0
- 3.13.0
- 3.12.0
- 3.11.0
- 3.10.1
- 3.10.0
- 3.9.0
- v3.8.0
- 3.7.1
- 3.7.0
- 3.6.0
- 3.5.0
- 3.4.2
- 3.4.1
- 3.4.0
- 3.3.0
- 3.2.0
- 3.1.6
- 3.1.5
- 3.1.4
- 3.1.3
- 3.1.2
- 3.1.1
- 3.1.0
- 3.0.0
- 2.13.2
- 2.13.1
- 2.13.0
- 2.12.2
- 2.12.1
- 2.12.0
- 2.11.0
- 2.10.1
- 2.10.0
- 2.9.2
- 2.9.1
- 2.9.0
- 2.8.1
- 2.8.0
- v2.7.1
- v2.7.0
- 2.6.4
- 2.6.3
- 2.6.1
- 2.6.0
- 2.5.3
- 2.5.2
- 2.5.1
- 2.5.0
- 2.4.4
- 2.4.3
- 2.4.2
- v2.4.1
- v2.4
- v2.3
- v2.2
- v2.1
- v2.0
- v1.7
- v1.6
- v1.5
- v1.4.3
- dev-improvement/payconiq
- dev-improvement/rate-limits
- dev-feature/card-holder-name
- dev-feature/new-pay-pal-parameters
- dev-improvement/github_actions
- dev-feature/conversions
- dev-feature/quoted_conversion
- dev-feature/conversions_quote
- dev-feature/configuration_for_UK
- dev-feature/add_fees_param
- dev-bugfix/fix_typo_in_conversion_endpoint
- dev-feature/bin_metadata_endpoint
- dev-feature/integrate-the-format-of-user-data
- dev-feature/get_card_validation
- dev-feature/implement_cardinfo
- dev-improvement/add_parameter_to_ideal_endpoint
- dev-feature/handle-partial-refund
- dev-improvement/add-reference-to-paypal
- dev-feature/ideal-and-giropay-mops
- dev-feature/spot-fx-endpoints
- dev-bugfix/linter-3.22.0
- dev-rel/3.22.0
- dev-improvement/mbway-paypal-execution-type
- dev-feature/paypal-v2
- dev-bugfix/linter-error
- dev-feature/mbway-payin
- dev-feature/dispute-closed-date
- dev-bugfix/auth
- dev-feature/partnership
- dev-feature/deposits
- dev-bugfix/failing-tests
- dev-feature/country-authorizations
- dev-feature/free-cycles
- dev-revert-558-feature/UserCategory
- dev-feature/UserCategory
- dev-feature/UsersTermsAndConditions
- dev-feature/payout_features
- dev-feature/update_logger
- dev-feature/RecurringPaymentNewFields
- dev-feature/payconiq_payments
- dev-bugfix/PayOutBankWireFix
- dev-feature/update_recurring_payments
- dev-feature/NewEventTypePreAuth
- dev-feature/name_improving_rate_limits
- dev-feature/change_ibans
- dev-feature/Requested3DSVersion
- dev-feature/add_userId_in_ubodeclaration
- dev-bugfix/payin_api_correlation
- dev-feature/addnamesinshippingandbilling
- dev-feature/PayoutModeRequested
- dev-bugfix/RegulatoryDeserializeError
- dev-bugfix/RestToolParamFix
- dev-feature/browserinfo-ip-address-regulatory-shipping
- dev-feature/new_secure_mode
- dev-feature/new-hooks
- dev-feature/user-block-status
- dev-fix/remove-testing-versions
- dev-feature/client-fees-wallet
- dev-feature/pre-authorization-transactions
- dev-bugfix/issue_420
- dev-fix/travis-tests
- dev-test-ci
- dev-release
- dev-feature/card-validity
- dev-feature/remaining-funds
- dev-feature/change_user_agent_format
- dev-feature/tls12
- dev-feature/add_kyc_status_out_of_date
- dev-bugfix/resttool/fix
- dev-feature/add_remaining_funds_field_in_preauthorization_object
- dev-feature/multicapture
- dev-feature/add_card_validity_support
- dev-bugfix/ubodeclaration/create-ubo
- dev-add_new_enum_values_for_eventType
- dev-issue/multi-currency-usage-is-not-authorized
- dev-feature/user_kyc_regular
- dev-add-account-number-support-for-payins
- dev-feature/PaypalPayinsCulturePropertyPaypal
- dev-add-google-pay-support
- dev-mickaelpois-disputetestfix
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-28 15:25:05 UTC
MangopaySDK is a PHP client library to work with Mangopay REST API.
Compatibility Notes
- Since v2.1 of this SDK, you must be using at least v2.01 of the API (more information about the changes required)
- If you experience problems with authentification and/or the temporary token file following an SDK update (particularly updating to v2.0 of the SDK), you may need to just delete your temporary file (that you specify with
) - which allows it to be regenerated correctly the next time it's needed
To use this SDK, you will need (as a minimum):
- PHP 5.6 or newer
- cURL (included and enabled in a standard PHP distribution)
- OpenSSL (included and enabled in a standard PHP distribution)
- psr/log v1.0
- You do not have to use Composer, but you are strongly advised to (particularly for handling the dependency on the PSR Log library)
Installation with Composer
You can use Mangopay SDK library as a dependency in your project with Composer (which is the preferred technique). Follow these installation instructions if you do not already have Composer installed. A composer.json file is available in the repository and it has been referenced from Packagist.
The installation with Composer is easy and reliable:
Step 1 - Add the Mangopay SDK as a dependency by executing the following command:
you@yourhost:/path/to/your-project$ composer require mangopay/php-sdk-v2
Step 2 - Update your dependencies with Composer
you@yourhost:/path/to/your-project$ composer update
Step 3 - Finally, be sure to include the autoloader in your project
require_once '/path/to/your-project/vendor/autoload.php';
The Library has been added into your dependencies and is ready to be used.
Installation without Composer
The project attempts to comply with PSR-4 specification for autoloading classes from file paths. As a namespace prefix is MangoPay\
with base directory /path/to/your-project/
If you're not using PSR-4 or Composer, the installation is as easy as downloading the library and storing it under any location that will be available for including in your project (don't forget to include the required library dependencies though):
require_once '/path/to/your-project/MangoPay/Autoloader.php';
Alternatively you can download the package in its entirety (ie with all required dependencies) from the Releases page (look for the mangopay2-php-sdk-[RELEASE_NAME].zip
Uncompress the zip file you download, and include the autoloader in your project:
require_once '/path/to/your-project/mangopay2-php-sdk/vendor/autoload.php';
MangopaySDK is distributed under MIT license, see the LICENSE file.
Unit Tests
Tests are placed under /path/to/your-project/tests/
The /tests/suites/all.php
suite runs ALL tests.
You can also use any of /tests/cases/*.php
to run a single test case.
Report bugs or suggest features using issue tracker on GitHub.
Account creation
You can get yourself a free sandbox account or sign up for a production account by registering on the Mangopay site (note that validation of your production account involves several steps, so think about doing it in advance of when you actually want to go live).
Using the credential info from the signup process above, you should then set $api->Config->ClientId
to your Mangopay ClientId and $api->Config->ClientPassword
to your Mangopay APIKey.
You also need to set a folder path in $api->Config->TemporaryFolder
that SDK needs
to store temporary files. This path should be outside your www folder.
It could be /tmp/
or /var/tmp/
or any other location that PHP can write to.
You must use different folders for your sandbox and production environments.
is set to sandbox environment by default. To enable production
environment, set it to
require_once '/path/to/your-project/vendor/autoload.php'; $api = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi(); // configuration $api->Config->ClientId = 'your-client-id'; $api->Config->ClientPassword = 'your-client-password'; $api->Config->TemporaryFolder = '/some/path/'; //$api->Config->BaseUrl = '';//uncomment this to use the production environment //uncomment any of the following to use a custom value (these are all entirely optional) //$api->Config->CurlResponseTimeout = 20;//The cURL response timeout in seconds (its 30 by default) //$api->Config->CurlConnectionTimeout = 60;//The cURL connection timeout in seconds (its 80 by default) //$api->Config->CertificatesFilePath = ''; //Absolute path to file holding one or more certificates to verify the peer with (if empty, there won't be any verification of the peer's certificate) // call some API methods... try { $users = $api->Users->GetAll(); } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) { // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails() } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) { // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage() }
Sample usage
require_once '/path/to/your-project/vendor/autoload.php'; $api = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi(); // configuration $api->Config->ClientId = 'your-client-id'; $api->Config->ClientPassword = 'your-client-password'; $api->Config->TemporaryFolder = '/some/path/'; // get some user by id try { $john = $api->Users->Get($someId); } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) { // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails() } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) { // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage() } // change and update some of his data $john->LastName .= " - CHANGED"; try { $api->Users->Update($john); } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) { // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails() } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) { // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage() } // get all users (with pagination) $pagination = new MangoPay\Pagination(1, 8); // get 1st page, 8 items per page try { $users = $api->Users->GetAll($pagination); } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) { // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails() } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) { // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage() } // get his bank accounts $pagination = new MangoPay\Pagination(2, 10); // get 2nd page, 10 items per page try { $accounts = $api->Users->GetBankAccounts($john->Id, $pagination); } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\ResponseException $e) { // handle/log the response exception with code $e->GetCode(), message $e->GetMessage() and error(s) $e->GetErrorDetails() } catch(MangoPay\Libraries\Exception $e) { // handle/log the exception $e->GetMessage() }
Sample usage with Composer in a Symfony project
You can integrate Mangopay features in a Service in your Symfony project.
MangoPayService.php :
<?php namespace Path\To\Service; use MangoPay; class MangoPayService { private $mangoPayApi; public function __construct() { $this->mangoPayApi = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi(); $this->mangoPayApi->Config->ClientId = 'your-client-id'; $this->mangoPayApi->Config->ClientPassword = 'your-client-password'; $this->mangoPayApi->Config->TemporaryFolder = '/some/path/'; //$this->mangoPayApi->Config->BaseUrl = ''; } /** * Create Mangopay User * @return MangopPayUser $mangoUser */ public function getMangoUser() { $mangoUser = new \MangoPay\UserNatural(); $mangoUser->PersonType = "NATURAL"; $mangoUser->FirstName = 'John'; $mangoUser->LastName = 'Doe'; $mangoUser->Birthday = 1409735187; $mangoUser->Nationality = "FR"; $mangoUser->CountryOfResidence = "FR"; $mangoUser->Email = ''; //Send the request $mangoUser = $this->mangoPayApi->Users->Create($mangoUser); return $mangoUser; } }
MangoPay uses the PSR3 LoggerInterface. You can provide your own logger to the API. Here is a sample showing Monolog integration :
use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler; ... $logger = new Logger('sample-logger'); $logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($logConfig['path'], Logger::DEBUG)); $this->mangoPayApi = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi(); $this->mangoPayApi->setLogger($logger);
Verifying rate limits status
According to API docs (, MangoPay is providing a way of verifying how many API calls were made, how many are left and when the counter will be reset. So there are 4 groups of rate limits available:
- Last 15 minutes:
- Last 30 minutes
- Last 60 minutes
- Last 24 hours
This information is available from the MangoPayApi instance, like in the following example:
<?php namespace Path\To\Service; use MangoPay; class MangoPayService { /** * @var MangoPay\MangoPayApi */ private $mangoPayApi; public function __construct() { $this->mangoPayApi = new MangoPay\MangoPayApi(); $this->mangoPayApi->Config->ClientId = 'your-client-id'; $this->mangoPayApi->Config->ClientPassword = 'your-client-password'; $this->mangoPayApi->Config->TemporaryFolder = '/some/path/'; //$this->mangoPayApi->Config->BaseUrl = ''; } public function verifyRateLimits() { // This is an array of 4 RateLimit objects. $rateLimits = $this->mangoPayApi->RateLimits; print "\nThere were " . $rateLimits[0]->CallsMade . " calls made in the last 15 minutes"; print "\nYou can do " . $rateLimits[0]->CallsRemaining . " more calls in the next 15 minutes"; print "\nThe 60 minutes counter will reset at " . date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $rateLimits[0]->ResetTimeTimestamp); print "\nThere were " . $rateLimits[2]->CallsMade . " calls made in the last 60 minutes"; print "\nYou can do " . $rateLimits[2]->CallsRemaining . " more calls in the next 60 minutes"; print "\nThe 60 minutes counter will reset at " . date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z", $rateLimits[2]->ResetTimeTimestamp); } }