
Laravel command that interactively helps you translate missing keys.

1.0.0 2014-12-25 23:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 22:46:10 UTC


Laravel command that interactively helps you translate missing keys.


Laravel Translator screenshot


Add the following line to your composer.json file under require:

"mariuzzo/laravel-translator": "1.0.*"

Then run:

composer update

Add the service provider into your Laravel app (app/config/app.php):

'providers' => array(

That's it!


This project comes with a single command which start the translator. The translator will ask what you want to do.

php artisan translator:start

Warning: Saving translation changes to disk will overwrite all lang files.


The Laravel Translator command allows you to:

  • Check for missing translation lines.
  • Translate interactively missing translation lines.
  • Save changes to disk.

How to contribute?

All help are more than welcome!

Development Workflow

  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Clone your fork and create a feature branch from develop.

    git checkout develop 
    git checkout -b feature-fancy-name
  3. Install development dependencies.

    composer update
  4. Code and be happy!

  5. Submit a pull request.


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