
A collection of basic value objects.

0.2.2 2015-02-14 16:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 23:50:52 UTC


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A small collection of the most basic value objects. These can help make your code more expressive, and save some manual validation.


All the available versions is visible on Packagist.

Via Composer

$ composer require martindilling/basicvalueobjects


Using these value objects you can type-hint method arguments to make it more sure the arguments will be given in the right format.

In this example the fields will hold instances of the value objects.

use BasicValueObjects\String;
use BasicValueObjects\Integer;
use BasicValueObjects\Boolean;

class CrewMember
    /** @var \BasicValueObjects\String */
    private $firstname;

    /** @var \BasicValueObjects\String */
    private $lastname;

    /** @var \BasicValueObjects\Integer */
    private $age;

    /** @var \BasicValueObjects\Boolean */
    private $captain;

    function __construct(String $firstname, String $lastname, Integer $age, Boolean $captain)
        $this->firstname = $firstname;
        $this->lastname  = $lastname;
        $this->age       = $age;
        $this->captain   = $captain;

$person = new CrewMember(
    new String('Malcolm'),
    new String('Reynolds'),
    new Integer(49),

If you don't want the fields on the object to hold the instances but want the type-hinting, you can just assign the native value of the value object to the fields:

use BasicValueObjects\String;
use BasicValueObjects\Integer;
use BasicValueObjects\Boolean;

class CrewMember
    /** @var string */
    private $firstname;

    /** @var string */
    private $lastname;

    /** @var int */
    private $age;

    /** @var bool */
    private $captain;

    function __construct(String $firstname, String $lastname, Integer $age, Boolean $captain)
        $this->firstname = $firstname->native();
        $this->lastname  = $lastname->native();
        $this->age       = $age->native();
        $this->captain   = $captain->native();

$person = new CrewMember(
    new String('River'),
    new String('Tam'),
    new Integer('28'),

Demonstration of how to work with the value objects:

// String
$shiny = new String("Everything's shiny, Cap'n. Not to fret.");
$fool  = new String("Oh, she'll fool ya.");

$shiny->native();       // (string) Everything's shiny, Cap'n. Not to fret.
$fool->__toString();    // (string) Oh, she'll fool ya.
$shiny->equals($fool);  // (bool) false

// Integer
$integer1 = new Integer(42);
$integer2 = new Integer(37);

$integer1->native();           // (integer) 42
$integer2->__toString();       // (string) 37
$integer1->equals($integer2);  // (bool) false

// Boolean
$boolean1 = new Boolean(true);
$boolean2 = new Boolean(Boolean::TRUE);
$boolean3 = Boolean::false();

$boolean1->native();           // (bool) true
$boolean2->__toString();       // (string) true
$boolean1->equals($boolean2);  // (bool) true
$boolean1->equals($boolean3);  // (bool) false


$ phpunit


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.