
Library to create command line utilities

1.0.3 2013-01-01 16:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 12:19:29 UTC


PHP 5.3+ library to create command line utilities.

Build Status


In cli.php:


class HelloCommand extends ConsoleKit\Command
    public function execute(array $args, array $options = array())
        $this->writeln('hello world!', ConsoleKit\Colors::GREEN);

$console = new ConsoleKit\Console();

In the shell:

$ php cli.php hello
hello world!

More examples in example.php


The easiest way to install ConsoleKit is using Composer with the following requirement:

    "require": {
        "maximebf/consolekit": ">=1.0.0"

Alternatively, you can download the archive and add the src/ folder to PHP's include path:

set_include_path('/path/to/src' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());

ConsoleKit does not provide an autoloader but follows the PSR-0 convention.
You can use the following snippet to autoload ConsoleKit classes:

spl_autoload_register(function($className) {
    if (substr($className, 0, 10) === 'ConsoleKit') {
        $filename = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, trim($className, '\\')) . '.php';
        require_once $filename;


Options parser

The default options parser parses an argv-like array. Items can be of the form:

  • --key=value
  • --key
  • -a
  • -ab (equivalent of -a -b)

When an option has no value, true will be used. If multiple key/value pairs with the same key are specified, the "key" value will be an array containing all the values.
If "--" is detected, all folowing values will be treated as a single argument

Example: the string "-a -bc --longopt --key=value arg1 arg2 -- --any text" will produce the following two arrays:

$args = array('arg1', 'arg2', '--any text');
$options = array('a' => true, 'b' => true, 'c' => true, 'longopt' => true, 'key' => 'value');

Creating commands

Any callbacks can be a command. It will receive three parameters: the arguments array, the options array and the console object.

function my_command($args, $opts, $console) {
    $console->writeln("hello world!");

Commands can also be defined as classes. In this case, they must inherit from ConsoleKit\Command and override the execute() method.

class MyCommand extends ConsoleKit\Command {
    public function execute(array $args, array $opts) {
        $this->writeln("hello world!");

The ConsoleKit\Command class offers helper methods, check it out for more info.

Registering commands

Commands need to be registered in the console object using the addCommand() method (or addCommands()).

$console = new ConsoleKit\Console();
$console->addCommand('my_command'); // the my_command function
$console->addCommand('MyCommand'); // the MyCommand class
$console->addCommand(function() { echo 'hello!'; }, 'hello'); // using a closure
// or:
$console->addCommand('hello', function() { echo 'hello!'; }); // alternative when using a closure

Notice that in the last example we have provided a second argument which is an alias for a command. As closures have no name, one must be specified.

The command name for functions is the same as the function name with underscores replaced by dashes (ie. my_command becomes my-command).

The command name for command classes is the short class name without the Command suffix and "dashized" (ie. HelloWorldCommand becomes hello-world).


Simply call the run() method of the console object

$console->run(array('custom arg1', 'custom arg2')); // overrides $_SERVER['argv']

Automatic help generation

The help command is automatically registered and provides help about available methods based on doc comments.
Check out example.php for example of available tags

$ php myscript.php help

Formating text


The ConsoleKit\Colors::colorize() method provides an easy way to colorize a text. Colors are defined as either a string or an integer (through constants of the Colors class).
Available colors: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white.

Foreground colors are also available in a "bold" variant. Suffix the color name with "+bold" or use the OR bit operator with constants.

echo Colors::colorize('my red text', Colors::RED);
echo Colors::colorize('my red text', 'red');

echo Colors::colorize('my red bold text', Colors::RED | Colors::BOLD);
echo Colors::colorize('my red bold text', 'red+bold');

echo Colors::colorize('my red text over yellow background', Colors::RED, Colors::YELLOW);


The ConsoleKit\TextFormater class allows you to format text using the following options:

  • indentation using setIndent() or the indent option
  • quoting using setQuote() or the quote option
  • foreground color using setFgColor() or the fgcolor option
  • background color using setBgColor() or the bgcolor option

Options can be defined using setOptions() or as the first parameter of the constructor.

$formater = new ConsoleKit\TextFormater(array('quote' => ' > '));
echo $formater->format("hello!");
// produces: " > hello"



Used to interact with the user

$dialog = new ConsoleKit\Widgets\Dialog($console);
$name = $dialog->ask('What is your name?');
if ($dialog->confirm('Are you sure?')) {
    $console->writeln("hello $name");


Wraps text in a box

$box = new ConsoleKit\Widgets\Box($console, 'my text');


*                 my text                  *

Progress bar

Displays a progress bar

$total = 100;
$progress = new ConsoleKit\Widgets\ProgressBar($console, $total);
for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {