
Database anonymizer bundle.

dev-master 2023-01-18 11:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 20:52:31 UTC


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Why ?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes strict rules in the domain of information storage and treatment. You must not treat the users' personal data unless there is a strong necessity. In case you want to dump a production database in order to use it during development you cannot store or use peronal data in a dumped database anymore. You must delete or anonymize personal information before importing a production database in your developpment setting.

How ?

This bundle is based on our database anonymizer library which in turn relies on Faker. After installation the command webnet-fr:anonymizer:anonymize will be available in your application.

Anonymize the database using a specified connection and a specified config file:

php bin/console webnet-fr:anonymizer:anonymize --connection=<name of connection> --config=<config file path>

Anonymize the database using a specified connection and a default bundle config:

php bin/console webnet-fr:anonymizer:anonymize --connection=<name of connection>

Anonymize the database using a default connection and a specified config file:

php bin/console webnet-fr:anonymizer:anonymize --config=<config file path>

Anonymize the database using a default connection and a default bundle config:

php bin/console webnet-fr:anonymizer:anonymize 

How to install ?

Require the bundle:

composer require webnet-fr/database-anonymizer-bundle

Activate it. Here is an example for Symfony 4:

// config/bundles.php 

return [
    // ...
    WebnetFr\DatabaseAnonymizerBundle\WebnetFrDatabaseAnonymizerBundle::class => ['dev' => true],
# config/dev/webnet_fr_database_anonymizer.yaml
    # configuration

How to configure the fields to anonymize ?

Check out how to configure the fields to anonymize of the database anonymizer library. The bundle provides you with the same configuration with one addition: you can configure anonymization par each connection.

  • Configuration of one default connection:
# packages/dev/webnet_fr_anonymizer.yaml
    # using default connection
        <table name>:
            primary_key: <primary key field>
                <field name>:
                    generator: <generator>
# packages/doctrine.yaml
    # default
        # driver, host, user, password, etc.
  • Configuration of multiple connections:
# packages/dev/webnet_fr_anonymizer.yaml
                <table name>:
                    primary_key: <primary key field>
                        <field name>:
                            generator: <generator>

                <table name>:
                    primary_key: <primary key field>
                        <field name>:
                            generator: <generator>
# packages/doctrine.yaml
        default_connection: user_database
                # driver, host, user, password, etc.

                # driver, host, user, password, etc.
  • Using annotations:

If you create entities you can configure anonymization with annotations :

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use WebnetFr\DatabaseAnonymizerBundle\Annotation as Anonymize;

 * @ORM\Table(name="orders")
 * @ORM\Entity
 * This annotation marks the entities to anonymize.
 * @Anonymize\Table()
class Orders
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false, options={"unsigned"=true})
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    public $id;

     * @ORM\Column(name="address", type="string", length=256, nullable=true)
     * @Anonymize\Field(generator="faker", formatter="address")
    public $address;

     * @ORM\Column(name="zip_code", type="string", length=10, nullable=true)
     * @Anonymize\Field(generator="faker", formatter="postcode")
    public $zipCode;

     * @ORM\Column(name="comment", type="text", length=0, nullable=true)
     * @Anonymize\Field(generator="faker", formatter="text", arguments={300})
    public $comment;

     * @ORM\Column(name="created_at", type="datetime", nullable=true)
     * @Anonymize\Field(generator="faker", formatter="dateTime", date_format="Y-m-d H:i:s")
    public $createdAt;

     * @ORM\Column(name="comment_history", type="array", nullable=true)
     * A custom generator with its custom arguments.
     * @Anonymize\Field(generator="comment_history", max_messages_nb=5)
    public $commentHistory;

How add your own custom generator ?

If you are not satisfied by the generators Faker gives you you can always add your own.

Imagine you have an entity that stores the users' orders:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * Users' orders.
 * @ORM\Table(name="orders")
 * @ORM\Entity
class Orders
     * History of all user's comments. 
     * @var string[]
     * @ORM\Column(name="comments", type="array", nullable=true)
    public $comments;

And you would like to anonymize each comment in this array:

        # ...

                # ...
                    generator: comment_history # your generator

In most cases you'll have to add two classes:

  1. A factory:
namespace App\DatabaseAnonymizer;

use Faker\Factory;
use WebnetFr\DatabaseAnonymizer\Exception\UnsupportedGeneratorException;
use WebnetFr\DatabaseAnonymizer\Generator\GeneratorInterface;
use WebnetFr\DatabaseAnonymizer\GeneratorFactory\GeneratorFactoryInterface;

 * The factory that creates a generator out of provided configuration.
 * It is a Symfony service.
class CommentHistoryGeneratorFactory implements GeneratorFactoryInterface
     * @param array $config
     *        An array of the configuration for field to anonymize. It contains
     *        all specified entries, like "generator", "unique", "date_format",
     *        "my_custom_entry", etc.
     * @throws \WebnetFr\DatabaseAnonymizer\Exception\UnsupportedGeneratorException
     *          The factory MUST throw "UnsupportedGeneratorException" if it is
     *          impossible to create the generator for provided configuration.
     * @return GeneratorInterface
    public function getGenerator($config): GeneratorInterface
        // Check if the field should be anonymized with "comment_history" encoder.
        $generatorKey = $config['generator'];
        if ('comment_history' !== $generatorKey) {
            throw new UnsupportedGeneratorException($generatorKey.' generator is not known');

        // Retrieve any configuration values you need.
        $locale = $config['locale'] ?? 'en_US';
        $minMessagesNb = $config['min_messages_nb'] ?? 1;
        $maxMessagesNb = $config['max_messages_nb'] ?? 10;
        // Create and configure generator.
        // Usually there is ONE generator instance for ONE field to anonymize
        // because there could be different config values for differet fields
        // even though these fields are anoymized with the same 
        // "comment_history" generator.
        $faker = Factory::create($locale);
        $generator = new CommentHistoryGenerator($faker);

        return $generator;

Since CommentHistoryGeneratorFactory is a Symfony service it can depend on any other service (for example on UserPasswordEncoderInterface to be able to encode passwords).

If you use autodiscover and autoconfiguraiton of Symfony services that is all you need. Otherwise you need to register the factory as a service:

        tags: ["database_anonymizer.generator_factory"]
  1. A generator:

namespace App\DatabaseAnonymizer;

use Faker\Generator;
use WebnetFr\DatabaseAnonymizer\Generator\GeneratorInterface;

 * Anonmyizer generator that generates comment history.
class CommentHistoryGenerator implements GeneratorInterface
     * Faker generator
     * @var Generator
    private $faker;

     * Minimum number of comments in history.
     * @var int
    private $minMessagesNb = 1;

     * Maximum number of comments in history.
     * @var int
    private $maxMessagesNb = 10;
    // Constructors, setters.

     * Generates new random value for each line.
    public function generate()
        $comments = [];
        foreach (range(0, mt_rand(1, 10)) as $i) {
            $comments[] = $this->faker->realText();

        return serialize($comments);