mechastorm / laravel-lang-google-spreadsheet-importer
Laravel Artisan Command to generate Laravel Languages files from a Google Spreadsheet
- php: >=5.4.0
- illuminate/support: 4.2.*
- mechastorm/google-spreadsheet-exporter: 1.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-11 04:13:53 UTC
A Laravel (4.1 and above) package in an artisan command, which generates Laravel Languages files from a Google Spreadsheet.
It will
This library serves to simply interface with the Laravel framework. The bulk of the actual work is being done by key dependecies.
- Laravel >4.1
- PHP >5.4
- Composer Dependencies
- Google Spreadsheet Exporter - This is where the bulk of the logic lies. So majority of the documenation on the format of the spreadsheet and how it is being parse can be found there
- Google Spreadsheet API Client
- The official Google Api Client
- A readable Google Spreadsheet
- The Spreadsheet MUST be the new format (aka Google Sheets) to be compatible
- Must be shared with the client email (further details on how to generate one below)
The aim is to
- Avoid hard coding copy text
- Reduce the dev cycle required when doing edits to copy text
- Nicely handle multiple translations of a copy text
Further background can be found under the Google Spreadsheet Exporter. Especially read up on setting up your Google API client credentials.
- Finalize codebase via usage on a Laravel Application
- Documentaion
- How to setup Google API credentials
- Usage
- Contributing
- PhpUnit Tests
Installation is primary via composer.
Create a composer.json file in your project and add the following:
{ "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }, { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ], "require": { "mechastorm/laravel-lang-google-spreadsheet-importer": "1.*" } }
1. Add to service provider
Once you have the package installed you'll need to add it to your providers in app/config/app.php
'providers' => array( 'Mechastorm\LaravelLangGoogleSpreadsheetImporter\LaravelLangGoogleSpreadsheetImporterServiceProvider', ),
Then confirm the artisan command exist by running php artisan list
and check if there is a command for google-spreadsheet:generate-lang
in the output.
2. Publish Configuration and Configure
It's recommended that you publish the packages configuration.
php artisan config:publish mechastorm/laravel-lang-google-spreadsheet-importer
You should open app/config/packages/mechastorm/laravel-lang-google-spreadsheet-importer/config.php and add in details on your spreadsheet and google api access. For details on what/how to add these configs, go to this main readme for more info especially on getting Google API credentials.
It is strong recommended to do separate configurations per environment.
Assuming you have already installed and configured it correctly, you can just run the artisan command to generate the language files
php artisan google-spreadsheet:generate-lang
or with enviroment
php artisan google-spreadsheet:generate-lang --env={env_name}
Coming Soon!
- Shih Oon Liong (@mechastorm)
Released under the Apache 2.0 license.