
Melis Platform front module

Installs: 4 625

Dependents: 7

Suggesters: 3

Security: 1

Stars: 2

Watchers: 8

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 2



MelisFront is the engine that displays website hosted on Melis Platform.
It deals with showing pages, plugins, URL rewritting, search optimization and SEO, etc.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your machine.


You will need to install melisplatform/melis-engine and melisplatform/melis-asset-manager in order to have this module running.
This will automatically be done when using composer.


Run the composer command:

composer require melisplatform/melis-front

Tools & Elements provided

  • Services to update SEO and ressources from templating plugins
  • Listenners for SEO, 404 and URL rewritting
  • Templating plugins: MelisTag, Breadcrumb, Menu, Search, ListFolder, Drag'n'drop zone
  • Special URLs, sitemap

Running the code

See Full documentation on implementing a website here

MelisFront Templating Plugins

MelisFront provides many plugins to be used in page's edition:

  • MelisFrontTagHtmlPlugin / MelisFrontTagTextareaPlugin / MelisFrontTagMediaPlugin
    This plugin must be called through the use of its helper: MelisTagsHelper.
    File: /melis-front/src/View/Helper/MelisTagsHelper.php
// This code will display an editable zone, linked to the current page
// with id about_part1_text, will load the html plugin and therefore a tinyMCE HTML configuration
echo $this->MelisTag($this->idPage, 'about_part1_text', 'html', 
                	 '<div>The default text to be shown in the back office</div>')   	
  • MelisFrontMenuPlugin
    This plugin is made to generate menu for websites.
    File: /melis-front/src/Controller/Plugin/MelisFrontMenuPlugin.php
// Get the plugin
$menuPlugin = $this->MelisFrontMenuPlugin();

// Add some parameters
$menuParameters = array(
	'template_path' => 'MelisDemoCms/plugin/menu', // template to use for rendering
	'pageIdRootMenu' => 1,  // If homepage is ID 1
// render the view
$menu = $menuPlugin->render($menuParameters);

// Add the generated view as a child view by the name "siteMenu"
$this->layout()->addChild($menu, 'siteMenu');
  • MelisFrontBreadcrumbPlugin
    This plugin is made to generate a breadcrumb for websites. File: /melis-front/src/Controller/Plugin/MelisFrontBreadcrumbPlugin.php
// Get the plugin
$breadcrumbPlugin = $this->MelisFrontBreadcrumbPlugin();

// Add some parameters
$breadcrumbParameters = array(
	'template_path' => 'MelisDemoCms/plugin/breadcrumb', // template to use for rendering
	'pageIdRootBreadcrumb' => 1,// If homepage is ID 1

// render the view
$breadcrumb = $breadcrumbPlugin->render($breadcrumbParameters);

// Add the generated view as a child view by the name "pageBreadcrumb"
$this->layout()->addChild($breadcrumb, 'pageBreadcrumb');
  • MelisFrontShowListFromFolderPlugin
    This plugin is made to list subpages (folder) from the treeview.
    It can be used to list subpages as a submenu and bring some content as well.
    File: /melis-front/src/Controller/Plugin/MelisFrontShowListFromFolderPlugin.php
// Get the plugin
$showListForFolderPlugin = $this->MelisFrontShowListFromFolderPlugin();

// Add some parameters
$menuParameters = array(
    'template_path' => 'MelisDemoCms/plugin/testimonial-slider', // will list the subpages with a slider style template
    'pageIdFolder' => 2, // will list subpages of page 2

// render the view
$listView = $showListForFolderPlugin->render($menuParameters);

// Add the generated view as a child view by the name "testimonialList"
$this->view->addChild($listView, 'testimonialList');
  • MelisFrontSearchResultsPlugin
    This plugin is made to display the search results based on ZEnd_Search.
    File: /melis-front/src/Controller/Plugin/MelisFrontSearchResultsPlugin.php
// Get the plugin
$searchResults = $this->MelisFrontSearchResultsPlugin();

// Add some parameters
$searchParameters = array(
    'template_path' => 'MelisDemoCms/plugin/search-results', // template used
    'siteModuleName' => 'MelisDemoCms', // Site Index to search in
    'pagination' => array(  // pagination parameters
        'nbPerPage' => 10, 
        'nbPageBeforeAfter' => 3
// render the view
$searchView = $searchResults->render($searchParameters);

// Add the generated view as a child view by the name "searchresults"
$this->view->addChild($searchView, 'searchresults');
  • MelisFrontDragDropZonePlugin
    This plugin must be called through the use of its helper: MelisDragDropZoneHelper.
    File: /melis-front/src/View/Helper/MelisDragDropZoneHelper.php
// Creation of a dragdropzone link to the pageId and with id "dragdropzone_zone_1"
echo $this->MelisDragDropZone($this->idPage, "dragdropzone_zone_1");

See Full documentation on templating plugins here

MelisFront Services

MelisFront provides many services to be used in other modules:

  • MelisSiteConfigService
    Provides services to retrieve the config for your sites.
    File: /melis-front/src/Service/MelisSiteConfigService.php

    MelisFrontSiteConfigListener used to update the site's config on the regular config service by merging the config from the file and the one on the database.

    • getSiteConfigByKey(key, section = 'sites', language = null)
      This function retrieves a specific config by key.

      To call the service.

      $siteConfigSvc = $this->getServiceManager()->get('MelisSiteConfigService');

      To get a specific key of the current site and the language of the page with id 1

      $siteConfigSvc = $this->getServiceManager()->get('MelisSiteConfigService');
      $config = $siteConfigSvc->getSiteConfigByKey('key', 1);

      But what if we wanted to get the key from another language of the current site? We can achieve this by defining the language on where to get the config.

      $siteConfigSvc = $this->getServiceManager()->get('MelisSiteConfigService');
      $config = $siteConfigSvc->getSiteConfigByKey('key', 1,'sites', 'fr');
      // The language of the page is now overridden by the specified language.

      We can also get a particular key from another site by using the site Id.

      $siteConfigSvc = $this->getServiceManager()->get('MelisSiteConfigService');
      $config = $siteConfigSvc->getSiteConfigByKey('key', 1, 1);
      // Return all the values of the specified key from all languages from the site with id 1.
      // The expected output is an array of values from different languages
      $config = $siteConfigSvc->getSiteConfigByKey('key', 1, 1, 'fr');
      // Return all the values of the specified key for the French language from the site with id 1.

      There is also a different section apart from sites. Currently, we have two sections which are sites and allSites.

      $siteConfigSvc = $this->getServiceManager()->get('MelisSiteConfigService');
      $config = $siteConfigSvc->getSiteConfigByKey('key', 1, 'allSites');
      // Returns the key from the allSites section of the config
      // Language for the page is not applied but still used to get the site id and name to map for the config
  • MelisSiteTranslationService
    Provides services to translate text and list all site translations
    File: /melis-front/src/Service/MelisSiteTranslationService.php

    • getText(translationKey, langId, siteId) .

      To call the service.

      $melisSiteTranslationSvc = $this->getServiceManager()->get('MelisSiteTranslationService');

      To get a particular translation, You need to specify the translation key along with the lang id and site id.

      $test = $melisSiteTranslationService->getText('key', 1, 1);
      // Retrieves the translation for the language id 1 and site id 1.

View Helpers

Melis Front View Helpers:

  • MelisTagsHelper: When called it will create an editable zone in the template of the page.
    The tag must take 3 parameters: the id of page, its own id (unique) and a default text that will be displayed (used when no text has been filled into the zone, so that something is displayed and the template still looks like a template).
    File: /melis-front/src/View/Helper/MelisTagsHelper.php
// This code will display an editable zone, linked to the current page
// with id about_part1_text, will load the html plugin and therefore a tinyMCE HTML configuration
echo $this->MelisTag($this->idPage, 'about_part1_text', 'html', 
                	 '<div>The default text to be shown in the back office</div>')   	
  • MelisLinksHelper: When called it will generate a link to a Melis page, following all rules and possible SEO File: /melis-front/src/View/Helper/MelisLinksHelper.php
// This call will generate a link to pageId 1 and it will be an absolute URL including the domain
echo $this->MelisLink(1, true);
  • MelisDragDropZoneHelper
    File: /melis-front/src/View/Helper/MelisDragDropZoneHelper.php
// Creation of a dragdropzone link to the pageId and with id "dragdropzone_zone_1"
echo $this->MelisDragDropZone($this->idPage, "dragdropzone_zone_1");
  • MelisSiteConfigHelper
    This helper is used to get a specific config for a site.
    File: /melis-front/src/View/Helper/MelisDragDropZoneHelper.php
    Function: SiteConfig(key, sectiom = 'sites', language = null)

    To call the helper.


    To get a specific key from the config for the current site.

    $config = $this->SiteConfig('key');

    But what if we wanted to get the key from another language of the current site? We can achieve this by defining the language on where to get the config.

    $config = $this->SiteConfig('key', 'sites', 'fr');
    // The language of the page is now overridden by the specified language.

    We can also get a particular key from another site by using the site Id.

    $config = $this->SiteConfig('key', 1);
    // Return all the values of the specified key from all languages from the site with id 1.
    // The expected output is an array of values from different languages
    $config = $this->SiteConfig('key', 1, 'fr');
    // Return all the values of the specified key for the French language from the site with id 1.

    There is also a different section apart from sites. Currently, we have two sections which are sites and allSites.

    $config = $this->SiteConfig('key', 'allSites');
    // Returns the key from the allSites section of the config
  • MelisSiteTranslation
    This helper is used to get a specific translation for a site.
    File: /melis-front/src/View/Helper/MelisSiteTranslationHelper.php
    Function: getText(translationkey, langId, siteId)

    To call the helper method.

    $this->SiteTranslation('translationKey', 'langId', 'siteId');

    To get a particular translation, You need to specify the translation key along with the lang id and site id.

    $text = $this->SiteTranslation('key', 1, 1);
    // Retrieves the translation for the language id 1 and site id 1.

Special URLs

MelisFront is using the following URLs as defaults:

  • URLs of pages: /.*/id/(?[0-9]+)
    If no speacial naming is used in SEO URLs, pages use this system
  • URLs of pages when displayed in BO: /.*/id/(?[0-9]+)/renderMode/melis
    Beeing logged in the back office is of course mandatory
  • URLs of pages in preview mode (saved version): /.*/id/(?[0-9]+)/preview
    Beeing logged in the back office is of course mandatory
  • SiteMap: /sitemap.html|sitemap.xml|sitemap
    Will display the sitemap based on the Navigation class contained in MelisFront module.
    Site to map will be found thanks to the domain used.
  • Search Indexer: /melissearchindex/module[/:moduleName]/pageid[/:pageid]/exclude-pageid[/:expageid]
    This will launch the indexer. moduleName is the site's module name, pageid the id where to start crawling and expageid will exclude some specific page ids from being indexed.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the OSL-3.0 License - see the file for details