
dev-master 2020-07-01 09:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 00:03:38 UTC



Database SAVE

Allows you to save data to ANY table in the database.


db_save($table, $data);

This is one of the core Microweber function and most of the other save functions are really wrappers to this one. It allows you to save data anywhere in any db table.

**Note: This is raw function and does not validate data input or user permissions. **

This function is dangerous and its not meant to be used directly in templates or module views. Better make your own wrapper functions to this one which validates the input and use them when required.



$data = array(); 
$data['id'] = 0; 
$data['title'] = 'My title'; 
$data['content'] = 'My content'; 
$data['allow_html'] = true; //if true will allow you to save html 

$saved = db_save($table,$data);


parameter description
$table the name of your database table
$data a key=>value array of your data to save, key must the the name of the db field

By default this function removes html tags. In order to save plain html you must set $data['allow_html'] = true; in your data array


Database GET

Allows you to get data from ANY table in the database, and caches the result.




$content = db_get('table=content');

foreach ($content as $item) {
    print $item['id'];
    print $item['title'];
    print $item['url'];
    print $item['description'];
    print $item['content'];



You can pass parameters as string or as array. They can be field names in the database table defined with the table parameter.

parameter description usage
table the name of your database table db_get('table=content')
single if set to true will return only the 1st row as array db_get('table=content&id=5&single=true')
orderby you can order by any field name db_get('table=content&orderby=id desc')
count if set to true it will return the results count db_get('table=content&count=true')
limit set limit of the returned dataset, use "no_limit" to return all results db_get('table=content&limit=10')
page set offset of the returned dataset db_get('table=content&limit=10&page=2')
page_count returns the number of result pages db_get('table=content&limit=10&page_count=true')
$fieldname you can filter data by passing your fields as params db_get('table=some_table&my_field=value')
keyword if set it will search for keyword db_get('table=content&limit=10&keyword=my title')
nocache if set to true will skip caching the db result db_get('table=content&nocache=true')

Get everything

 //get 5 users
$users = db_get('table=users&limit=5');

//get next 5 users
$users = db_get('table=users&limit=5&page=2');

//get 5 categories
$categories = db_get('table=categories&limit=5');

//get 5 comments
$comments = db_get('table=comments&limit=5');


Database DELETE

db_delete — deletes a record from a database table


db_delete($table_name, $id = 0, $field_name = 'id')

Return Values

true or false if the item is not deleted


$category_id = 5;

$delete = db_delete('categories', $category_id);

Saving and getting module data

Defining Schema

When installing a module Microweber checks the config.php file for the $config['tables'] array. Each key represents a table name and its value is an array of column definitions. The ID column is automatically created and all columns are nullable by default.

Example userfiles/modules/paintings/config.php

$config = array();
$config['name'] = "My Paintings";
$config['author'] = "Pablo Picasso";
$config['ui'] = true; 
$config['ui_admin'] = true; 
$config['position'] = "98";
$config['version'] = "0.01";
$config['tables'] = array(
        'paintings' => array(
            'id' => 'integer',
        	'name' => 'string',
        	'price' => 'float',
        	'description' => 'text',
        	'created_by' => 'integer',
            'created_at' => 'dateTime',

Custom Tables

For more options of the data storage you can read here.

Read more about making custom tables here.

Getting and saving data

You can use the db_get, db_save and db_delete functions to work with data from your those tables.

// Getting
$data = db_get("table=paintings")

// Saving
$save = array(
	'name' => 'Mona Lisa',
	'description' => 'Paiting by Leonardo da Vinci'
$id = db_save('paintings', $save);

// Deleting
db_delete('paintings', $id);


The db_save function accepts table name as first argument and row data as a second argument. In order to create rows in a table simply don't specify an ID.


$data = array(
	'name' => 'Three Musicians',
	'price' => 2700,
	'description' => 'My greatest work'
db_save('paintings', $data);


Call the db_get function and set the table key in the argument array to retrieve rows from a given database table.


$rows = db_get(array('table' => 'paintings'));

Set the single key to true in the argument array for the function to return a single row. Any non-reserved key name is treated as a WHERE condition for given column name. Reference the db_get function docs for more details.


$row = db_get(array(
	'table' => 'paintings',
	'name' => 'Three Musicians',
	'single' => true

Alternatively the above query can be written like that db_get('table=paintings&name=Three Musicians&single=true')


If the db_save function receives an array containing an id key it performs an update operation on the corresponding row.


// Gets single row with id = 3
$row = db_get(array(
	'table' => 'paintings',
	'id' => 3,
	'single' => true
$row['title'] = 'My Awesome Painting';
echo 'Updating row with ID ', $row['id'];
db_save('paintings', $row);


The db_delete function returns true after successfully deleting row with a specified ID.


db_delete('paintings', $id = 3);

Advanced Queries

Reference the db_get and db_save documentation pages for a list of all available parameters.