
Encryption, decryption, and hashing tools for PHP projects

v5.0.0 2020-10-17 12:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 22:16:51 UTC


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PhpCrypt is a package for encryption, decryption, and hashing data in PHP projects. It provides an easy-to-use and fluent interface.


  • Symmetric encryption/decryption using AES and other symmetric methods.
  • Asymmetric encryption/decryption using the RSA method.
  • Hashing and verifying data (e.g. passwords) using the BCrypt method.


  • v5.x.x
  • v4.x.x
  • v3.x.x (Unsupported)
  • v2.x.x (Unsupported)
  • v1.x.x (Unsupported)


Install Composer and run the following command in your project's root directory:

composer require miladrahimi/phpcrypt "5.*"

Symmetric Encryption

This example shows how to encrypt and decrypt data using symmetric algorithms like AES.

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\Symmetric;

$symmetric = new Symmetric();
$encryptedData = $symmetric->encrypt('secret');
echo $symmetric->decrypt($encryptedData); // secret

It generates a random key and uses aes-256-cbc method for encrypting/decrypting data.

Custom Key

If you have already a key, you can use your own key like this:

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\Symmetric;

$key = '1234567890123456';

// Set the key using the constructor
$symmetric = new Symmetric($key);

// Or set the key using the setter
$symmetric = new Symmetric();

// And get the key using the getter
$myKey = $symmetric->getKey();

The method generateKey can help you to generate a new random key. See the snippet below.

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\Symmetric;

$key = Symmetric::generateKey();

Custom Methods

In default, The Symmetric class uses aes-256-cbc method to encrypt/decrypt data. You can use your preferred method as well. See the following example.

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\Exceptions\MethodNotSupportedException;
use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\Symmetric;

try {
    $symmetric = new Symmetric();
    // ...
} catch (MethodNotSupportedException $e) {
    // The method is not supported.

Supported Methods

If you want to know which methods do your installed OpenSSL extension support, see the snippet below:

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\Symmetric;


RSA Encryption

RSA is a popular asymmetric encryption/decryption algorithm. The examples below illustrate how to encrypt/decrypt data using the RSA algorithm.

Encryption with private key

In this example, we encrypt data with a private key and decrypt it with the related public key.

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\PrivateRsa;
use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\PublicRsa;

$privateRsa = new PrivateRsa('private_key.pem');
$publicRsa = new PublicRsa('public_key.pem');

$result = $privateRsa->encrypt('secret');
echo $publicRsa->decrypt($result); // secret

Encryption with public key

In this example, we encrypt data with a public key and decrypt it with the related private key.

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\PrivateRsa;
use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\PublicRsa;

$privateRsa = new PrivateRsa('private_key.pem');
$publicRsa = new PublicRsa('public_key.pem');

$result = $publicRsa->encrypt('secret');
echo $privateRsa->decrypt($result); // secret

Base64 Encoding

In default, the encrypted data returned by PrivateRsa::encrypt() and PublicRsa::encrypt() methods will be Base64 encoded. You can disable this encoding like the example below.

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\PrivateRsa;
use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\PublicRsa;

$privateRsa = new PrivateRsa('private_key.pem');
$publicRsa = new PublicRsa('public_key.pem');

// Disable Base64 encoding for public encryption
$result = $publicRsa->encrypt('secret', false);

// Disable Base64 encoding for private encryption
$result = $privateRsa->encrypt('secret', false);


This example shows how to hash data and verify it.

use MiladRahimi\PhpCrypt\Hash;

$hash = new Hash();

$hashedPassword = $hash->make('MyPassword');
echo $hash->verify('MyPassword', $hashedPassword); // true
echo $hash->verify('AnotherPassword', $hashedPassword); // false

Error Handling

The Symmetric, PrivateRsa, PublicRsa, and Hash classes may throw these exceptions:

  • EncryptionException: When it cannot encrypt data.
  • DecryptionException: When it cannot decrypt data.
  • HashingException: When it cannot hash data.
  • MethodNotSupportedException: When the passed encryption method to the Symmetric class is not supported.
  • InvalidKeyException: When the passed key to PrivateRsa or PublicRsa classes is not valid.


PhpCrypt is initially created by Milad Rahimi and released under the MIT License.