
Implementation of ISO Schematron with Schematron 1.5 back compatibility. Library does not need any XSLT.

v1.0.1 2014-04-07 10:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 20:39:12 UTC


This library is an implementation of the ISO Schematron (with Schematron 1.5 back compatibility). It is done by pure DOM processing and does not require any XSLT sheets nor XSLT PHP extension. It was a requirement for a development.


Install the Schematron by the Composer or download a release package.

require 'src/Schematron.php';

use Milo\Schematron;

$schematron = new Schematron;

$document = new DOMDocument;
$result = $schematron->validate($document);


Format of the Schematron::validate() result depends on its second argument. E.g. an imaginary results:

# Flat array of failed asserts and successful reports (it is default)
$result = $schematron->validate($document, Schematron::RESULT_SIMPLE);
# array (2)
#    0 => "Person must have surname."
#    1 => "Phone number is required."

# More complex structure
$result = $schematron->validate($document, Schematron::RESULT_COMPLEX);
# array (3)
#    0 => stdClass (2)
#       title => "Pattern 1" (9)
#       rules => array (3)
#          2 => stdClass (2)
#             context => "/"
#             errors => array (2)
#                0 => stdClass (3)
#                |  test => "false()" (7)
#                |  message => "S5 - fail" (9)
#                |  path => "/"
#                1 => stdClass (3)
#                   test => "true()" (6)
#                   message => "S6 - fail" (9)
#                   path => "/"

# Or throws exception of first error occurence
try {
    $result = $schematron->validate($document, Schematron::RESULT_EXCEPTION);
} catch (Milo\SchematronException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();  # Person must have surname.

A validation phase can be passed by 3rd argument:

$schematron->validate($document, Schematron::RESULT_SIMPLE, 'phase-base-rules');

Schematron performs a schema namespace (ISO or v1.5) autodetection but the namespace can be passed manually:

$schematron = new Schmeatron(Schematron::NS_ISO);

By Schematron::setOptions($options) you can adjust the Schematron behaviour. The $options is a mask of following flags:

# Allows to schema does not contain a <sch:schema> element,
# so <pattern>s stands alone in XML, e.g. in Relax NG schema

# <sch:include> are ignored and do not expand

# <sch:include> are forbidden and loading fails if occures

# <sch:rule> with the same @context as any rule before is skipped
# This arises from official Universal Tests (

# <sch:schema> needn't to contain <sch::pattern>s

# <sch:pattern> needn't to contain <sch::rule>s

# <sch:rule> needn't to contain <sch:assert>s nor <sch:report>s

An <sch:include> processing is affected by setting Schematron::setAllowedInclude($allowed) mask which permits types of include uri and Schematron::setMaxIncludeDepth($depth):

# Remote URLs

# Absolute and relative filesystem paths

# Any URI

And two basic attributes of loaded schema are accesible over:



You may use all files under the terms of the New BSD Licence, or the GNU Public Licence (GPL) version 2 or 3, or the MIT Licence.


The Schematron tests are written for Nette Tester. Two steps are required to run them:

# Download the Tester tool
composer.phar update --dev

# Run the tests
vendor/bin/tester tests

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