
Lightweight XML-RPC library.

v3.0.0 2020-04-03 10:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 23:11:56 UTC


This library helps to work with XML-RPC calls and responses. It requires only PHP DOM extension. It is based on word written specification on

PHP 7.1 or newer is required since v3.0 release. The v2.x releases supports PHP 5.4.

Simple XML-RPC client and server examples follow.


require 'src/xml-rpc.php';

use Milo\XmlRpc;

# Converter between XML source and PHP classes
$converter = new XmlRpc\Converter;

# Method we are calling and its arguments
$call = new XmlRpc\MethodCall('math.power', [2, 3]);

# Perform request over HTTP
$context = stream_context_create([
	'http' => array(
		'method' => 'POST',
		'header' => 'Content-type: text/xml',
		'content' => $converter->toXml($call),
$xml = file_get_contents('', false, $context);

# XML response parsing
$response = $converter->fromXml($xml);
if (!$response instanceof XmlRpc\MethodResponse) {
	throw new Exception('Expected method response. Got ' . get_class($response));

# Returned value

Server - manually

An example of echo server. It only returns array with method name and its arguments which we called.

require 'src/xml-rpc.php';

use Milo\XmlRpc;

# Converter between XML source and PHP classes
$converter = new XmlRpc\Converter;

# Incoming XML
$xml = file_get_contents('php://input');

try {
	$call = $converter->fromXml($xml);
	if (!$call instanceof XmlRpc\MethodCall) {
		throw new Exception('Expected method call. Got ' . get_class($call));

	# Echo response
	$response = new XmlRpc\MethodResponse([
		'youCalled' => $call->getName(),
		'withParameters' => $call->getParameters(),

} catch (XmlRpc\RuntimeException $e) {
	# Fault response on error
	$response = XmlRpc\MethodFaultResponse::fromException($e);

# Print XML on standard output
echo $converter->toXml($response);

Server - automatically

An example of methods handling more automatically than above.

require 'src/xml-rpc.php';

use Milo\XmlRpc;

# Incoming XML
$xml = file_get_contents('php://input');

# Method call handler server
$server = new XmlRpc\Server;
	'my.method', ['string', 'int', '2?' => 'bool|null'],
	function ($string, $int, $bool = null) {
		# Throw XmlRpc\FaultResponseException and client will get your error message and code.
		# Throw anything else and client will get fault response with code 500.
		return [...];

# Handle XML directly. All exceptions are caught and converted to fault response. 
echo $server->handleXml($xml, $faultCode);  # $faultCode is filled by fault response code

# Or handle MethodCall object.
$converter = new XmlRpc\Converter;

# It may throw exception on invalid XML.
$call = $converter->fromXml($xml);

# All exceptions are caught and converted to fault response.
$response = $server->handle($call);

# Print XML on standard output
echo $converter->toXml($response);

# To log what's happening inside.
$server->addLogger(function (MethodCall $call = null, IMethodResponse $response = null, \Exception $e = null) {


By Composer composer require milo/xml-rpc or download manually and require 'src/xml-rpc.php';


You may use all files under the terms of the New BSD Licence, or the GNU Public Licence (GPL) version 2 or 3, or the MIT Licence.


Tests are written for Nette Tester, the Composer is required to run them:

# Download the Tester
composer update

# Run the tests
vendor/bin/tester tests

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