
Simple markdown to html presentation slide converter

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1.0.6 2016-05-31 15:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-14 13:07:41 UTC


Uposthapon is a simple markdown to html presentation converter hugely influenced by Cleaver. The syntax is almost same, even some resources also used from that package specially stylesheets and javascript.

Online Example

An online example of a presentation slide created with Uposthapon can be found here.


PHP and composer is needed to run Uposthapon.


Install via composer

composer global require 'milon/uposthapon'


For general purpose use with default stylesheet-

uposthapon convert ''

You could also pass a stylesheet to override default style-

uposthapon convert '' --style='style.css'

Slide Types

Slides are written in Markdown, and are separated by two dashes (--) surrounded by line breaks.

Title slide

# Uposthapon
## A Simple Markdown to HTML Presentation Converter

h1 and h2 elements (prefaced with # and ## respectively), will automatically include padding to render a title slide.

Other slides

### A list of things

* Item 1
* Item B
* Item gamma

No need for multiple templates!

Since slides are written in Markdown, you can include things like lists, images, and arbitrary HTML.

h3 tags (prefaced ###) are automatically given a bottom border to represent a slide title.


Cleaver supports keyboard navigation for switching between slides. Alternatively, click the control buttons located below the presentation.

To navigate the slideshow:

  • forward: K, L, UP, RIGHT, PgDn, and Space
  • reverse: H, J, LEFT, DOWN, PgUp, and Backspace

The toggle fullscreen mode, press the ENTER key.

License: GNU LGPLv3

Any suggestion or pull request is highly welcomed.

Nuruzzaman Milon