
Library used to collect request data during its lifetime.

v2.4.0 2021-04-14 12:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 18:26:33 UTC


With this package one can easily start collecting various data that comes through Laravel. It is possible to gain control over excessive database queries and more by analyzing logs.

This package aims to work as a zero-configuration. Although there are default configurations for existing data collectors, take your time to adjust them to own needs. Also, feel free to add own data collectors.

When using this package, every handled request (i.e. not excluded according to exclusions rules) will contain X-Request-Id header in the response. You can use this ID to correlate various collectors' data.

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Set up

Laravel 5.6+

If You are not using auto-discovery feature, register package's service provider in config/app.php file:

	'providers' => [
		// ...


Register package's service provider in bootstrap/app.php file:


If You want to override default configuration, don't forget to copy the default one to /config/request-data-collector.php file and load it in bootstrap/app.php file:


Further configuration

Add new environment variable (e.g. to .env file):


That's it! By default, only basic information about requests are collected and pushed to logs (according to LOG_CHANNEL channel).

Publishing default configuration

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"

Available Data Collectors

There are some predefined Data Collectors that might be used.


This collector is used to collect data about the incoming request and ongoing response.

'request' => [
	'driver' => \Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Collectors\RequestResponseCollector::class,

	'request_info' => [
		// ...

	'response_info' => [
		// ...

	'variables' => [
		// ...

	'raw' => boolean,


Defines a list of request parameters that should be collected. For list of available options, see \Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Collectors\RequestResponseCollector::REQUEST_INFO_* constants.


'request_info' => [


Defines a list of response parameters that should be collected. For list of available options, see \Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Collectors\RequestResponseCollector::RESPONSE_INFO_* constants.


'response_info' => [


Defines a list of variables associated with request that should be collected. For list of available options, see \Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Collectors\RequestResponseCollector::VARIABLE_* constants.

It is possible to collect all information about variable:

'variables' => [

Or include/exclude some of them (which is especially useful when dealing with sensitive data):

// Incoming request: /some/page?email=...&password=...

'variables' => [
	\Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Collectors\RequestResponseCollector::VARIABLE_GET => [
		'excludes' => [
		'includes' => [

It is worth mentioning, that inclusions have priority over exclusions. This means if inclusions are used, exclusions are not applied at all.


When set to true, request will be remembered as soon as reaches application (allows to have unmodified request). When set to false, data collection will use request at the end of application lifetime (allows to include request modifications).

Please note that raw request does not have routing information, so \Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Collectors\RequestResponseCollector::REQUEST_INFO_ROUTE option will not have effect.


This collector is used to collect data about performed database queries.

Please note, that it uses Laravel's built-in \DB::enable/disable/flushQueryLog() methods, so if it is also used somewhere else in the code, it might have impact on the final result.

'database' => [
	'driver' => \Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Collectors\DatabaseQueriesCollector::class,

	'connections' => [
		// ...


Defines a list of connections to databases from which queries should be collected. Use names defined in config/database.php file. It is also possible to provide null value as a name to collect queries from default connection.

Enabling or disabling Data Collectors

Each collector's configuration consists of two parts: entry in collectors array and entry in options array.

The collectors array contains key-value entries, where key is collector name and value is either true or false, depending on if it should be enabled or disabled. Suggestion: if it is required to dynamically enable/disable specified collectors, one might want to define different environmental variables for each collector itself (e.g. DATABASE_COLLECTOR_ENABLED etc.).

The options array contains key-value entries, where key is collector name and value is an array with its configuration. It is required for it to have at least driver setting. Every other settings are collector dependent.

The key with collector name will be used for logging purposes. Every log entry contains information about request ID and given collector name to easier find/filter it.

Excluding requests from collecting

It is possible to exclude some requests that should not be collected at all.

'exclude' => [
		'filter' => class reference,
		'with'   => [
			// ...
	// ...

Each entry consists of:

filter containing filter class reference (e.g. \Miquido\RequestDataCollector\Filters\UserAgentFilter::class).

with containing data provided for filter class constructor (e.g. 'userAgents' => ['Docker HEALTHCHECK'], ...). Note: Laravel's container is used here so it is possible to make use of Dependency Injection.

Feel fre to use one of available filters (see src/Filters directory) or write your own.

Tracking the request through many services

You can track request through many services. When Request ID is being generated, it is firstly checked if there is X-REQUEST-ID header present in the request, and its value is being used instead. This way You can see same Request ID in logs.

When there is no X-REQUEST-ID header available, You can still set Your custom Request ID via \Miquido\RequestDataCollector\RequestDataCollector::setRequestId() method.

In both cases Request ID has to be in following format:


If X-REQUEST-ID has invalid format it will be silently skipped and new ID will be generated.

By default, tracking is enabled. However, it can be disabled:



The project was made by Miquido: https://www.miquido.com