
Drop-in utilities for PHP applications.

2.3.6 2025-03-03 08:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 08:14:43 UTC


Core classes and interfaces for the Application Utils ecology of libraries. This package contains all most low-level classes and interfaces that are interconnected and cannot be separated into their own packages.

The larger project is mistralys/application-utils.


PHP classes

  • ClassHelper - Static methods for class checking, loading and filtering.
  • PHPClassInfo - Information about a PHP class without using reflection.

File system

  • FileHelper - Static method for general file system manipulations.
  • FileFinder - Search for and filter files.
  • FileInfo - File information and manipulation.
    • JSONFile - Specialized JSON file handling.
    • PHPFile - Specialized PHP file handling.
    • SerializedFile - Specialized serialized (via serialize()) file handling.
  • FolderInfo - Folder information and manipulation.
  • FolderFinder - Search for and filter folders.
  • FolderTree - Static method to manipulate entire folder trees.
  • PathRelativizer - Relativize paths between two folders.
  • PathsReducer - Reduce a list of paths to the shortest possible form.
  • MimeTypes - Database of mime types and helper methods.

Data structures

  • ArrayDataCollection - Type-safe associative array handling.
  • NumberInfo - Parse numbers, access and manipulate their parts.
  • URLInfo - Parse and manipulate URLs.
  • ThrowableInfo - Extended Throwable information with serialization and unserialization.
  • VariableInfo - Extended information on any PHP variable.


  • HiddenConverter - Debug pesky invisible characters.
  • OutputBuffering - Object-oriented output buffering with exception error handling.
  • QueryParser - Query string parser that eliminates the parse_str pitfalls.
  • StringBuilder - Concatenate strings and HTML tags in many ways.
  • StringHelper - Collection of static string manipulation methods.
  • StringMatch - String matching and manipulation.
  • Stringable - Interface and trait for objects that can be converted to strings.
  • TabsNormalizer - Normalize tabs in strings.
  • Transliteration - Convert strings to ASCII.
  • WordSplitter - Split words in strings.
  • WordWrapper - Wrap texts.

HTML markup

  • HTMLHelper - Static methods for HTML markup generation.
  • HTMLTag - Object-oriented HTML tag creation.
  • AttributeCollection - Object-oriented HTML attribute handling.
  • StylesCollection - Object-oriented CSS style handling.
  • Attributable - Interface and trait for objects that can have attributes.
  • Classable - Interface and trait for objects that can have classes.
  • Optionable - Interface and trait for objects that can have options.
  • Renderable - Interface and trait for objects that can be rendered.
  • Stylable - Interface and trait for objects that can have styles.

Date and time

  • DateTimeHelper - Static conversion and helper methods for date and time handling.
  • Microtime - DateTime extension that can handle micro- and nanoseconds.
  • DateIntervalExtended - Wrapper for the native PHP class with QoL methods.
  • DaytimeStringInfo - Parses and validates daytime strings, e.g. 14:30.
  • DurationConverter - Convert date and time durations.
  • DurationStringInfo - Parse and manipulate standardized duration strings, e.g. 1h 30m.
  • IntervalConverter - Convert date intervals.
  • TimeDurationCalculator - Fill out missing values between start time, end time and duration.


  • RGBAColor - Class for RGB and alpha color handling and manipulation.
  • HSVColor - Class for HSV-based color handling and manipulation.


As a general rule, I try to document as much as possible in the code itself. All other documentation can be found in the AppUtils wiki:

mistralys/application-utils wiki