
Allows to modify request data

v1.0 2017-01-14 13:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 20:33:48 UTC


This module makes easier to filter all incoming requests in Laravel 5 applications. For example, let's assume you want to trim all incoming data or maybe add some extra fields that don't come from external input - this all you can do with a few steps to work in your whole application.


Basic installation

composer require mnabialek/laravel-handy-request

in console to install this module. This is all you need, however depending on your requirements you might need to do some extra steps (see Advanced Installation)

Advanced Installation

The default way of using this package is modifying input before validation. The same modified input will be used later after validation. However in some cases you might not want to use validation at all or you want to modify input globally for the whole application and you want to still use default Request iOC binding instead of creating custom ones.

In case you want to apply some filters globally and not only for specific routes you need to do some additional changes. Let's assume you will create your custom Request class where you want to modify your input globally (we will discuss it later) and you can access this file using the following namespace and name App\Http\Requests\MyRequest. In such case, to use your custom request globally

  1. Open your index.php (by default in public directory) and add:

just after

$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);

to make sure your custom Request class will be used later in your application

  1. In case you use tests for your app (what you should definitely do) you should also make additional change to make similar change your tests. You need to open tests/TestCase.php file and in createApplication method you should add:

just before


Making those above 2 steps will allow you to use your custom Request class in the whole application and you refer in your app into Request using \Illuminate\Http\Request dependency injection or request container binding ($app['request']) without a problem.

Accessing original and filtered input

The core file that holds the logic is \Mnabialek\LaravelHandyRequest\Traits\HandyRequest trait. In your real application you might want to create your custom trait that will extend this trait which allow you easier making any custom changes you would like to make in future.

By default all usages of input will return input after applying all filters you want to apply. However you can use original method to access original input (without filters) or use filtered method if you want to be more explicit to access filtered input.

By default all usages of input, all, only, except etc method will return filtered input. However if you want them to return original input, in your trait that extends original trait, you can just override input method like this:

public function input($key = null, $default = null)
   return $this->original($key, $default);

General information about filtering

In order to filter input you need to apply trait mentioned in previous paragraph (original or your custom one) in request class you want to use filtering input like this.

use \Mnabialek\LaravelHandyRequest\Traits\HandyRequest;

and also define filters you want to use.

In case you need to use global filtering (mentioned in Advanced installation) there is also created \Mnabialek\LaravelHandyRequest\HandyRequest class that you should only extend with your custom global request class (and define filters in your class)

Using filters

Defining applied filters

In order to apply any filters you should define $filters property in your class and define in it filters you want to use. Filters are run in the same order they are defined. For each filter you can only specify filter name or filter name together with fields you want to include or exclude.

For example:

protected $filters = [
   'checkbox' => [
       'only' => ['terms', 'checkbox'],
       'value' => false,
    'nullable' => [
       'except' => ['terms', 'active'] 

will cause that:

  • trim filter will be used for the whole input
  • checkbox filter will be used only for terms and checkbox fields and in addition value option will be passed into this filter with false value.
  • nullable filter will be used for all fields except terms and active fields

For specifying field names you can use explicit field names or you can use fields constraints (see Fields constraints for details).

Modifying the whole input

Sometimes for various reasons you might need to modify the whole input. For example you might want to remove some field from input or add another. You can do it using custom filters or methods for fields, but sometimes it will be impossible without having access to the whole input. In such case you can define modifyInput method that will allow you to make such change.

For example

protected function modifyInput(array $input) 
   $input['test'] = ' abc';
   return $input;

will cause that you add new field test with value abc and remove terms field from input completely.

Be aware that those modified input will be affected by any filters defined. So in above case if you had defined trim filter finally you will get abc value for test field instead of abc preceded by space. In case you want to exclude such field from applying filter, you need to use except option for selected filters with such field/

Custom fields filters

In some cases you might want to add your own logic for selected field. In order to do this you need to create function with applySampleFieldFilter name where Sample here corresponds to sample field in input. Be aware it won't work for more complex fields (as for example nested arrays). In such case if you want to define custom filter method for selected field, you need to add fieldFiltersMethods property with your custom method for each field. For example it could look like this:

protected $fieldFiltersMethods = [
   'name' => 'filterName',
   'address.*' => 'filterAllAddressFields',

As you see here we defined custom method for name field and for address.* field (see Fields constraints for details).

No matter if you use default field filter function name or you want to define custom one, you need to define it like this:

protected function filterName($value, $fullKey) 
  return 'modified '.$value; 

for this function you get value of field and also full key of field (in dot notation). You can obviously use $fullKey to add any logic, for example if for address you want to make change for all address field except street you can define then filterAllAddressFields like so:

protected function filterAllAddressFields($value, $fullKey) 
  if ($fullKey == 'address.street') {
     return $value;
  return 'modified '.$value; 

Be aware when defining custom filter methods any filters for this fields won't be applied. In case you want to apply filters for this field in your custom method you need to run:

$value = $this->applyFilters($value, $fullKey, $this->normalizedFilters());

to get value filtered by other filters and now you can add any custom transformations for this value.

Fields constraints

For both filters and fieldFilterMethods you can use field constraints. It means you can use not only explicit field name, but you can also define nested fields (using dot notation), or all subfields of given field. For example:

  • name - will match name field. But in case you have also name field for address (so it's name.address) it won't be matched
  • - will match name field in address
  • - will match name field of 1st person
  • address.* - will match all children of address field. However it won't match any further descendant fields. For example it will match field but it won't match address.description.excerpt field
  • address.** - will match all descendants of address field. For example it will match but it will also match address.description.excerpt field. You should use ** only at the end of field constraint


Type of filters

In general there are 2 types of filters:

  • field filters - they operate on single field value
  • global filters - the operate on the whole input. They might be useful if you need to make some operations based on other fields or conditionally add something to input (or modify input) based on the whole input

Available filters

At the moment are available the following filters. If you create any filter and you think it will be useful for other people, please create Pull request with this (ideally with unit tests for this filter).


It will trim string field


It will convert any empty value into null. Be aware this filter doesn't trim input so if you send empty space as value and don't use trim filter, it won't be convert into null value


It will automatically add http:// into url field in case it's not empty and it doesn't start with http:// or https://. It doesn't trim the value so you should probably use trim filter too.

Available options:

  • secure - By default set to false. if you set it to value converting to true it will add https:// if needed instead of http://


The same as website filter, but secure by default is set to true


This is global filter. It will automatically set value to 0 in case field doesn't exist in input. Be aware it won't work for complex field constraints (using * or **) - but it will work for field in dot notation. This filter needs also to be specified field in only option (it won't work for except option).

Available options:

  • value - if you set it to any value, this value will be automatically set to to added key. By default it's set to 0

Defining custom filters

Sometimes built-in filters won't be enough or you want to override built-in filters with your custom ones to better fit your needs. In such case you can create your own filter class and need to register it. What you need is to define registerFilters method in your request class you are using to do that and call in it registerFilter method to register any custom filter. It could look for example like this:

protected function registerFilters()
   static::registerFilter('trim', \App\RequestFilters\MyCustomTrimFilter::class);
   static::registerFilter('new_filter', \App\RequestFilters\BrandNewFilter::class);

Obviously depending on your setup and chosen solutions, you might define such filters also in AppServiceProvider or extend some Request classes for base class in where you might define common filters for all other request classes.


All contributions are welcome. Especially if you want to add new filter that you think will be useful for many developers, you can propose this filter creating new Pull request


This package is licenced under the MIT license