
Provides support for gathering 'pageview' analytics in backend using Google Analytics.

v0.6.1 2022-01-17 12:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 15:28:28 UTC


Provides support for gathering 'pageview' analytics in backend using Google Analytics.


Add a dependency to your composer.json by running:

composer require modera/backend-google-analytics-bundle

You don't have to manually update your AppKernel class if you have modera/module-bundle bundle installed already, otherwise you need to add this to your AppKernel:

new \Modera\BackendGoogleAnalyticsBundle\ModeraBackendGoogleAnalyticsBundle(),

After bundle has been enabled to make sure that contributed configuration properties are installed run this command:


When this command is executed you will either see that some configuration property(properties) were installed or no configuration properties were installed, in latter case it means that they were automatically installed by module-bundle for you during bundle installation process.


If you want to have a UI to access configuration properties contributed by this bundle then you may also want to install modera/backend-google-analytics-config-bundle bundle.

Application related data

Your kernel class (app/AppKernel.php) might additionally implement two methods: getAppName, getAppVersion which then will be used by \Modera\BackendGoogleAnalyticsBundle\Contributions\ConfigMergersProvider to send more detailed data to GA.


This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle: Resources/meta/LICENSE