
Extremely flexible router for the Monolyth unframework


Flexible PHP5 HTTP router, with support for various types of URL matching, URL arguments, custom state handling and URL generation. Reroute is designed to be usable in any type of project or framework.


Composer (recommended)

$ composer require monolyth/reroute

Manual installation

  1. Get the code;
    1. Clone the repository, e.g. from GitHub;
    2. Download the ZIP (e.g. from Github) and extract.
  2. Make your project recognize Reroute:
    1. Register /path/to/reroute/src for the namespace Monolyth\\Reroute\\ in your PSR-4 autoloader (recommended);
    2. Alternatively, manually include the files you need.

Basic Usage

Responding to requested URLs

Since the Reroute router responds to HTTP requests, we use the when method to define a valid URL:


use Monolyth\Reroute\Router;

$router = new Router('');
$state = $router->when('/some/url/', 'some-state');

when returns a new State as a response to the specified URL, optionally identified by the given name. You must then define the HTTP verbs to which that state will respond, and with what:


$state->get(new Zend\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse('Hello world!'));
$state->post(new Zend\Diactoros\Response\EmptyResponse(500));

The HTTP verb methods currently supported are get, post, put, delete, head and options. There is also the special any method which covers them all with one single reponse.

A response must, eventually, be an instance of Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface. However, for convenience there are also other things you might define as a response:

  1. If it is a callable, it is called (with the arguments extracted from the URL) until it is no longer callable.
  2. If it is a string and a class exists by that name, it is an instance of that class.
  3. If the class is callable it is invoked and the result is used.
  4. Otherwise the class itself must implement Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface.

Hence, the following forms are equivalent:


use Zend\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse;

$router->when('/some/url/')->get(function () {
    return new HtmlsReponse('Hello world!');
$router->when('/some/url/')->get(new HtmlResponse('Hello world!'));

class Foo
    public static function getInstance()
        return new Foo;

    public function __invoke()
        return new HtmlResponse('Hello world!');

$router->when('/some/url/')->get(new Foo);
$router->when('/some/url/')->get(['Foo', 'getInstance']);

Named states

The second parameter to when is the (hopefully unique!) name of the state. This can be used later on when generating routes (see below). If no name is required it may be null (also, the default). You can also use Router::get to retrieve a particalar state by name later on (e.g. maybe your routing is insanely complex and split over multiple files).


$router->when('/the/url/', 'myname')->get('handler');
$state = $router->get('myname'); // Ok!
$state instanceof Monolyth\Reroute\State; // true

Resolving a request

After routes are defined, somewhere in your front controller you'll want to actually resolve the request. The ResponseInterface object can then be emitted, e.g. using Zend Diactoros:


use Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\SapiEmitter;

if ($response = $router(ServerRequestFactory::fromGlobals())) {
    $emitted = new SapiEmitter;
} else {
    // 404!

Routers must be invoked with the current request as argument. Note that prior to invocation, it will not be possible to generate routes. If this is something you need to do (e.g. in CRON jobs to send out emails) you may invoke the router manually.

Invoking the router starts a pipeline. By calling the router's pipe method you can add middleware to the stack.

If a valid state was found for the current URL, its return value is returned by the pipeline. Otherwise, it will resolve to null.

To emulate a different request type than the actual one, simply change $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].

Passing parameters

Your URLs are actually regexes, so you can match variables to pass into the callback:


$router->when("/(?'name'\w+)/")->get(function (string $name) {
    return "Hi there, $name!";

Variables can be named (in which case the order you pass them to your callback doesn't matter - Reroute does reflection on the callable to determine the best fit) or anonymous (in which case they'll be passed in order).

Shorthand placeholders

For simpler URLs, you can also use a few shorthand placeholders. The following three statements are identical:



When using placeholders, note that one has less control over parameter types. Using regexes is more powerful since you can force e.g. "/(?'id'\d+)/" to match an integer and even type-hint it in the callable.

Inspecting the current request

By type hinting a parameter as an instance of Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, you can inject the original request object and inspect the used method (or anything else of course):


use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse;

$router->when('/some/url/')->any(function (RequestInterface $request) {
    switch ($request->getMethod()) {
        case 'POST':
            // Perform some action
        case 'GET':
            return new HtmlResponse('ok');
            return new HtmlResponse($request->getMethod()." method not allowed.", 405);

Referring to other callbacks

A parameter typehinted as callable matching a defined action (in uppercase) can be used to "chain" to another action. So the following pattern is common for URLs requiring special handling on e.g. a POST:


$router->when('/some/url/')->then('my-state', function() {
    return 'This is a normal page';
})->post(function (callable $GET) {
    // Perform some action...
    return $GET;

Note there is no need to re-pass any URL parameters to the callable; they are injected automatically. Hence, calls to get and post etc. may accept/recognize different parameters in different orders.

Custom verb callbacks do not "bubble up" the routing chain. Hence, specifically disabling POST on /foo/ does not affect the default behaviour for /foo/bar/.

If the injected action is not available for this state, a 405 error is returned instead.


The optional third argument to when is a callable, which expects a single parameter: a new (sub) router. All routes defined using when on the subrouter will inherit the parent router's URL:


$router->when('/foo/', null, function ($router) {
    $router->when('/bar/')->get('I match /foo/bar/!');
})->get('I match /foo/!);

The result of a grouped when call is itself a state, which may be piped and/or resolved. For convenience, this state can also be defined inside the callback using ->when('/', ...). So, instead of this (which is itself perfectly valid):


$router->when('/', 'home', function ($router) {
    // Looooong list of subroutes under /...
})->pipe($somePipe)->get('Home!'); may also write the (more readable):


$router->when('/', null, function ($router) {
    $router->when('/', 'home')->get('Home!');
    // Looooong list of subroutes under /...

Pipelining middleware

Since states are pipelined, you can at any point add one or more calls to the pipe method to add middleware:


    ->pipe(function ($payload) {
        if (!user_is_authenticated()) {
            return new RedirectResponse('/login/');
        return $payload;
    ->get(new Zend\Diactoros\Response\HtmlResponse('For authenticated eyes only!'));

You can call pipe as often as you want. Subrouters won't be executed if the pipeline is short-circuited anywhere.

When using named parameters, the pipelined callable can optionally specify which parameters it also wants to use:


    ->pipe(function ($payload, int $foo) {
        if ($foo != 42) {
            // return error response or something...
        return $payload;

This is similar to the state resolving callable, except that there is always a first parameter $payload, and injecting the $request isn't possible.

One common use of this is defining a pipe for a first $language parameter in a group of routes, and setting some environment variable to its value for all underlying routes.

$payload is, by definition, an instance of Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface. As soon as any pipe returns an instance of Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface, everything is halted and it is designated as the chosen response for this route in its current state. One common use for this is to redirect users if they are trying to access page A, but need to do something on page B first (e.g. login).

Generating URLs

To generate a URL for a defined named state, use the generate method:


$router->when('/:some/:params/', 'myname')->get('handler');
echo $router->generate('myname', ['some' => 'foo', 'params' => 'bar']);
// outputs: /foo/bar/

The optional third parameter to generate is a boolean telling generate if it should prefer a route without scheme/host if the user is already on the current host. It defaults to true. The above example might output http://localhost/foo/bar/ if called with false as the third parameter. This is useful if the generated routes are to be used outside your application, e.g. in an email sent out.

Generation is only possible for named states, since anonymous ones obviously could only be retrieved by their actual URL (in which case you might as well hardcode it...). Use named states if your URLs are likely to change over time!

Cascading arguments

When generating a route in a subrouter, all named arguments set in the parent router are automagically injected into the passed arguments.

An example:


use Zend\Diactoros\Response\RedirectResponse;

$router->when("/(?'language'[a-z]{2})/", null, function ($router) {
    $router->when('/', 'home')->get(function () { /* some page */ });
    $router->when('/home/')->get(function () use ($router) {
        return new RedirectResponse($router->generate('home'));

// Now, assuming we navigate to `/en/home/` we get redirected to `/en/`!

Of course, you could also inject string $langauge as a parameter in the sub-route, but this gets tiresome.

Note that arguments passed in the generate call's second argument receive precedence over previously matched ones. This means you could explicitly redirect /en/home/ to /nl/ in the above example by doing: $router->generate('home', ['language' => 'nl']);.

Handling 404s and other errors

The result of $router() will be null if no match was found, so that means you need to show a 404 error page. Beste practice is to wrap that call in a try/catch block and throw exceptions on errors. That way you can show a generic 500 error page in the catch block (and maybe do some logging).

Routes with default arguments

In some situations it comes in handy to be able to specify a "default argument" in your callback. E.g., when a call to /user/ should show the currently logged in user's profile, and a call to /user/:id/ that of the specified user.

This is possible in Reroute by making the argument optional in the URL and giving a default value in the callback. For the above example, one could e.g. do:


$router->when("/user/(?'id'\d+/)?")->then(function ($id = null) {
    if (!isset($id)) {
        $id = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
    // ...return profile for $id...
    return "<h1>User profile for $id</h1>";

The shorthand URL matching style can be made optional by postfixing the placeholder with a question mark:



Note that any argument found ending in a slash has this stripped, since normally slashes are reserved for argument separation. Also, consequetive slashes are automatically collapsed.

Supported HTTP methods

Reroute supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and OPTIONS HTTP methods. Each has a correspondingly named method on the State object you can use to define a response. If no response was defined, Reroute will return an instance of Laminas\Diactoros\Response\EmptyResponse with a 405 status code.

There are, however, two special cases. If a GET response was defined, but no POST response was explicitly defined, the GET response will be used to respond to a POST action. Generally you should respond to a POST by actually doing something and then redirecting somewhere to prevent double posts, but this way at least your site won't break.

The other exception is the HTTP HEAD method. This is supported automatically by taking the GET response, stripping the body, adding a Content-Lenth header and returning a Laminas\Diactoros\Response\EmptyResponse with status 200. This does obviously imply a GET response was defined; otherwise a 405 empty response will be returned.