Twig-based PHP mailer

1.6.6 2025-02-27 01:33 UTC


Twig and Symfony Mailer-based HTML emails

Emily is an extension to Symfony Mailer adding support for the following:

  • Load Twig templates either from disk or some other source (database etc.);
  • Define blocks for various sections (subject, sender, body etc.) allowing all mail data to be stored in one template;
  • Auto-insert guesstimated text part if only HTML was given.


Define an Monomelodies\Emily\Message and setup a Twig template:


use Monomelodies\Emily\Message;

$loader = new Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader('/path/to/templates');
$twig = new Twig\Environment($loader);

// Inject the Twig_Environment to use via the Message constructor:
$msg = new Message($twig);

// When done, export the Swift_Message using Monomelodies\Emily\Message::get
$swift = $msg->get();
// Now, send $swift using regular transport.

(See Swift documentation for details on how to send messages using a Swift_Transport of your choice.)

Templates and variables

In your template, you can define a number of Twig "blocks" for the various parts of your message:

{% block subject %}This is the message subject!{% endblock subject %}
{% block plain %}This is the plaintext content.{% endblock plain %}
{% block html %}This is the <b>HTML</b>.{% endblock html %}
{% block sender %}{% endblock sender %}
{% block sender_name %}Marijn Ophorst{% endblock sender_name %}

You can also use regular Twig variables:

{% block plain %}Hello, {{ firstname }}.{% endblock plain %}

...which you define using the Emily\Message::setVariables method:


$msg->setVariables(['firstname' => 'Marijn']);

Variables can be used in any block, including the subject.

Of course, you can also let your messages extend a more global template using normal Twig extending rules. Templates can also define other blocks (e.g. some kind of sidebar in your template with the latest news posts at the moment of sending - use your imagination here). Depending on your Twig_Environment, you might also use translations etc.

Setting the recipient, adding attachments etc.

The return value of Monomelodies\Emily\Message::get is simply a Symfony\Component\Mime\Email (with all variables replaced), so you can do what you want with it. Note that after any variable change, you'll need to re-call get to receive an updated version.

Testing emails

Of course, you could just write a scripts that constantly mails your test mails to your own email address, but that's a bit tiresome. An easier way - at least for initial development, eventually you'll want to test mails in actual clients

  • is to use Emily's Preview class.

Initialise the object with your Monomelodies\Emily\Message object as its parameter. Then, call the render method to display a simple HTML page to develop your mails in.

We mean a full HTML page, so that includes <head> andsoforth. Either load this in a separate PHP file or instruct your router or front controller or whatever you use not to wrap it in any template.

Enter the name of the template to test (this should be resolvable by the Twig loader in your Message object) and optionally a JSON-encoded string of variables to inject. Click "submit". Awesomeness! Now during testing just reload the page whenever you've changed something and see how it works out.

Inlining CSS

For best results, HTML mails should use inline CSS, not an external or embedded stylesheet. The Message constructor accepts a string of CSS to be inlined. This means you can use classnames and IDs and whatnot in your mail templates, as if you're building an actual webpage. This is highly useful, since normally your fancy mails will want to somewhat mimick the accompanying website's appearance!