
0.5.2 2023-10-22 12:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 20:42:23 UTC


Using this library you can build Discord bot commands, process inbound interactions from Discord and respond with messages.

Table of contents


composer require more-cores/discord-commands

Creating Messages

Creating webhook messages (they have higher rate limits):

$message = new WebhookMessage();

$embed = new Embed();

$message->toJson(); // valid json ready to be sent to Discord via a Webhook

Or using standard messaging:

$message = new Message();


Both Message and WebhookMessage offer the ability to mention roles.

// appends the mention to the previously set content.  Setting the content again overrides mentions



Certain information can be enriched on the Discord side, such as linking to channels and timestamps in the user's local time.

Linking to a Channel

use \DiscordCommands\Messages\Message;

$message->setContent('Instead of this channel, go to '.Message::linkChannel(34835835834));

Linking to a Special Channel

use \DiscordCommands\Messages\Message;
use \DiscordCommands\Messages\GuildNavigation;

$message->setContent('Help find new channels in '.Message::linkInGuild(GuildNavigation::CHANNEL_BROWSER));

Embedding Timestamps

use \DiscordCommands\Messages\Message;
use \DiscordCommands\Messages\TimestampFormat;

$message->setContent('The contest runs until '.Message::timestamp(time()+6000));

// You can also customize formatting
$message->setContent('The contest runs until '.Message::timestamp(time()+600, TimestampFormat::SHORT_TIME));


// define an embed author using shorthand

// and optionally specify specific attributes
$embed->setAuthor($name, $url);

// define an embed author by object
$author = new Author();


// define an embed video using shorthand
$embed->addField($fieldName, $fieldValue);

// and optionally specify whether it's inline (default to false)
$embed->addField($fieldName, $fieldValue, $inline = true);

// define an embed field by object
$field = new Field();






// define an embed footer using shorthand
$embed->setFooter($text, $iconUrl);

// and optionally specify  specific attributes
$embed->setFooter($urlToImage, $width, $height);

// define an embed thumbnail by object
$thumbnail = new Thumbnail();



Use dedicated classes for each button type. Because buttons are non-interactive, you'll need to wrap them with an ActionRow when adding them to a message. You can use the shorthand actionRow() to accomplish this.

$message->actionRow(new SuccessButton('button-id', 'Approve it'));
$message->actionRow(new DangerButton('button-id', 'Reject it'));
$message->actionRow(new PrimaryButton('button-id', 'Something else'));
$message->actionRow(new SecondaryButton('button-id', 'Something else'));
$message->actionRow(new LinkButton('', 'My Site'));


$message->addComponent(new StringSelectMenu($menuId, [
    new Option('Option 1', 'option-1'),
    new Option('Option 2', 'option-2'),

Role Select Menus

$message->addComponent(new RoleSelectMenu($menuId));

Mentionable Select Menus

$message->addComponent(new MentionableSelectMenu($menuId));

Mentionable Select Menus

$message->addComponent(new UserSelectMenu($menuId));

Channel Select Menus

$message->addComponent(new ChannelSelectMenu($menuId));

You can also limit which channel types can be selected

$message->addComponent(new ChannelSelectMenu($menuId, [
    channelTypes: [

Text Input

$message->addComponent(new ShortInput($fieldId, 'First Name'));
$message->addComponent(new ParagraphInput($fieldId, 'Dating Profile'));

Creating Commands

Chat commands

To create a chat command, create a class like this:

class MyCommand extends ChatInputCommand
    public const NAME = 'my-command';

    public function __construct()
            name: self::NAME,
            description: 'This is executable by the higher ups in the guild',
            availableInDms: false,
            defaultMemberPermissions: [

You can then simply run (new MyCommand())->jsonSerialize() to generate the json payload needed to sync your command with Discord.

Handling Command Interactions

You can use our factory to hydrate objects that represent incoming interactions within Discord. Here's an example using a Laravel request object:

$factory = new InteractionTypeFactory();
$interaction = $factory->make($request->json('type'), $request->json());

Request verification

Discord requires that you verify the signature of inbound requests from their system. You'll need to have this in place in order to even configure your interactions endpoint.

You'll need to run composer require simplito/elliptic-php to add the necessary dependency, then you can verify the request like this:

$verifier = new SignatureVerifier();

if (!$verifier->verify(
    rawBody: file_get_contents('php://input'),
    publicKey: getenv('DISCORD_BOT_PUBLIC_KEY'),
    signature: $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SIGNATURE_ED25519'],
)) {
    return http_response_code(401);

// Everything's good, do the rest here

Laravel middleware

For Laravel applications, we've included a middleware out of the box to assist with this. You can configure a route in routes/api.php and wrap it with our verification middleware:

    'prefix' => 'discord',
    'namespace' => 'Api\Discord',
    'middleware' => LaravelDiscordSignatureVerificationMiddleware::class,
], function () {

Then in your controller, make sure you respond to Ping with a Pong...

    public function userInteracted(
        Request $request,
        InteractionTypeFactory $interactionTypeFactory
    ) {
        $interaction = $interactionTypeFactory->make($request->json('type'), $request->all());

        if ($interaction instanceof Ping) {
            return new Pong();

        // generate other responses based on the inbound interaction

Responding to Interactions

You can respond to interactions by sending messages, showing modals, etc. Make sure to give the Discord docs a read (e.g. your app has 3 seconds to respond to an interaction).


To show a modal, you can simply respond to the interaction http request with your modal object:

Showing the modal

$modal = new ShowModal(
    id: 'something',
    title: "Add new game/software for voting",
    new ShortInput(
        id: 'field-1',
        label: 'My Field',
    new ShortInput(
        id: 'field-2',
        label: 'My Field 2',
return $modal->jsonSerialize();

Processing modal feedback

To process processing modal feedback, make sure you're handling ModalSubmitted events.

In the below example, $commandFactory is not provided by this package, but relates to your domain. You can customize that process however you'd like.

public function interactions(
    Request $request,
    InteractionTypeFactory $interactionTypeFactory,
    CommandFactory $commandFactory,
) {
    $interaction = $interactionTypeFactory->make($request->json('type'), $request->all());

    if ($interaction instanceof Ping) {
        return new Pong();

    if ($interaction instanceof ModalSubmitted) {
        $command = $commandFactory->makeByModal($interaction->modal()->id());
        return $command->whenSubmitted($interaction, $interaction->modal());

    throw new RuntimeException('Command interaction went unhandled');

In my case, I like for a single class to contain all the details about what happens on a Command. So I added a whenSubmitted method that looks something like this:

public function whenSubmitted(
    ModalSubmitted $interaction,
    SubmittedModal $modal,
): CommandResponse {
    Log::info('modal submitted', [
        'modal' => $modal->id(),
        'value' => $modal->fieldValue('field-2'),

    return new ReplyWithMessage(
        content: "You're all done!",
        onlyVisibleToCommandIssuer: true,

The key takeaway here is that Discord requires an interaction in response to the modal submission. So you'll need to respond with something.