
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.0.0) of this package.

0.0.0 2022-07-11 11:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 21:03:31 UTC



php artisan module:install morphcms/command-palette-module

via Composer

You have to paste the repository path within your composer.json file.

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

Then run:

composer require morphcms/command-palette-module


From within your module service provider or EventServiceProvider you can register your listeners to the CommandSearch event.

CommandSearch::class => [
    // Register your listeners here.

The listener must extend the CollectionSearchListener or the CommandSearchListener.

Perform a command search to the api route /commands/search.

Request Parameters:

'query' => ['required', 'string'],
'limit' => ['sometimes', 'numeric', 'min:1', 'max:100'],
'args' => ['array', 'nullable'],
'args.*' => [],
'options' => ['array', 'nullable'],
'options.*' => [],

Returns an array of SearchResult.

    "group": [
            "type": "resource-type",
            "meta": []
    "blog": [
            "type": "posts",
            "title": "My first post",
            "icon": "DocumentText",
            "description": "Some post summary.",
            "group": "blog",
            "meta": []

Creating a CollectionSearchListener

The CollectionSearchListener is used when you want to hardcode a list of SearchResult that will be searched using the 'contains' method.

use Modules\CommandPalette\ActionTypes\NavigateAction;
use Modules\CommandPalette\ActionTypes\ToastAction;
use Modules\CommandPalette\DTO\SearchResult;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Enums\CommandIcon;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Listeners\CollectionSearchListener;

class GeneralCommandsSearchListener extends CollectionSearchListener
    public function items(): array
        return [
            SearchResult::make('Greet') // The command title that will also be searched
                ->group('Admin') // Just a name to nicely group results
                ->icon(CommandIcon::LightningBolt) // Uses Hero Icons package
                ->description('Says hello back to you.') // A summary of what this command or this result does.
                ->action(ToastAction::make()->message('Hello, '.auth()->user()->name.'!')), // Action is catched on the frontend, this should send a payload

Creating a CommandSearchListener

The CommandSearchListener is the base listener where you have to implement the way you search and fetch the results. It must return a collection of SearchResult

namespace App\Listeners;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Modules\Blog\Models\Post;
use Modules\CommandPalette\ActionTypes\NavigateAction;
use Modules\CommandPalette\DTO\SearchResult;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Enums\CommandIcon;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Events\CommandSearch;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Listeners\CommandSearchListener;

class GeneralCommandsSearchListener extends CommandSearchListener
    protected function search(CommandSearch $event): Collection|null
        return Model::search($event->query)
            ->map(fn (Model $model) => 
                    title: $model->title,
                    type: 'resource_name',
                )->group('Resource Name')
                 ->action(NavigateAction::make(['id' => $model->id]))

Examples of Search Listeners

Blog posts example

namespace App\Listeners\Commands;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Modules\Blog\Models\Post;
use Modules\Shop\Enums\ProductStatus;

use Modules\CommandPalette\ActionTypes\NavigateAction;
use Modules\CommandPalette\DTO\SearchResult;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Enums\CommandIcon;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Events\CommandSearch;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Listeners\CommandSearchListener;

class BlogCommandsSearchListener extends CommandSearchListener
    // This implementation uses Scout for search
    protected function search(CommandSearch $event): Collection|null
        return Post::search($event->query)
            ->query(fn ($q) => $q->where('status', ProductStatus::Published->value))
            ->map(fn (Post $post) => SearchResult::make(
                title: $post->title,
                type: 'post',
                ->action(NavigateAction::make(['slug' => $post->slug]))

Custom commands example with authorization

namespace App\Listeners\Commands;

use Laravel\Nova\Nova;use Modules\CommandPalette\ActionTypes\NavigateAction;
use Modules\CommandPalette\ActionTypes\ToastAction;
use Modules\CommandPalette\DTO\SearchResult;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Enums\CommandIcon;
use Modules\CommandPalette\Listeners\CollectionSearchListener;

class AdminCommandsSearchListener extends CollectionSearchListener
    public function authorize(): bool
        return auth()->check() && auth()->user()->is_admin;

    public function items(): array
        return [
            SearchResult::make('Create Product')
                        'url' => Nova::url('/resources/products/new'),

Command Actions

The CommandAction type is nothing more than a data transfer object with a fluent API.

The only two required attributes are type and meta.

Creating a CustomAction

namespace Modules\CommandPalette\ActionTypes;

use Modules\CommandPalette\DTO\CommandAction;

class MyCommandAction extends CommandAction
    public function __construct(array $meta = [])
        parent::__construct('my-type', $meta);