
Provides tools to server side render Twig Components.

dev-master 2018-04-04 16:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 08:40:18 UTC


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Twig Components Server Side Renderer

This project provides a server side renderer for Twig Components using PHP.

Server side rendering Web Components or any Javascript thing gives you:

  1. Faster time to first meaningful paint
  2. Better SEO, for tools without Javascript support
  3. Progressive enhancement support
  4. Avoidance of FOUC-related issues


composer require mortenson/twig-components-ssr


The renderer takes an array of Twig template names keyed by custom element name, and a Twig Environment that can properly render those templates.

Here's a basic example with the array loader:

$templates = [
  'my-component.twig' => 'Hello {{ name }}!',
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Array($templates);
$environment = new \Twig_Environment($loader);
$tag_templates = ['my-component' => 'my-component.twig'];
$renderer = new Renderer($tag_templates, $environment);
$html = '<my-component name="World"></my-component>';
$renderer = new TwigComponentsSSR\Renderer($templates);
$rendered_html = $renderer->render($html);

At this point, $rendered_html should contain:

<my-component name="World" data-ssr-content='""' data-ssr="true">Hello World!</my-component>

When this HTML is displayed in a browser, and the Javascript for the Twig Component is loaded, the server side rendered content should be hidden as soon as the Shadow DOM root is attached.

Handling of style tags

If a Twig Component template contains a <style> tag, which is a common way to have encapsulated styles using Shadow DOM, the renderer will store the contents of the tag and remove it from the component.

When all component rendering is complete, those stored styles will have the tag name prepended to them, and all rules will become !important;

This method does not guarantee Shadow DOM-like style encapsulation, but is a good start.

Support for :host

The Shadow DOM spec has support for some new CSS selectors, namely :host, :host-context, and the now removed ::shadow and /deep/.

This project only supports :host, and does so by simply replacing :host with the name of the tag.

Note that because of parsing constraints, using the :host(<selector>) syntax only supports one sub-selector. So :host(.foo) will render fine, but :host(.foo,.bar) will not work. Use :host(.foo),:host(.bar) instead!

Support for slots

Default and named slots are fully supported by this renderer.

If a component named my-component uses a template like:

{{ prefix }} <slot />

rendering this:

<my-component prefix="Hello">World!</my-component>

would result in:

<my-component prefix="Hello" data-ssr-content="World!">Hello World!</my-component>

The data-ssr-content attribute contains the original, untouched content of the element. The base component will use this original content before attaching the shadow root to ensure proper future rendering.

Determining what tags were rendered

During the render process a list of tag names that were present in the provided HTML are collected and stored. To access them, call the getRenderedTags() method of your TwigComponentsSSR\Renderer object. This is useful for only adding Javascript for components that are actually present on the page.

Running tests

Tests for this project are written using PHPUnit. To execute tests, run:

./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests

Coding standards

This project uses the PSR2 coding standard. To check for violations, run:

phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/*

Example page

A super light-weight example is available at /example. You can check it out by running cd example && php -S, then visiting in your browser.


  • Support the <slot /> element and named slots