
GA4 integration for laravel

v2.0 2024-06-27 05:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 07:04:06 UTC


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This package offers integration to GA4 properties with some out of the box methods. Inspired by Spatie integration for GA3. Requires Laravel 9+.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require mrugeshtatvasoft/laravel-analytics

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="analytics-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'property_id' => env('ANALYTICS_PROPERTY_ID', 'XXXXXXXXX'),
    'service_account_credentials_json' => storage_path('app/analytics/service-account-credentials.json'),
    // This data is passed into the built-in cache mechanism for google's CredentialWrapper
    'cache' => [
        'enableCaching' => env('ANALYTICS_CACHE',false),
        'authCache' => null,
        'authCacheOptions' => [
            'lifetime' => env('ANALYTICS_CACHE_LIFETIME', 60), // you may want to set this higher
            'prefix' => env('ANALYTICS_CACHE_PREFIX', 'analytics_'),


Inside Laravel:

use mrugeshtatvasoft\LaravelAnalytics\Period;
use mrugeshtatvasoft\LaravelAnalytics\PrebuiltRunConfigurations;

$client = App::make('analytics-v4');
$lastMonth = Period::months(1);
$results = $client->runReport(PrebuiltRunConfigurations::getMostVisitedPages($lastMonth));

You may configure your own report configuration, or use a pre-built report:

// Use this on the laravel side to get it from the container
$analytics = App::make('analytics-v4');

// Prepare a filter
$filter = new StringFilter();
$filter->setDimension('country')->exactlyMatches('United States');

// Prepare a report
$reportConfig = (new RunReportConfiguration())
                ->addDimensions(['country', 'landingPage', 'date'])


Yay, results:

    "dimensions" => [
      "country" => "United States",
      "landingPage" => "/",
      "date" => "20220903",
    "metrics" => [
      "sessions" => "113",
    "dimensions" => [
      "country" => "United States",
      "landingPage" => "/services/",
      "date" => "20220902",
    "metrics" => [
      "sessions" => "110",

Or Using Prebuilt Report Configurations:

$lastMonth = Period::months(1);


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

New Feature Includes

Set Not expression

// Prepare a filter
$filter = new StringFilter();
$filter->setDimension('eventName')->exactlyMatches('Brand Viewer')->setNotExpression();

Run batch reports at a time

$array = [] // add all run report request

Please note: You can run Max 5 request at a time


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.