
Kemnaker SSO SDK

v1.3.4 2023-02-11 12:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 17:24:42 UTC


The Naco PHP SDK provides straight-forward and tested methods for accessing Authentication and Management API endpoints. This README describes how to get started and provides simple examples of how to use the SDK.

For more details about how to install this SDK into an existing project or how to download a preconfigured seed project, see:


  • PHP7.2+
  • curl


We recommend installing the SDK with Composer. If you already have Composer installed globally, run the following:

$ composer require naco/sdk

Otherwise, download Composer locally and run:

php composer.phar require naco/sdk

This will create composer.json and composer.lock files in the directory where the command was run, along with a vendor folder containing this SDK and its dependencies.

Finally, include the Composer autoload file in your project to use the SDK:

require '../vendor/autoload.php';

use Naco\Sdk\Client;
use Naco\Sdk\Config;

$config = new Config(
$auth = new Client($config);

Usage - Authentication API

This SDK provides easy-to-implement methods to access the Authentication API. Some common authentication operations are explained below with examples.

The examples below assume that you followed the steps in the Installation section above.


The easiest and most secure way to handle logins to a web application is to use the Authentication Code grant combined with Naco Login page. In short, that process is:

  1. An user requesting access is redirected to the Naco (Kemnaker Account) Login Page.
  2. The user is redirected back to your application's callback URL with a code and state parameter if successful or an error and error_description if not.
  3. If the authentication was successful, the state parameter is validated.
  4. If the state is valid, the code parameter is exchanged with Naco for an access token.
  5. If the exchange is successful, the access token is used to call an Naco /api/v1/users/me endpoint, which returns the authenticated user's information.
  6. This information can be used to create an account, to start an application-specific session, or to persist as the user session.

The PHP SDK handles most of the previous steps. Your application needs to:

  1. Determine a log in action (for example: click a link, visit walled content, etc.) and call Naco\Sdk\Client::login
  2. Handle returned errors.

A simple implementation of these steps looks like this:

require '../vendor/autoload.php';

use Naco\Sdk\Client;
use Naco\Sdk\Config;

$config = new Config(
$auth = new Client($config);

$scheme = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? "https" : "http";
$currentUri = $scheme . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/auth_code.php';

if (!isset($_GET['action'])) {
    if (null === $user = $auth->getUser()) {
        header('Location: ' . $auth->login('code', 'basic profile email', $currentUri . '?action=auth'));

    header('Location: ' . $currentUri . '?action=welcome');

if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'auth') {
    if (null === $code = $auth->getAuthorizationCode()) {
        echo '<h1>Cannot Authenticate!!</h1>';

        'basic email profile',
            'code'         => $auth->getAuthorizationCode(),
            'redirect_uri' => $currentUri . '?action=auth',
            'state'        => $auth->getState(),

    if (null === $auth->getAccessToken()) {
        echo '<h1>Failed Authenticate!!</h1>';

    header('Location: ' . $currentUri . '?action=welcome');

if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] === 'welcome') {
    if (null === $auth->getUser()) {
        header('Location: ' . $currentUri);

    // Access resource with your access tokem
    echo 'Token: <br />';

    // Keep login with refresh token
    echo '<br /><br />Refresh Token: <br />';

    // Get authenticated user
    echo '<br /><br />User: <br />';