

dev-master 2024-02-05 12:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-18 19:08:31 UTC



The project of this file is for purpose to create a very little blog to see how organize the code and know how work tiimber.


For use Tiimber, you need intall PHP 7 and composer

Intalling Tiimber

create composer.json

  "require": {
    "ndufreche/tiimber": "dev-master"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Blog\\": "Blog/"

then type the following command to install dependencies.

./composer.phar install

Project creation

In Tiimber, you need to create an Application class where you put your entry point and for create a Tiimber App, you need to use Tiimber ApplicationTrait.

create Blog/Application.php

namespace Blog;

use Tiimber\Traits\{ApplicationTrait as Tiimber, ServerTrait as Server};

class Application
  use Tiimber, Server;
  private function prepare()
    $this->setCacheFolder(dirname(__DIR__) . '/cache');

  public function start()

Then we need to create a index.php and call your Application.

create index.php

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
(new Blog\Application())->start();

Hello world

To create an hello world we need 3 components a route, a layout and a view.

Route creation :

create config/routes.json

  "hello": {
    "route": "/hello"

Layout creation :

A minimal Layout is composed by one constant.

The const TPL is your template. A Layout template expose outlets and the way to declare an outlet is by encapsulating it into {{{ }}}.

In the following Layout we expose only one outlet content.

create Blog\Layouts\DefaultLayout.php

namespace Blog\Layouts;

use Tiimber\Layout;

class DefaultLayout extends Layout
  const TPL = '{{{content}}}';

View creation :

A minimal view it's composed of two constants.

The EVENTS constant is array who the key represent the event to listen and outlet location.

The TPL constant is your view template.

To create the HelloWorldView, we need to print Hello world into content outlet declared into the DefaultLayout when a request is received in hello route defined into config/routes.json file.

And to do that create your view like this.

create Blog\Views\HelloWorldView.php

namespace Blog\Views;

use Tiimber\View;

class HelloWorldView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'request::hello' => 'content'

  const TPL = 'Hello world.';

Now you can test it :

Start the php server

php index.php

And try it in your navigator by calling the URL http://localhost:1337/hello .

Templating a Layout

Currently our layout is pretty simple then we need to upgrade it to create more outlets. We want to add a navigation and a footer to our Layout.

in Blog\Layouts\DefaultLayout.php

// ...
class DefaultLayout extends Layout
  const TPL = <<<HTML
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My blog</title>

Now we have created 2 more outlets then we need to render it.

Navigation view creation

create Blog\Views\NavigationView.php

namespace Blog\Views;

use Tiimber\View;

class NavigationView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'request::hello' => 'navigation'

  const TPL = <<<HTML
  <li><a href="/"><h1>My Blog</h1></a></li>
  <li><a href="/hello">Hello</a></li>

Footer view creation

create Blog\Views\FooterView.php

namespace Blog\Views;

use Tiimber\View;

class FooterView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'request::hello' => 'footer'

  const TPL = 'Power by Tiimber';

Now you can test it :

Restart the php server

php index.php

If you go to http://localhost:1337/hello there is no problem and evrething work fine but if you click on the link My Blog you have a empty page.

Then we need to upgrade our NaviagtionView and FooterView to catch more globally the request event. For that we need to use wildcard represented by *.

in Blog\Views\NavigationView.php

// ...
class NavigationView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'request::*' => 'navigation'
// ...

in Blog\Views\FooterView.php

// ...
class FooterView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'request::*' => 'footer'
// ...

Now restart the php server

php index.php

And if you go to http://localhost:1337/ , you have to see your navigation and footer.

Render errors

Currently we haven't define a home page, then when we go to http://localhost:1337/ we need an error 404 not Found.

For that we need to create a new view.

create Blog\Views\Errors\NotFoundView.php

namespace Blog\Views\Errors;

use Tiimber\View;

class NotFoundView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'error::404' => 'content'

  const TPL = 'Error 404 page not found';

And we have to update our navigation and footer

in Blog\Views\NavigationView.php

// ...
class NavigationView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'request::*' => 'navigation',
    'error::*' => 'navigation'
// ...

in Blog\Views\FooterView.php

// ...
class FooterView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'request::*' => 'footer',
    'error::*' => 'footer'
// ...

Now if you restart your server and go to the home page, you have to see the error.

For server error you can do something like this, (but use it only for development) :

create Blog\Views\Errors\ServerErrorView.php


namespace Blog\Views\Errors;

use Tiimber\View;
use Tiimber\Http\{Request, Response};

class ServerErrorView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'error::500' => 'content'
  const TPL = <<<EOF

  private $error;
  public function onCall(Request $req, Response $res)
    $this->error = $req->getArgs()->get('error');
  public function render(): array
    return [
      'message' => $this->error->getMessage(),
      'stack' => $this->error->getTraceAsString()

Use logger

You have implemented some views and some errors, but certainly want see what happen in Tiimber. For that you need to use a logger. Currently there is two types of logger in Tiimber : FileLogger and SysLogger. In our case we gonna use SysLogger.

in Blog\Application.php

// ...
use Tiimber\Loggers\SysLogger as Logger;

class Application
  private function prepare()
    // ...
    (new Logger());
  // ...

Thats all.

Now if you restart your server, you certainly show lot of line when you call a page from your navigator.

You can implement your own logger if you want, for that, just take a quick look of FileLogger or SysLogger.

Dynamize your views

Your tiimber view can be more dynamic, the goal of this tuto is to create a simple blog, then we need to the capacity to create and read posts.

Tiimber don't have ORM it let you the choice and the implementation.

For this tuto we use a really simple ORM called RedBeanPHP.

Update your dependencies :

in composer.json

  "require": {
    "ndufreche/tiimber": "dev-master",
    "gabordemooij/redbean": "dev-master"
// ...

and now install it.

./composer.phar update

Setup the database :

in Blog/Application.php

// ...

use RedBeanPHP\R;

class Application
  // ...
  private function prepare()
    R::setup('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=blog', 'user', 'password');
    // ...
  // ...

Now create a Home page :

in config/routes.json

  "home": {
    "route": "/"
  // ...

create Blog/Views/Articles/IndexView.php

namespace Blog\Views\Articles;

use Tiimber\View;

use RedBeanPHP\R;

class IndexView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'request::home' => 'content'

  const TPL = <<<HTML
      <a href="/article/{{id}}">
  <p>No article available yet.</p>

  public function render(): array
    $articles = R::findAll('article','ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10');
    return ['articles' => array_values($articles)];

In the Article\IndexView we use a new function called render. This method has only one goal, return all the variable need in the template.

If you relaunch the server and visit the home page you see No article available yet..

Create a article page :

in config/routes.json

  // ...
  "article::show": {
    "route": "/{id}",
    "params": {
      "id": "[0-9]+"
  // ...

Our article route need to be dynamic for that pass dynamical params by defining beetwen { } and in the section params you can add the regex to validate the params.

create Blog/Views/Articles/ShowView.php

namespace Blog\Views\Articles;

use Tiimber\View;
use Tiimber\Http\{Request, Response};

use RedBeanPHP\R;

class ShowView extends View

  const EVENTS = [
    'request::article::show' => 'content'

  const TPL = <<<HTML

  private $article;

  public function onGet(Request $req, Response $res)
    $this->article = R::load('article', (integer)$req->getArgs()->get('id'));

  public function render(): array
    return ['article' => $this->article];

In this view we use a new method onGet who received two parameters the request and the url arguments. The args variable is an array and contain the id defined into the route article::show.

With that id we can load our article.

But we stilln't have article in our database then we need a way to contribute it

Views and Actions

Form creation :

The first stape of this part is create a form.

Then for that we need a new route and view.

in config/routes.json

  // ...
  "article::manage": {
    "route": "/article/{id}",
    "params": {
      "id": ".+"
  // ...

create Blog/Views/Articles/ManageView.php

namespace Blog\Views\Articles;

class ManageView extends ShowView

  const EVENTS = [
    'request::article::manage' => 'content'

  const TPL = <<<HTML
<form method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{article.id}}">
  <p><input type="text" name="title" placeholder="Title" value="{{article.title}}"></p>
  <p><textarea name="content">{{article.content}}</textarea></p>
  <p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>

create Blog/Views/Articles/ShowView.php

// ...
class ShowView extends View
  // ...
  const TPL = <<<HTML
<p><a href="/article/{{article.id}}">edit</a></p>
  // ...

in Blog\Views\NavigationView.php

// ...
class NavigationView extends View
  // ...
  const TPL = <<<HTML
  <li><a href="/"><h1>My Blog</h1></a></li>
  <li><a href="/hello">Hello</a></li>
  <li><a href="/article/new">New article</a></li>

Introducing Actions :

An Action in tiimber is work like a View with the difference they have nothing to display. Then they dont have to specify an outlet where to be displayed or TPL constant or a render method.

In this case we go to use an Action to save our article.

create Blog/Actions/Articles/SaveAction.php

namespace Blog\Actions\Articles;

use Tiimber\Action;
use Tiimber\Http\{Request, Response};

use RedBeanPHP\R;

class SaveAction extends Action
  use RedirectTrait;

  const EVENTS = [
  private function prepare($id)
    if ($id !== 'new') {
      return R::load('article', $id);
    } else {
      return R::dispense('article');
  public function onPost(Request $req, Response $res)
    $article = $this->prepare($req->getArgs()->get('id'));

    $article->title = $req->getPost->get('title');
    $article->content = $req->getPost->get('content');

    $id = R::store($this->article);


In this action create a create or update an article then when the save is done we redirect to the article. To redirect you need to use the redirect trait becaue if the traditionnal headers() is not enough and you can't stop the server.

You can see we use the method onPost. By this way we don't pass into the onGet on the view. Is really important to specify method="post" in your form to access at the goods methods into your view an action.

Tips: a view and a action have access to the methods onGet and onPost;

Sub rendering

To finish our app we go to create a quick identification based on php sessions. And use render event to add new section.

in Blog\Views\NavigationView.php

// ...
use Tiimber\View;
use Tiimber\Http\{Request, Response};

class NavigationView extends View
  // ...
  const TPL = <<<HTML
  <li><a href="/"><h1>My Blog</h1></a></li>
  <li><a href="/hello">Hello</a></li>
    <li><a href="/article/new">New article</a></li>

  $this->logged= false;

  public function onCall(Request $req, Response $res)
    $this->logged = $req->getSession()->has('user');

  public function render(): array
    return [
      'user' => $this->logged

In Navigation we create an outlet called login and we check if there is a user in session to add New article link.

Then we go to create a view who was rendered into login outlet.

Create LoginView

create Blog\Views\User\LoginView.php

namespace Blog\Views\User;

use Tiimber\View;
use Tiimber\Http\{Request, Response};

class LoginView extends View
  const EVENTS = [
    'render::navigation' => 'login'

  const TPL = <<<HTML
  <b>Hello {{user}}!</b>
  <form method="post" action="/login">
    <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username">
    <button type="submit">Submit</button>

  private $user;

  public function onCall(Request $res, Response $res)
    $this->user = $res->getSession()->get('user');

  public function render(): array
    return [
      'user' => $this->user

This view listen the event render::navigation

Create LoginAction

Like the article, we go to create an action to save our user in session.

in config/routes.json

  // ...
  "user::auth": {
    "route": "/login"
  // ...

create Blog/Actions/Users/AuthAction.php

namespace Blog\Actions\Users;

use Tiimber\Action;
use Tiimber\Http\{Request, Response};

class AuthAction extends Action
  use RedirectTrait;

  const EVENTS = [
  public function onPost(Request $req, Response $res)
    $req->getSession()->set('user', $req->getPost()->get('username'));

Then we gonna upgrade our previous views and actions

in Blog/Actions/Articles/SaveAction.php

// ...
use Tiimber\Action;
use Tiimber\Http\{Request, Response};
// ...
class SaveAction extends Action
  // ...
  public function onPost(Request $req, Response $res)
    // ...
    $article->author = $req->getSession()->get('user');

    $id = R::store($this->article);


create Blog/Views/Articles/ShowView.php

namespace Blog\Views\Articles;

use Tiimber\View;
use Tiimber\Http\{Request, Response};

use RedBeanPHP\R;

class ShowView extends View
  // ...
  const TPL = <<<HTML
  <p><a href="/article/{{article.id}}">edit</a></p>
  <p>Created by {{article.author}}</p>

  private $article;

  private $logged;

  public function onGet(Request $req, Response $res)
    $this->article = R::load('article', (integer)$req->getArgs()->get('id'));
    $this->logged = $req->getSession()->get('user');

  public function render(): array
    return [
      'article' => $this->article,
      'user' => $this->logged

You can now enjoy your little tiimber App.