neclimdul / coveo-securitycache
API for Coveo Platform
2025-03-05 09:44 UTC
- php: >=8.1
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.2 || ^7.0
- neclimdul/openapi-php-helper: >=1.2.0@alpha
Requires (Dev)
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.20
- illuminate/support: >5.0.0
- neclimdul/openapi-php-testing: ^1.0@beta
- php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint: ^1.2
- phpspec/prophecy-phpunit: ^2.0
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.0.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 | ^9.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.7
- vimeo/psalm: ^5.9
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-05 15:47:26 UTC
API for Coveo Platform
For more information, please visit
Installation & Usage
PHP 8.1 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
composer require neclimdul/coveo-securitycache
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use NecLimDul\Coveo\SecurityCache\ApiException;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
$config = \NecLimDul\Coveo\SecurityCache\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new \NecLimDul\Coveo\SecurityCache\Api\SecurityCacheApi(
// If you want to use custom http client, pass your client which implements `\GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `\GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$organization_id = 'organization_id_example'; // string
$security_provider_id = 'security_provider_id_example'; // string
try {
$apiInstance->cancelProviderRefresh($organization_id, $security_provider_id);
} catch (ApiException $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling SecurityCacheApi->cancelProviderRefresh: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SecurityCacheApi | cancelProviderRefresh | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/{securityProviderId}/refresh/cancel | Cancels the current refresh operation on a security provider |
SecurityCacheApi | enableDisabledEntities | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/disabled/enable | Enable all disabled entities on security cache |
SecurityCacheApi | enableProviderDisabledEntities | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/{securityProviderId}/disabled/enable | Enable all disabled entities for a specified security provider |
SecurityCacheApi | getChildEntities | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/entities/{securityProviderId}/members/children | Get child entities for a specified security provider member |
SecurityCacheApi | getEntities | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/entities/{securityProviderId} | Get the entities for a specified security provider |
SecurityCacheApi | getEntitiesForASecurityCache | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/{securityCacheId}/entities/{securityProviderId} | Get the entities for a specified security provider on a specified security cache |
SecurityCacheApi | getEntity | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/entities/{securityProviderId}/entity | Get entity information for a specified security provider member |
SecurityCacheApi | getMembers | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/entities/{securityProviderId}/members | Get the members for a specified security provider |
SecurityCacheApi | getOnlineSecurityCacheIds | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/status/online | Get online security cache ids |
SecurityCacheApi | getParentEntities | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/entities/{securityProviderId}/members/parents | Get parent entities for a specified security provider member |
SecurityCacheApi | getScheduleById | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/schedules/{scheduleId} | Get a security cache schedule |
SecurityCacheApi | getSchedules1 | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/schedules | Get the security cache schedules |
SecurityCacheApi | getStatus | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/status | Get the security cache status |
SecurityCacheApi | isListSecurityIdentitiesSupported | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/entities/list/is_supported | |
SecurityCacheApi | listSecurityIdentities | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/entities/list | |
SecurityCacheApi | refresh | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/refresh | Triggers a refresh on the security cache |
SecurityCacheApi | refreshEntity | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/refresh/entity | Refreshes a single entity in the security cache |
SecurityCacheApi | refreshProvider | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/{securityProviderId}/refresh | Triggers a refresh on a security provider |
SecurityCacheApi | updateSchedule1 | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securitycache/schedules/{scheduleId} | Update a security cache schedule |
SecurityProvidersApi | createOrUpdateSecurityProvider | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/{securityProviderId} | Update a security provider for an organization |
SecurityProvidersApi | createOrUpdateSecurityProviderRaw | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/{securityProviderId}/raw | Update the raw configuration of a security provider for an organization |
SecurityProvidersApi | createSecurityProvider | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders | Create a security provider for an organization |
SecurityProvidersApi | getSecurityProvider | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/{securityProviderId} | Get a single security provider for an organization |
SecurityProvidersApi | getSecurityProviderRaw | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/{securityProviderId}/raw | Get the raw configuration of a security provider for an organization |
SecurityProvidersApi | getSecurityProviders | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders | Get all security providers for an organization |
SecurityProvidersApi | getSecurityProvidersByIdsWithFilter | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/batch/filter | Get and filter security providers by ids for an organization. |
SecurityProvidersApi | getSecurityProvidersByPage | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/page | Get and filter security providers by page for an organization. |
SecurityProvidersApi | removeSecurityProvider | DELETE /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/{securityProviderId} | Remove a security provider from an organization |
SecurityProvidersSchedulesApi | getSchedules | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/{securityProviderId}/schedules | Get security provider schedules |
SecurityProvidersSchedulesApi | updateSchedule | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/securityproviders/{securityProviderId}/schedules/{scheduleId} | Update a security provider schedule |
- CascadingSecurityProvider
- CurrentStatusModel
- DataFile
- DetailedSecurityCacheMemberModel
- HourMinutePair
- IdentitiesFilterModel
- LastRefreshOperationModel
- PageModelDetailedSecurityCacheMemberModel
- PageModelSIDModel
- PageModelSecurityProviderModelWithStatus
- Parameter
- ParameterModel
- RawSecurityProviderConfig
- SIDModel
- ScheduleFrequency
- ScheduleModel
- SecurityCacheMemberInfoModel
- SecurityCacheMemberModel
- SecurityCacheStatisticsModel
- SecurityCacheStatusModel
- SecurityProvider
- SecurityProviderModel
- SecurityProviderModelWithStatus
- SecurityProviderReferenceModel
- SecurityProviderStatisticsModel
- UserIdentity
- UserIdentityModel
- Type:
- Flow:
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- full: required
To run the tests, use:
composer install
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Build package: