neclimdul / coveo-source-api
API for Coveo Platform
2024-10-21 14:17 UTC
- php: >=8.1
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^6.2 || ^7.0
- neclimdul/openapi-php-helper: ^1.0@alpha
Requires (Dev)
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.20
- illuminate/support: >5.0.0
- neclimdul/openapi-php-testing: ^1.0
- php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint: ^1.2
- phpspec/prophecy-phpunit: ^2.0
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.0.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^8.0 | ^9.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.7
- vimeo/psalm: ^5.9
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-22 19:15:51 UTC
API for Coveo Platform
For more information, please visit
Installation & Usage
PHP 8.1 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
composer require neclimdul/coveo-source-api
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use NecLimDul\Coveo\SourceApi\ApiException;
// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
$config = \NecLimDul\Coveo\SourceApi\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');
$apiInstance = new \NecLimDul\Coveo\SourceApi\Api\MappingsApi(
// If you want to use custom http client, pass your client which implements `\GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `\GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$organization_id = 'organization_id_example'; // string | The unique identifier of the target [organization](<br />**Example:** `mycoveocloudv2organizationg8tp8wu3`
$source_id = 'source_id_example'; // string | The unique identifier of the target [source](<br />**Example:** `mycoveocloudv2organizationg8tp8wu3-gravodalyysjsu34camnvxm2d2y`
$base_rule_model = new \NecLimDul\Coveo\SourceApi\Model\BaseRuleModel(); // \NecLimDul\Coveo\SourceApi\Model\BaseRuleModel
$rebuild = false; // bool | Whether to rebuild the [source]( after the operation.<br />**Default:** `false`
try {
$result = $apiInstance->addCommonMappingSettingsRule($organization_id, $source_id, $base_rule_model, $rebuild);
} catch (ApiException $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling MappingsApi->addCommonMappingSettingsRule: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
MappingsApi | addCommonMappingSettingsRule | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/common/rules | Create common mapping rule |
MappingsApi | addMappingTypeSettingRule | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types/{typeId}/rules | Create specific mapping rule of given type |
MappingsApi | addMappingTypes | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types | Create specific mapping |
MappingsApi | addMappingTypesBatch | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/batch/create | Create mapping rules in batch |
MappingsApi | deleteCommonMappingSettingsRule | DELETE /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/common/rules/{ruleId} | Delete common mapping rule |
MappingsApi | deleteMappingType | DELETE /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types/{typeId} | Delete specific mappings of given type |
MappingsApi | deleteMappingTypeSettingsRule | DELETE /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types/{typeId}/rules/{ruleId} | Delete specific mapping rule |
MappingsApi | deleteMappingTypesBatch | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/batch/delete | Delete mapping rules in batch |
MappingsApi | getCommonMappingSettings | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/common | List common mappings |
MappingsApi | getCommonMappingSettingsRule | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/common/rules/{ruleId} | Show common mapping rule |
MappingsApi | getCommonMappingSettingsRules | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/common/rules | List common mapping rules |
MappingsApi | getMappingTypeSettingRules | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types/{typeId}/rules | List specific mapping rules of given type |
MappingsApi | getMappingTypeSettings | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types/{typeId} | List specific mappings of given type |
MappingsApi | getMappingTypeSettingsRule | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types/{typeId}/rules/{ruleId} | Show specific mapping rule |
MappingsApi | getMappingTypes | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types | List specific mappings |
MappingsApi | getMappingsConfiguration | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings | Show mapping configuration |
MappingsApi | updateCommonMappingSettings | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/common | Update common mappings |
MappingsApi | updateCommonMappingSettingsRule | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/common/rules/{ruleId} | Update common mapping rule |
MappingsApi | updateMappingTypeSettings | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types/{typeId} | Update specific mappings of given type |
MappingsApi | updateMappingTypeSettingsRule | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/types/{typeId}/rules/{ruleId} | Update specific mapping rule |
MappingsApi | updateMappingTypesBatch | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings/batch/update | Update mapping rules in batch |
MappingsApi | updateMappingsConfiguration | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/mappings | Update mapping configuration |
MetadataApi | createMetadataReport | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/metadata | Create metadata report for a source |
MetadataApi | getSourceMetadataReport | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/metadata | Retrieve metadata report for a source |
MetadataApi | getSourceMetadataStatus | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/metadata/status | Get the status of metadata reports for a source |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | generateOTG | POST /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/generateOTG | Generate an ObjectsToGet given a schema |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | getDefaultObjects | GET /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/objects | Get objects |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | getFields | GET /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/objects/{objectName}/fields | Get fields for a given object |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | getObject | GET /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/objects/{objectName} | Get the information for a given object |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | getRelationship | GET /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/objects/{objectName}/{relationshipName} | Get the information for a given object relationship |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | getSchema | GET /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/schema | Get complete schema (objects and fields) |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | parseOTG | POST /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/parseOTG | Parse an ObjectsToGet to a schema |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | refreshFields | POST /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/objects/{objectName}/fields | Refresh fields for a given object |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | refreshObjects | POST /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/objects | Refresh objects |
SalesforceSourceConfigurationApi | refreshSchema | POST /rest/sourceconfiguration/salesforce/schema | Refresh complete schema (objects and fields) |
SourceExtensionConfigurationsApi | getSourceExtensions | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/extensions | List extension configurations |
SourceExtensionConfigurationsApi | setSourceExtensions | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/extensions | Update extension configurations |
SourceItemTypesApi | getSourceItemTypes | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/itemTypes | List item types |
SourcesApi | abortTaskForActivity | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/tasks/abort | Abort a source task related to a given activity. |
SourcesApi | applyChanges | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/applyChanges | Apply pending changes on a source |
SourcesApi | createField | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/fields | Creates a field for an organization |
SourcesApi | createFields | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/fields/batch/create | Creates fields for an organization |
SourcesApi | createRawSource | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/raw | Create a source from raw configuration |
SourcesApi | createSource | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources | Create a source from simple configuration |
SourcesApi | createSourceSchedule | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/schedules | Create a new schedule for the source |
SourcesApi | deleteSource | DELETE /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId} | Delete a source |
SourcesApi | deleteSourceSchedule | DELETE /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/schedules/{scheduleId} | Delete a source schedule |
SourcesApi | disable | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/disable | Disable schedules on a source |
SourcesApi | duplicateSource | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/duplicate | Duplicate a source |
SourcesApi | enable | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/enable | Enable schedules on a source |
SourcesApi | evictSchemaForSource | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/configuration/salesforce/evict | Evict the salesforce schema of a source. |
SourcesApi | fullRefresh | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/fullRefresh | Apply a full refresh operation on a source |
SourcesApi | getAllRawSources | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/raw/all | Get the raw configuration of all sources |
SourcesApi | getField | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/fields/{fieldId} | Get a single field for an organization |
SourcesApi | getFields1 | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/page/fields | Get a page of fields for an organization |
SourcesApi | getFields2 | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/fields | Get all fields for an organization |
SourcesApi | getLightSource | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/light | Get a single source |
SourcesApi | getRawSource | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/raw | Get the raw configuration of a source |
SourcesApi | getSalesforceFieldsForSource | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/configuration/salesforce/objects/{objectName}/fields | Get an object fields for a given source. |
SourcesApi | getSalesforceObjectForSource | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/configuration/salesforce/objects/{objectName} | Get an object fields for a given source. |
SourcesApi | getSalesforceRelationshipsForSource | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/configuration/salesforce/objects/{objectName}/{relationshipName} | Get a relationship for a given source and object. |
SourcesApi | getSource | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId} | Get a single source |
SourcesApi | getSourceSchedules | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/schedules | Get all source schedules |
SourcesApi | getSourceSnapshot | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/configuration/snapshot | Get the snapshot of the source configuration at the provided activity. |
SourcesApi | getSources | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources | Get a subset of sources for an organization |
SourcesApi | getSourcesAndPageInformations | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/pages | Get a page containing a subset of sources for an organization. |
SourcesApi | getSourcesAndPageInformationsByIds | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/pages/ids | Get a page containing a subset of sources by ids for an organization. |
SourcesApi | getSourcesAndPageInformationsProjectId | GET /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/pages/project | Get a page containing a subset of sources part of a project id. With the total number of sources and the total number of pages |
SourcesApi | incrementalRefresh | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/incrementalRefresh | Apply an incremental refresh operation on a source |
SourcesApi | pauseRefresh | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/pauseRefresh | Pause the current refresh operation on a source |
SourcesApi | rebuild | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/rebuild | Apply a rebuild operation on a source |
SourcesApi | removeField | DELETE /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/fields/{fieldId} | Removes a specific field from an organization |
SourcesApi | removeFields | DELETE /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/fields/batch/delete | Removes fields from an organization |
SourcesApi | resumeRefresh | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/resumeRefresh | Resume the current refresh operation on a source |
SourcesApi | setPushRefreshStatus | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/pushRefresh | Sets the refreshing state of a push source |
SourcesApi | startRefresh | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/startRefresh | Start a refresh operation on a source |
SourcesApi | stopRefresh | POST /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/stopRefresh | Stop the current refresh operation on a source |
SourcesApi | updateField | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/fields/{fieldId} | Update a field for an organization |
SourcesApi | updateFields | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/fields/batch/update | Update a field for an organization |
SourcesApi | updateRawSource | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/raw | Update a source from raw configuration |
SourcesApi | updateSource | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId} | Update a source from simple configuration |
SourcesApi | updateSourcePermissions | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/permissions/update | Update source permissions |
SourcesApi | updateSourceSchedule | PUT /rest/organizations/{organizationId}/sources/{sourceId}/schedules/{scheduleId} | Update a source schedule |
- AddressPattern
- AdobeExperienceManagerSourceModel
- AmazonS3SourceModel
- AuthenticationFailedConfiguration
- BaseRuleModel
- BaseTypedMappingSettingsModelBaseRuleModel
- BatchOperationProgressModelTypedMappingSettingsModel
- BatchOperationResourceStatusModelTypedMappingSettingsModel
- BoxEnterprise2SourceModel
- BoxEnterpriseSourceModel
- BoxSingleUserSourceModel
- CascadingSecurityProvider
- CatalogSourceModel
- CharsetDetectionHint
- CommonMappingSettingsModel
- Config
- ConfigurationError
- Confluence2HostedSourceModel
- Confluence2SourceModel
- CustomLoginSequence
- CustomSourceModel
- DataFile
- DatabaseSourceModel
- DetailedSecurityIdentityModel
- DocumentConfig
- DocumentPermissionModel
- DocumentProcessor
- DocumentProcessorConfig
- DocumentProcessorParameters
- DropboxForBusinessSourceModel
- DropboxSourceModel
- ExtendedConfig
- ExtendedDataFile
- ExtensionSetting
- ExtensionSettingByExtension
- ExtensionSettings
- FieldMappingModel
- FileSourceModel
- FormAction
- FormAuthStep
- FormAuthenticationConfig
- FormElementIdentifier
- FormInput
- GenericRestSourceModel
- GetSource200Response
- GetSourcesOutArgs
- GmailDomainWideSourceModel
- GoogleDriveDomainWideSourceModel
- GraphQlSourceModel
- HourMinutePair
- IdAndDisplayNameModel
- ItemsModificationPeriod
- Jira2HostedSourceModel
- Jira2SourceModel
- JiveHostedSourceModel
- JiveSourceModel
- KbPublishStatus
- KhorosSourceModel
- LanguageHint
- LightSourceModel
- MappingModel
- MappingsConfigurationModel
- MemoryLimits
- MetadataReportPageModel
- MetadataValueModel
- MicrosoftDynamicsCondition
- MicrosoftDynamicsConditions
- MicrosoftDynamicsFetchXmlQueries
- MicrosoftDynamicsFetchXmlQuery
- MicrosoftDynamicsObject
- MicrosoftDynamicsRelation
- MicrosoftDynamicsSourceModel
- NextOperation
- PageModelSourceFieldModel
- Parameter
- ParameterModel
- Permission
- PermissionLevel
- PermissionLevelModel
- PermissionModel
- PermissionModelStateRootCauseModel
- PermissionSet
- PermissionSetModel
- PushSourceModel
- RSSSourceModel
- RawSourceConfig
- RuleModel
- SAPSourceModel
- SalesforceCondition
- SalesforceField
- SalesforceInConditionValue
- SalesforceObject
- SalesforceRelationship
- SalesforceSourceModel
- ScheduleFrequency
- ScheduleModel
- SecurityIdentityInfoModel
- SecurityProvider
- SecurityProviderModel
- SecurityProviderReferenceModel
- ServiceNowSourceModel
- SharePointOnline2SourceModel
- SharePointOnlineSourceModel
- SharePointSourceModel
- SinglePermissionModel
- SitecoreSourceModel
- SitemapSourceModel
- SlackSourceModel
- SourceConfigSnapshotMappingModel
- SourceConfigSnapshotModel
- SourceExtensionModel
- SourceExtensionsMap
- SourceExtensionsModel
- SourceFieldModel
- SourceInformation
- SourceLastOperation
- SourceMetadataModel
- SourceMetadataStatusModel
- SourceModel
- SourcePermissionsUpdateModel
- SourceStatus
- Twitter2SourceModel
- TypedMappingSettingsModel
- UrlFilter
- UserIdentity
- UserIdentityModel
- Web2SourceModel
- YouTubeSourceModel
- ZendeskSourceModel
- Type:
- Flow:
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes:
- full: required
To run the tests, use:
composer install
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Build package: