
Javascript API implementing a grid editor

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1.0.10 2023-11-01 10:06 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-01 00:32:26 UTC


Composer library with a Javascript grid editor

The library defines a Javascript nettools.jsGridEditor class which makes it possible to edit data stored as rows and columns.

Setup instructions

To install net-tools/js-grid-editor package, just require it through composer : require net-tools/js-grid-editor:^1.0.0.

How to use ?

The nettools.jsGridEditor class constructor expects the following parameters :

  • the HTMLElement node where the editor must be rendered (usually a DIV)
  • an object litteral with options :
    • columns : an array of object litterals defining columns (see below)
    • data : an array of object litterals containing data (see below)
    • editable : a boolean value ; if set to false, the grid data can't be edited
    • disableDblClick : a boolean value ; if set to true, a double-click can't switch the row to edit mode
    • defaultValues : an object litteral containing default values for new lines
    • dialog : an object inheriting from nettools.jsGridEditor.Dialog with alert and confirm methods ; by default, Javasript alert and confirm functions are used
    • rowToStringColumns : an event to help convert column values for a given row to a string ; if a numeric (starting at 0) or 'first' is given, the conversion is a key=value string for the corresponding column. If 'all' is given, the conversion returns all key values separated with commas
    • onRowValidate : an event called to validate row data before exiting edit mode (rowData may be updated during call) ; return a resolved Promise to accept changes, or a rejected Promise with error message to reject updates
    • onRowToString : an event called to get a string value for a row (the default code for this event use rowToStringColumns value to generate the string)
    • onRowChange : an event called to notify the client that a row content has changed ; the client code must return a resolved Promise if he acknowledges the update, or a rejected Promise otherwise
    • onRowDelete : an event called to notify the client that a row has been deleted ; the client code must acknowledge the deletion and return a resolved Promise when done, or a rejected Promise if an error occured
    • onRowInsert : an event called to notify the client that a row has been inserted ; the client code must return a Promise when done, or a rejected Promise if an error occured
    • onCellHtml : an event called for 'html' columns to set some rich GUI inside TD node
    • onGetCellHtmlValue : an event called for 'html' columns in edit-mode to get edited value to store in dataset when committing row edits

The columns object litteral array defines all columns ; the allowed parameters for a column are (also, see sample below) :

  • id : the column ID as a string ; will be used in data parameter as property name
  • title : the title that will appear in table header for this column
  • subTitle : the subtitle in table header for the column
  • type : defines the type for the column (string, int, float, bool, list or html)
  • required : bool value to enforce column mandatory status
  • hidden : a bool value to hide the column
  • format : regular expression to valide column data
  • readonly : the column can't be edited
  • readonlyEdit : the column can't be edited except when creating a new line
  • datalist : if type property is list, defines an array of string values accepted as values
  • validator : a custom function to validate column value (return true if value is accepted or false if value is rejected)

The data array of object litterals contains grid data : one object litteral per row, each object property is a column value. See sample below.

var grid = new nettools.jsGridEditor(document.getElementById('grid'),
		// defining columns
		columns : [ 
			{ id : 'key', subTitle:'string(2)', format:/^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]$/, required : true, validator:function(v){ return v!='RU'; } },
			{ id : 'country', title : 'Country name', subTitle:'string', readonly : true }, 
			{ id : 'region', title : 'World area',  subTitle:'list', required : true, type:'list', datalist:['Europe', 'America', 'North-America', 'South-America', 'Asia', 'Africa'] },
			{ id : 'order', type : 'int', subTitle:'int'  },
            { id : 'english', title : 'Speak English ?',  subTitle:'bool(0/1)', required : true, type : 'bool' }
		// data to edit
		data : [
			{ key : 'FR', country : 'France', region : 'Europe', order : 1, english : 0 },
			{ key : 'US', country : 'USA', region : 'North-America', order : 2, english : 1 },
			{ key : 'UK', country : 'United Kingdom', region : 'Europe', order : 3, english : 1 }
		// grid is editable
		editable : true,
		// a row is converted to a string by return key=value for column 1 (second column)
		rowToStringColumns : 1,
		// default values for new lines
		defaultValues : {
			region : 'Asia',
			english : 1
		// output in console values to validate
		onRowValidate : function(row, values)
				console.log('Values to validate at row ' + row);
				return true;
		// accepting updates in rows only for even one
		onRowChange : function(row, values)
				console.log('Row changed at offset ' + row);
				if ( row % 2 == 0 )
					return Promise.resolve(row);
					return Promise.reject('Row commit failed at row ' + row);
		// processing deletion client-side ; if the user acknowledges deletion, the row is removed from dataset
		onRowDelete : function(row, values)
				return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
					if ( confirm('Confirm deletion has been processed client-side ?') )
						reject('Deletion at row ' + row + ' denied');
		// procession new line ; if the user acknowledges insert, the row is inserted in the dataset
		onRowInsert : function(row, values)
					return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
						if ( confirm('Confirm insert has been processed client-side ?') )
							reject('Insert at row ' + row + ' denied');

There are several object methods that can be called :

  • setData : if data options parameter is not set during constructor call, the data can be assigned to grid editor later by calling setData method with an array of object litterals.
  • isInserting : returns true if the editor is currently inserting a new line
  • insertRow : switch the editor to insert mode, filling the empty new line with default values provided
  • editRow : edit the row at offset in parameter
  • deleteRow : delete the row at offset in parameter ; the user is asked to confirm row deletion ; the onRowDelete event is called to notify client-side


There are one sample inside /samples subdirectory :

  • editor.html