
PSR-15 Middleware for detecting the real client ip amongst other helpers.

2.0.1 2020-11-02 11:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:24:32 UTC


Latest Stable Version codecov PHPUnit Test Suite


I put this together to scratch an itch - I typically write server-side apps using Mezzio or Laminas MVC (Formerly Expressive and Zend Framework) and there's an existing middleware implementation akrabat/ip-address-middleware, that already solves the problem of getting the remote address, optionally from common proxy headers with PSR-7/PSR-15 middleware.

The problem I had with that package is that it requires an array of trusted proxies in order to perform searches of those headers, so if your app is behind a load balancer, and it's IP might change, this means that updating your config is a pain, particularly if you're using the component in multiple projects on the same environment. Also, this package introduces the concept of a trusted header, i.e. if you've got an upstream proxy you can guarantee will send you a header with the remote address, and you're confident your proxy cannot be circumvented, then you can ignore the idea of trusted proxies and just use that header. Furthermore, I wanted the convenience of default configuration and DI factories for the middleware and helpers. You may also want to checkout this too: middlewares/client-ip.


Install with Composer using "netglue/realip-helpers"


Without any additional configuration, the helper(s) will simply return whatever $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] reports (But sanitised and validated as an actual IP address). The reason you're looking at this is probably because REMOTE_ADDR doesn't cut it… Options are detailed in ./src/ConfigProvider.php and repeated below. The values are the defaults.

return [
    'proxy_headers' => [
        // When figuring out the client IP, should common proxy headers be checked?
        'checkProxyHeaders' => false,
        // If your app is firewalled, and you're sure you can trust that, say,
        // Cloud Flare is sending you the client IP in the header 'CF-Connecting-IP', you can add that here
        // and it will always be used
        'trustedHeader' => null,
        // If your app is on a private network and REMOTE_ADDR is always the load balancer ip, you could say
        // that REMOTE_ADDR is always a trusted proxy
        'remoteAddressIsTrustedProxy' => false,
        // You can provide an array of IP addresses (v4 or v6) of proxies that you trust. These will be eliminated as
        // potential client IP addresses
        'trustedProxies' => [],
        // If you provide a non-empty array of proxy headers to inspect, only these headers will be checked,
        // overriding the defaults. If you know that your proxy/loadbalancer only sends X-Forwarded-For, you could
        // put just that one in here. By default, a number of headers are inspected:
        'proxyHeadersToInspect' => [],

MVC Usage

Config should be injected automatically if you are using Laminas component installer, so it's just a case of altering config values for your environment if appropriate and then issuing a $ip = $this->clientIp() from a controller method to retrieve the remote IP address.

Mezzio Usage

Add NetglueRealIP\Middleware\IpAddress::class to your pipeline, and your request will contain the attribute 'ip_address', i.e. $request->getAttribute('ip_address'). You can change the name of the attribute at construction time if you are not using a DI container, or if you are, by aliasing the class to a different factory.


cd to wherever the module is installed, issue a composer install followed by a composer test.


PR's are welcomed. Please write tests for new features.


You're welcome to file issues, but please understand that finding the time to answer support requests is very limited so there might be a long wait for an answer.


Netglue makes websites and apps in Devon, England. We hope this is useful to you and we’d appreciate feedback either way :)