
sentry client for Flow & Neos

Installs: 137 203

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 1

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 5

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 2


1.7.1 2024-10-31 14:46 UTC



This package provides a Flow integration for the PHP SDK. Some basic information about the Flow application is added to the sentry Event by default, but you can easily configure and extend this package to fit your needs.


composer require netlogix/sentry

Currently the following Flow versions are supported:

  • ^7.3
  • ^8.0
  • ^9.0


The sentry DSN Client Key has to be configured. Get it from your project settings (SDK Setup -> Client Keys (DSN)).

    dsn: ''

Then simply run ./flow sentry:test to log an exception to sentry. While this is technically all you have to do, you might want to adjust the providers - see below.


This package allows you to configure which data should be added to the sentry event by changing the providers for each scope. Currently, the available scopes are environment, extra, release, tags and user.

Providers can be sorted using the PositionalArraySorter position strings. For the scopes extra, tags and user, all data provided will be merged together. The scopes environment and release only support a single value (you can still configure more than one provider, but the last one wins).

      extra: [ ]

        # If you don't need a specific order, you can simply set the provider to true
        'Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Release\PathPattern': true

        # Numerical order can be used
        'Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Tags\FlowEnvironment': '10'
        'Your\Custom\TagProvider': '20'

        'Your\Custom\UserProvider': 'start 1000'
        # If you don't want to add the currently authenticated Flow Account to the Event, simply disable the provider
        'Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\User\FlowAccount': false


The sentry SDK will search for the environment variable SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT and use it's value as the current environment. This is still the default, however you can configure the Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Environment\FlowSettings provider to use a different value:

      setting: '%env:SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT%'

Release tracking

You can use the Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Release\PathPattern ReleaseProvider to extract your current release from the app directory. By default, the configured pathPattern is matched against the FLOW_PATH_ROOT constant:


    # Used by Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Release\PathPattern
      # Path to use for extraction of release
      pathToMatch: '%FLOW_PATH_ROOT%'

      # Pattern to extract current release from file path
      # This pattern is matched against pathToMatch
      pathPattern: '~/releases/(\d{14})$~'

You can also use the Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Release\FlowSettings to set the Release through Flow Configuration (Netlogix.Sentry.release.setting, set to %env:SENTRY_RELEASE% by default).

Custom Providers

For each scope, you can implement your own providers. Each scope requires it's own interface:

  • Scope environment => Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Environment\EnvironmentProvider
  • Scope extra => Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Extra\ExtraProvider
  • Scope release => Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Release\ReleaseProvider
  • Scope tags => Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Tags\TagProvider
  • Scope user => Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\User\UserProvider

Then simply add them to the configuration.

If you need access to the thrown exception, you can check Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\ScopeProvider::getCurrentThrowable():


namespace Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\Extra;

use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Neos\Flow\Exception as FlowException;
use Netlogix\Sentry\Scope\ScopeProvider;

 * @Flow\Scope("singleton")
final class ReferenceCodeProvider implements ExtraProvider

    private ScopeProvider $scopeProvider;

    public function __construct(ScopeProvider $scopeProvider)
        $this->scopeProvider = $scopeProvider;

    public function getExtra(): array
        $throwable = $this->scopeProvider->getCurrentThrowable();

        if (!$throwable instanceof FlowException) {
            return [];

        return ['referenceCode' => $throwable->getReferenceCode()];


Manually logging exceptions to sentry

If you need to manually send exceptions to sentry (inside a catch block for example), you can use the Netlogix\Sentry\ThrowableStorage\SentryStorage:


use Neos\Flow\Annotations as Flow;
use Netlogix\Sentry\ThrowableStorage\SentryStorage;

class LoggingManually {

     * @Flow\Inject
     * @var SentryStorage
    protected $sentryStorage;

    public function log(): void {
        $exception = new \RuntimeException('foo', 1612114936);

        $this->sentryStorage->logThrowable($exception, ['some' => ['additional', 'data']]);


Ignoring exceptions

If you need to skip sending a specific exception to sentry, you can use Flow's renderingGroups. Simply create one that matches your exception and set logException to false:


            matchingStatusCodes: [ 418 ]
            matchingExceptionClassNames: [ 'Your\Ignored\Exception' ]
            # It is also possible to match against \Throwable::getCode(). Please note that this is not a Flow feature.
            # Check \Netlogix\Sentry\ExceptionHandler\ExceptionRenderingOptionsResolver::resolveRenderingGroup() for more info
            # matchingExceptionCodes: [1638880375]
              logException: false

Please note that this also disables logging of this exception to Data/Logs/Exceptions.

Encrypt POST payload

By default, the array of POST payload data is transported to the sentry server "as is".

When encryption is enabled and a valid rsa key fingerprint is set, the POST payload is stripped and replaced by an RSA encrypted string.


      encryptPostBody: true
      rsaKeyFingerprint: '6ff568ae0f9b44b69627e275accf163a'

POST data without encryption usually looks like this in sentry:

    "--some-form": {
        "__currentPage": 1,
        "__state": "TmV0bG9naXguU2VudHJ5IHN0YXRlIGRhdGE=",
        "__trustedProperties": "[Filtered]",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "birthday": "2021-01-01",
        "email": "",
        "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

With encryption enabled it looks like this:

    "__ENCRYPTED__DATA__": {
        "encryptedData": "TG9yZW0gaXBzdW0gZG9sb3Igc2l0IGFtZXQsIGNvbnNlY3RldHVyIGFkaXBpc2ljaSBlbGl0LCBzZWQgZWl1c21vZCB0ZW1wb3IgaW5jaWR1bnQgdXQgbGFib3JlIGV0IGRvbG9yZSBtYWduYSBhbGlxdWEuIFV0IGVuaW0gYWQgbWluaW0gdmVuaWFtLCBxdWlzIG5vc3RydWQgZXhlcmNpdGF0aW9u",
        "envelopeKey": "ZGVzZXJ1bnQgbW9sbGl0IGFuaW0gaWQgZXN0IGxhYm9ydW0=",
        "initializationVector": "QmxpbmR0ZXh0"

There will be an additional sentry field "Encrypted POST Data" which contains a backlink to encrypt and show the original data.

In order for this to work, there must be an authentication provider in place that handels the Neos.Sentry controller.

If this package is used in conjunction with the neos/neos CMS, the neos backend authentication provider can be tasked with this job. See the code snippet below.

If this package is used without neos/neos, a custom privilege for policy Netlogix.Sentry:Backend.EncryptedPayload has to be configured.

                pattern: ControllerObjectName
                  controllerObjectNamePattern: 'Netlogix\Sentry\Controller\.*'

Scrubbing variables or adding more details

Allow in php.ini config

Context variables depend on zend not removing exception arguments. Make sure zend is not configured to remove arguments from exceptions to make use of fine-grained variable scrubbing and context-aware variable details.


Scrub all frame arguments

Ignoring exception arguments via zend setting would just remove every exception argument. Scrubbing can be re-added manually in userspace code by config settings. This might be helpful for either different environments or deployment targets.

      scrubbing: true

Prevent specific arguments from being scrubbed

In contrast to zend.exception_ignore_args, having them scrubbed manually allows for keeping very specific variables by naming them individually.



      # Only works when manual scrubbing is enabled. Otherwise, all data is
      # kept anyway.

      scrubbing: true

      # Keep certain frame variables even if scrubbing is enabled
      # In contrast to using an individual RepresentationSerializer, this is context
      # aware. Not every string should be displayed, but some might.
      # Complex arguments might be obfuscated when being passed through the default
      # Sentry RepresentationSerializerInterface::representationSerialize() and not very
      # useful. Use our VariablesFromStackProvider and the "contextDetails" setting for
      # more detailed logging.



          # Class names cover "_Original" as well, but neither implementing
          # interfaces nor extending classes. This only matches by exact string
          # comparison.

          className: 'Neos\ContentRepository\Search\Indexer\NodeIndexingManager'
          methodName: 'indexNode'

          # Arguments can only be argument names, not argument paths. Preventing
          # certain arguments form being scrubbed happens after the Sentry
          # RepresentationSerializer converted them, so no actual object
          # information is available for detailed matching.

            - 'node'

Add specific object information of frame variables to the sentry event context

Data that is not ony "a representation of" a method argument but somewhere within any given data structure can be extracted and adde to the sentry event.

This covers way more details about any given event frame, as long as the information is accessible by either public properties or a getter method.



      # In contrast to scrubbing and keeping specific arguments from being
      # scrubbed, this context vars are added "in full" to the event context.


          className: 'Neos\ContentRepository\Search\Indexer\NodeIndexingManager'
          methodName: 'indexNode'

            # It's necessary to specify exactly which property paths should be
            # added to prevent loosing information. Data not being specified is
            # just dropped.

            - 'node.path'
            - 'node.identifier'
            - ''