
Geocode widget based on Leaflet

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1.4.0 2022-11-29 12:40 UTC


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This extension provides a widget to pick coordinates from a map. It uses the leaflet framework.




  • Contao ^4.13||^5.0
  • PHP ^7.4||^8.0


1. Install using composer

php composer.phar require netzmacht/contao-leaflet-geocode-widget

2. Update your AppKernel.php

git If you use the managed edition of Contao you can skip this step.

  // Dependency is automatically installed and has to be registered
  new Contao\CoreBundle\HttpKernel\Bundle\ContaoModuleBundle('leaflet-libs', $this->getRootDir()),

  // Register the bundle
  new Netzmacht\Contao\Leaflet\GeocodeWidget\LeafletGeocodeWidgetBundle(),

3. Update the assets

bin/console assets:install --symlink

4. Use the widget

Coordinates only

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_example']['fields']['coordinates'] = [
    'label'     => ['Koordinaten', 'Geben Sie die Koordinaten ein'],
    'inputType' => 'leaflet_geocode',
    'eval'      => [
        'tl_class' => 'w50',
    'sql' => 'varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\''

Coordinates and radius

To pick the radius in meters as well, you have to configure the eval.radius option for the related radius field. The radius field should be a simle text input. The default, minval and maxval flags are passed to the geocode widget so that only radius in that boundary can be chosen.

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_page']['fields']['coordinates'] = [
    'label'     => ['Koordinaten', 'Geben Sie die Koordinaten ein'],
    'inputType' => 'leaflet_geocode',
    'eval'      => [
        'tl_class' => 'w50',
        'radius'   => 'radius'
    'sql' => 'varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\''

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_page']['fields']['radius'] = [
    'label'     => ['Radius', 'Angabe des Radius in Metern'],
    'inputType' => 'leaflet_radius', // Optional, you can use a text widget as well
    'eval'      => [
        'default'  => 500,
        'minval'   => 100,
        'maxval'   => 5000,
        'steps'    => 100, // Round value to the closest 100m.
        'tl_class' => 'w50',
    'sql' => 'varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\''

If you want to add an wizard icon to the radius field as well, you only have to reference the coordinates field.

$GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_page']['fields']['radius'] = [
    'label'     => ['Radius', 'Angabe des Radius in Metern'],
    'inputType' => 'leaflet_radius',
    'eval'      => [
        'rgxp'        => 'natural',
        'default'     => 500,
        'minval'      => 100,
        'maxval'      => 5000,
        'tl_class'    => 'w50 wizard',
        'coordinates' => 'coordinates'
    'sql' => 'varchar(255) NOT NULL default \'\''