
PayBox Direct and Direct Plus API wrapper

v0.4.0 2020-12-10 19:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 18:31:54 UTC


Paybox Direct and Paybox Direct Plus PHP SDK.

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All the installation and usage instructions are located in this README. Check it for a specific versions:

  • 0.x with support for Symfony ^2.7 || ^3.0


This version of the project requires:

  • PHP 7.4+
  • Symfony 2.7+ for bundle integration


First of all, you need to require this library through Composer:

composer require nexylan/paybox-direct

After this, you can use it as is.

If you are using it on a Symfony project, you should read the following instructions for a better integration.

As a Symfony bundle

If your project is not using Symfony Full Stack, you must add the following dependencies:

composer require symfony/dependency-injection symfony/http-kernel

Register the bundle in the kernel of your application:

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Nexy\PayboxDirect\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\NexyPayboxDirectBundle(),

    // ...

    return $bundles;

Some configuration is required. Here is the default one:

    client:               null
        timeout:              ~
        production:           ~
    paybox:               # Required
        version:              ~ # Required
        site:                 ~ # Required
        rank:                 ~ # Required
        identifier:           ~ # Required
        key:                  ~ # Required
        default_currency:     ~
        default_activity:     ~


Get the client instance

To communicate with the Paybox Direct (Plus) API, you have to instantiate the Paybox class:

use Nexy\PayboxDirect\Enum\Version;
use Nexy\PayboxDirect\Paybox;

$paybox = new Paybox([
    // Optional parameters:
    'timeout' => 30,        // Change the request timeout.
    'production' => true,   // Set to true to use the production API URL.
    // Required parameters:
    'paybox_version' => Version::DIRECT_PLUS,
    'paybox_site' => '1999888',
    'paybox_rank' => '32',
    'paybox_identifier' => '107904482',
    'paybox_key' => '1999888I',

If you are using the Symfony bundle bridge, all the parameters are already defined on the configuration side.

All you have to do is call the paybox service:

/** @var \Nexy\PayboxDirect\Paybox $paybox */
$paybox = $this->container->get('nexy_paybox_direct.sdk');

Make a request

Here is a commented example of how to make a Paybox Direct request with the SDK:

use Nexy\PayboxDirect\Exception\PayboxException;
use Nexy\PayboxDirect\Request\AuthorizeAndCaptureRequest;

$request = new AuthorizeAndCaptureRequest('CMD-42', 1000, '1111222233334444', '1224');
try {
    /** @var \Nexy\PayboxDirect\Response\DirectResponse $response */
    $response = $paybox->sendDirectRequest($request);
} catch (PayboxException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage(); // Prints the Paybox error message.
    /** @var \Nexy\PayboxDirect\Response\DirectResponse $response */
    $response = $e->getResponse(); // Returns the response object if you want to manipulate it.
// Do stuff with the response!

If you want to do the same via the Direct Plus protocol with a subscriber reference:

$request = new AuthorizeAndCaptureRequest('CMD-42', 1000, 'subscriberCardRef', '1224', 'subscriberRef');
try {
    /** @var \Nexy\PayboxDirect\Response\DirectPlusResponse $response */
    $response = $paybox->sendDirectPlusRequest($request);
} catch (PayboxException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage(); // Prints the Paybox error message.
    /** @var \Nexy\PayboxDirect\Response\DirectPlusResponse $response */
    $response = $e->getResponse(); // Returns the response object if you want to manipulate it.
// Do stuff with the response!

Note that you have to use Paybox::sendDirectPlusRequest method that returns a DirectPlusResponse object.

Requests reference

Here is a table listing all the available requests: