
OkuribitoLaravel can monitor view loading and record it. This helps to remove unused view files.

0.1.0 2019-05-30 12:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:43:21 UTC


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OkuribitoLaravel can monitor view loading and record it. This helps to remove unused view files.

This package is inspired by Ruby's Okuribito gem.


OkuribitoLaravel has the following requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.1.3
  • Laravel >= 5.5


Execute the require Composer command:

composer require ngmy/okuribito-laravel

This will update your composer.json file and install this package into the vendor directory.


Execute the migrate Artisan command:

php artisan migrate

This will create the view_load_logs table in your database.

Publishing Configuration

Execute the vendor:publish Artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish

This will publish the configuration file to the config/ngmy-okuribito-laravel.php file.

You can also use the tag to execute the command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ngmy-okuribito-laravel

You can also use the service provider to execute the command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ngmy\OkuribitoLaravel\OkuribitoServiceProvider"

Basic Usage

Update the config/ngmy-okuribito-laravel.php file's monitor_views option to the view you want to monitor loading:

'monitor_views' => '',

You can also specify multiple views:

'monitor_views' => [

You can also use a wildcard:

'monitor_views' => 'your.view.*',

This value is specified in the same format as the first argument of Laravel's View::composer method.

When the specified view is loaded, it is recorded to the view_load_logs table in your database.

You have other options available. See the config/ngmy-okuribito-laravel.php file for details.

Advanced Usage

Customizing Record Method

Creating your implementation of the ViewLoadLogRepositoryInterface interface.


namespace Your\Namespace;

use Ngmy\OkuribitoLaravel\Domain\Model\View\View;
use Ngmy\OkuribitoLaravel\Domain\Model\ViewLoadLog\ViewLoadLog;
use Ngmy\OkuribitoLaravel\Domain\Model\ViewLoadLog\ViewLoadLogRepositoryInterface;

class YourViewLoadLogRepository implements ViewLoadLogRepositoryInterface
    public function existsByView(View $view): bool
        // Implement your existsByView() method here

    public function save(ViewLoadLog $log): void
        // Implement your save() method here

Binding the ViewLoadLogRepositoryInterface interface to your implementation in your service provider's register method.



OkuribitoLaravel is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.