
Format numbers in various formats, like scientific notation or unit-suffix notation

v0.1.0 2013-09-15 19:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 17:36:08 UTC


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Numbers provides a simple and powerful way to convert numbers in various string formats, like scientific notation or unit-suffix notation.

It also gives you control on numbers precision (that's different of the numbers of decimals!), making it simple to format numbers as you want in your view layer.

For installing instructions, please go to the end of this README.


First, instantiate an object of the Number class. You can do it in two ways: directly or using the n static method:

use Numbers\Number;
$n = new Number(3.1415926535898);
$n = Number::n(3.1415926535898);

You can then retrieve the underlying float/int value using the get method:

var_dump($n->get()); //double(3.1415926535898) 

Significant figures

You can set the number of significant figures using the method round.

$n->round(5)->get(); // returns 3.1416

As you can see, the round method works differently from the php builtin roundfunction, since you are not setting the number of decimals, but the number of significant figures:

(new Number(0.000123456))->round(5)->get(); // returns 0.00012346

Scientific notation

You can easily convert a Number to Scientific Notation:

$sciNotation = Number::n(1234.567)->getSciNotation();
echo $sciNotation->significand; // 1.234567
echo $sciNotation->magnitude; // 4

A SciNotation objects convert themselves to html when casted to strings:
(string) Number::n(1234.567)->getSciNotation() → 1.234567 × 104
(string) Number::n(0.000023)->getSciNotation() → 2.3 × 10-5

Suffix notation

With suffix notation you can convert a number to a format using the metric prefix notation. What you will get is a number followed by a suffix that indicates the magnitude of that number, using the "kilo", "mega", etc... symbols. All the SI symbols are supported.

// Prints "1.23k"
echo Number::n(1234.567)->round(3)->getSuffixNotation();

// Prints "79G"
echo Number::n(79123232123)->round(2)->getSuffixNotation();

// Prints "123.4µ"
echo Number::n(0.0001234)->getSuffixNotation();

Format with thousands and decimals separator

The format method works like number_format, but without the hassle of specifying the number of decimals. The number of significant figures will be used instead. Furthermore, it will not print trailing zeros in the decimal part.

// Prints "123,123.23"
echo Number::n(123123.23)->format();

// Prints "123 123,23"
echo Number::n(123123.23)->format(',', ' ');

By default format fallbacks to . and , separators if some argument is missing. If you want instead to fallback to the current locale settings of the machine, you can use localeFormat.

Other functions

Floor and Ceil

They behave like their mathematical counterparts and the builtin php functions:

// Returns "123123"

// Returns "123124"


Gives the order of magnitude of the number (that is equal to the exponent of 10 in the Scientific Notation):

// Returns 6

// Returns -2

n-th digit

Gives the n-th digit of the number in a given base

// Returns 4
// Returns 3
//Returns 7

// Second optional arg is the base (default is 10)
// Returns 1
Number::n(bindec('10110101'))->getDigit(0, 2);
// Returns 0
Number::n(bindec('10110101'))->getDigit(6, 2);


The sign function, as defined in mathematics

// Returns 1

// Returns -1

// Returns 0


Apply a callback to the underlying scalar number, in a Monad fashion:

$double = function($n){ return 2 * $n; };
// Returns 16


The best way to install Numbers is through composer.

Just create a composer.json file for your project:

    "require": {
        "nicmart/numbers": "dev-master"

Then you can run these two commands to install it:

$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar install

or simply run composer install if you have have already installed the composer globally.

Then you can include the autoloader, and you will have access to the library classes:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';