
A Craft module to manage multiple contact forms using the contact-form & contact-form-extensions plugins

1.1.0 2024-04-25 21:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 21:48:05 UTC


This module helps to manage multiple sets of settings form the Craft contact-form & contact-form-extensions plugins.


This module requires:

  • PHP 7.1 or later
  • Craft CMS 3, 4 or 5
  • contact-form plugin 2.2 or later
  • [optional] contact-form-extensions plugin 1.2.1 or later


  1. Install the composer module : composer require nstcactus/craft-contact-form-settings-module

  2. Add the contents of the app.php file to your config/app.php (or just copy it there if it does not exist). This ensures that your module will get loaded for each request.

    The file might look something like this:

    return [
        'modules' => [
            'contact-form-settings-module' => [
                'class' => \nstcactus\craftcms\modules\contactFormSettings\ContactFormSettingsModule::class,
                'components' => [
                    // More on this below
        'bootstrap' => ['contact-form-settings-module'],

Add a form

  1. Create a form class that extends \modules\contactFormSettings\forms\AbstractContactForm. This class will describe the settings of your form.

  2. Register this form class in the config/app.php file: add an entry in the components array of the module where the key is the form name and the value is a reference to the form class.


    return [
        'modules' => [
            'contact-form-settings-module' => [
                'class' => \nstcactus\craftcms\modules\contactFormSettings\ContactFormSettingsModule::class,
                'components' => [
                    'contact' => \project\modules\app\forms\ContactForm::class,
        'bootstrap' => ['contact-form-settings-module'],
  3. Add the following in the template of the form, inside the <form> element: {{ formNameInput('contact') }}

Form settings

Plugin settings override

Each form setting class must implement the getContactFormConfiguration() & getContactFormExtensionsConfiguration() methods. They expect a return value that is a settings array, just like what would be set in the config/contact-form.php & contact-form-extensions.php.

Custom validation

Custom validation rules should be defined by overriding the afterValidateSubmission() method. Here you can add validation errors on the Submission instance (available in $e->sender) like so:

public function afterValidateSubmission(Event $e): void
    /** @var Submission $submission */
    $submission = $e->sender;

    if (empty($submission->message['FirstName'])) {
        $submission->addError('message.FirstName', Craft::t('site', 'This field cannot be blank.'));


How do I safely let the use pick from a list of subjects?

When the subject is selected by the user in a <select> element for example, the recommended approach is

How do I set the recipient dynamically?

To set the recipient dynamically, you can either:

  • set it in the toEmail property in the array return from the getContactFormSetting() method

  • set it using the contact-form-extensions override mechanism in either the beforeValidateSubmission() or the afterValidateSubmission() method. Example:

    public function beforeValidateSubmission(ModelEvent $e): void
      $submission = $e->sender->message['toEmail'] = Craft::$app->getSecurity()->hashData($subject->contactSubjectRecipient);

How do I use separate fields for first name & last name?

When using separate first & last name field as opposed to a single fromName field, make sure to actually set the fromName property of the Submission instance in the afterValidateSubmission() method.

This will improve submission index in the control panel.


public function afterValidateSubmission(Event $e): void
    /** @var Submission $submission */
    $submission = $e->sender;

    if (!empty($submission->message['FirstName']) || empty($submission->message['LastName'])) {
        $submission->fromName = trim(sprintf(
            '%s %s',
            $submission->message['FirstName'] ?? '',
            $submission->message['LastName'] ?? ''