
Chimple - Simple Mailchimp handling in Silverstripe

Installs: 4 057

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 3

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 3


v1.0.0 2024-07-22 23:15 UTC


This module allows you to create and update Mailchimp list subscriptions via a Silverstripe app/website.


It supports:

  • a subscription controller
  • multiple configuration records for setting multiple list/audience combinations
  • multiple forms on the same page, for the same list
  • a spam protection module
  • a default configuration record assigned in Settings/SiteConfig
  • configurable defaults in yaml
  • queued jobs to handle subscription and failure checking
  • a Mailchimp model admin to view current subscriptions and subscription results
  • an Elemental subscription form element - documentation
  • merge fields support
  • tags for subscribers
  • ability to submit a form with or without (via XHR) redirecting
  • patch previously subscribed list/audience members
  • optionally remove current subscriber tags

It doesn't support:

  • Managing audience members, use the Mailchimp administration area for that.


  • Configure your Mailchimp API key and list (audience). You will find this in the Mailchimp account settings and relevant audience, respectively.
  • In your website, set up one or more configurations
  • Assign one of those as the default for the website
  • Ensure queues are running, or get a developer to do this for you.
  • Test a subscription to your lists

Further documentation beyond the basics is available


Example project configuration:

Name: app-mailchimp
  - '#silverstripe-chimple'
  # account API key
  api_key: '<api key>'
  # default list id
  list_id: '<list id>'

Further integration

Spam protection

Use a spam protection module to block spammy submission attempts on the form. The NSWDPC reCAPTCHAv3 module is a good option.

If a module is installed, the subscription form will detect this and enable the default spam protector on the form.


See composer.json


The only supported method of installation is via composer:

composer require nswdpc/silverstripe-chimple



See License


NSW DPC Digital


This module is a combination of work contributed to various projects over the years by the NSW DPC Digital team and Symbiote.


Please raise bugs (with instructions on how to reproduce), questions and feature requests on the Github bug tracker


If you have found a security issue with this module, please email digital[@]dpc.nsw.gov.au in the first instance, detailing your findings.

Development and contribution

If you would like to make contributions to the module please ensure you raise a pull request and discuss with the module maintainers.