
to handle wallet

1.2.6 2025-03-11 22:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 22:57:04 UTC


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  1. make deposit
  2. make withdrawal
  3. Set account threshold

Installation (with Composer)

composer require nycorp/finance


Publish migration file and config

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NYCorp\Finance\FinanceServiceProvider"

Run migration

php artisan migrate


Add Finance Account Trait to any model

use FinanceAccountTrait;

(Optional) Set Threshold the min balance for an account

return User::first()->setThreshold(100) 

For deposit

return User::first()->deposit(DefaultPaymentProvider::getId(), 12, $description)

Get balance

return User::first()->balance

For withdrawal

return User::first()->withdrawal(DefaultPaymentProvider::getId(), 12, $description)

Customize the canWithdraw in the model (Optional)

public function canWithdraw(float $amount, bool $forceBalanceCalculation): bool
        //EX : Set to true because the account is debited only when the service is consumed
        return true;

Set model currency by adding this method in the model

public function getCurrency()
        // Implement your logic to get currency here the default value is set in the finance config file
        return \NYCorp\Finance\Http\Core\ConfigReader::getDefaultCurrency();

Check if user can make transaction if his finance account is not disabled

return Company::first()->canMakeTransaction() ? Company::first()->withdrawal(DefaultPaymentProvider::getId(), 12, $description) : 'Your account is disabled';

Check if user can make transaction if his finance account has enough balance base on threshold use true to force balance calculation

return Company::first()->canWithdraw(100,true) ? Company::first()->withdrawal(DefaultPaymentProvider::getId(), 12, $description) : 'Insufficient balance';

Response handle

$response = \Nycorp\LiteApi\Response\DefResponse::parse(User::first()->withdrawal(DefaultPaymentProvider::getId(), 12, $description));
$response->getBody(); // get the body of the response
$response->isSuccess(); // get the success state as boolean
$response->getMessage(); // get response message