
A silverstripe module that provides simple wiki-style editing capabilities for pages in your site.

Installs: 1 588

Dependents: 3

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 9

Watchers: 1

Forks: 3

Open Issues: 4


1.3.0 2016-05-11 12:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 03:41:42 UTC


Example Module

Maintainer Contact
Marcus Nyeholt

<marcus (at) silverstripe (dot) com (dot) au>

SilverStripe 3.1.x


To install, extract the module to your silverstripe root directory and run

Within your site, create a top level page of type Wiki Page via the CMS. 
From then on, you can edit the page from the frontend of the website whenever
you are logged in. 

To edit a page, click the "Edit" button when viewing a wiki page; if you are
not logged in, you will be presented a login form. 

Wiki Pages support HTML based wysiwyg editing, or WikiMedia style syntax. This
is configurable per page on the "Behaviour" tab for the page in the CMS, and 
is inherited by sub-pages. 

See http://wiki.github.com/nyeholt/silverstripe-simplewiki/ for further details

Quick Usage Overview

* Login to the CMS
* Create a page of type Wiki Page in the site root called "Wiki"
* Navigate to the page on the frontend and click "Edit Page"
* Enter content and click "Save" (which continues editing) or "Finished" 
  which will return you to the rendered content


There are a few configuration variables to be aware of

* WikiPage::$show_edit_button = true; Whether to show the "Edit Page" button to
  users who aren't logged in (thus triggering the login process)
* WikiPage::$auto_publish = true; Whether pages are automatically published 
  whenever they are saved. If this is NOT true, then page edits only affect the
  'Stage' view of the site, and must be explicitly published (a button is
  available for this from the frontend). Note also that it means that newly
  created pages are only available in the 'Stage' view of the site too, even
  though the published content might refer to them. By default, pages are
  automatically published as per normal wiki behaviour. 
* WikiPage::$lock_time = 60; How many seconds pages should be locked for at any
* WikiPage::$purify_output = true; Whether content should be run through
  HTMLPurify before being output. Defaults to true. 

You can register your own formatters now by calling


with an object that implements SimpleWikiFormatter. See the MarkdownFormatter as an example


* After creating a link to a new page, when I click on the link it says 
  "Page Not Found"
  - This is probably caused by the page being created, but only in the 'Stage'
    view of the site. You need to make sure you're in the stage view, navigate
    to the page being linked to, and make sure it is 'Published'. 

* My wiki page formatting is all wrong!
  - The wiki parser being used at the moment only supports a subset of wiki
    syntax. A better more complete parser will be looked at in a future 