
O3-Shop database migrations using doctrine

v1.0.0 2023-03-05 13:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:31:54 UTC



Document: https://docs.o3-shop.com/developer/en/6.2/development/modules_components_themes/module/database_migration/index.html

Branch Compatibility

  • master branch is compatible with O3-Shop compilation master
  • b-6.4.x branch is compatible with O3-Shop compilation 6.4.x
  • b-6.3.x branch is compatible with O3-Shop compilation 6.3.x
  • b-3.x branch is compatible with O3-Shop compilation 6.2.x
  • b-1.x branch is compatible with O3-Shop compilations before 6.2.x


O3-Shop uses database migrations for:

  • eShop editions migration
  • Project specific migrations
  • Modules migrations

At the moment O3-Shop uses "Doctrine 2 Migrations" and it's integrated via O3-Shop migration components.

Doctrine Migrations runs migrations with a single configuration. But there was a need to run migration for one or all the projects and modules (CE, PR and a specific module). For this reason Doctrine Migration Wrapper was created.

Running migrations - CLI

Script to run migrations is installed within composer bin directory. It accepts two parameters:

  • Doctrine Command
  • Suite Type (CE, PR or a specific module_id)
vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate <Doctrine_Command> <Suite_Type>

To get comprehensive information about Doctrine 2 Migrations and available commands as well, please see official documentation.


vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate migrations:migrate

This command will run all the migrations which are in O3-Shop specific directories. For example if you have migration tool will run migrations in this order:

  • Community Edition migrations (executed always)
  • Project specific migrations (executed always)
  • Module migrations (executed when eShop has at least one module with migration)

Suite Types (Generate migration for a single suite)

It is also possible to run migrations for specific suite by defining <Suite_Type> parameter in the command. This variable defines what type of migration it is. There are 5 suite types:

  • PR - For project specific migrations. It should be always used for project development.
  • CE - Generates migration file for O3-Shop Community Edition. It's used for product development only.
  • <module_id> - Generates migration file for O3-Shop specific module. It’s used for module development only.

Example 1:

vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate migrations:generate

This command generates migration versions for all the suite types.

Example 2:

vendor/bin/oe-eshop-db_migrate migrations:generate CE

In this case it will be generated only for Community Edition in vendor/o3-shop/shop_ce/migration directory.

Use Migrations Wrapper without CLI

Doctrine Migration Wrapper is written in PHP and also could be used without command line interface. To do so:

  • Create Migrations object with MigrationsBuilder->build()
  • Call execute method with needed parameters

Bugs and Issues

If you experience any bugs or issues, please report them in the section O3-Shop (all versions) of https://bugs.o3-shop.com.