
The missing, elegant, productive microframework for PHP, inspired by ExpressJS.

0.1.1 2014-07-13 19:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 05:24:22 UTC


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The missing, elegant, productive microframework for PHP, inspired by ExpressJS.

Because PHP is cool too.


The very least you need:


$app = Exphpress\app();

$app->listen(function($req, $res){
    $date = new \DateTime();
    $res->setContent("Today is " . $date->format('l, jS \o\f F Y'));

This will return, for every request, something like Today is Sunday, 13th of July 2014,; if you want to see it in action clone this repository and run php -S localhost:4000 examples/simple.php.

Getting fancy

Matching a GET request is quite simple:


$app = Exphpress\app();

$app->get("/call-me-maybe/{name}", function($req, $res){
    $res->setContent("Hey, I just matched you, and this is crazy...");

The above route will be matched when we issue a GET request to our webserver that matches the path /call-me-maybe/{name}.

The same can be done for post and all other HTTP methods.

Write your own middleware

Middlewares play a big part in a microframework's architecture:

$app->uses(function($req, $res, $next){
    if ($todayIsABadDay) {
    } else {

As you probably understood, the $next is a callback that invokes the following middleware, which means that you concatenate them at will (ie. look at this test).


Exphpress is available through composer (how else?!?!).


They run on travis through phpspec: if you want to contribute or hack around exphpress simply clone this repository and check into greenland with a:

./vendor/bin/phpspec run


For those who care, exphpress is release under the MIT license.

The hell, why?

There's Silex, I know, but I couldn't resist.