
Package with various small handy classes in OEHWU projects

3.0.0 2023-10-05 07:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 12:35:44 UTC


small support classes

Installation: composer support

    "require": {
        "oehwu/meta": "~2.0"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": "https://git.oeh-wu.at/oehwu/meta.git"

Usage: StudentId

Since winter semester 2017/2018 student IDs have 8 digits (and a university code letter).

This class provides two static methods to validate and filter/normalize a given student ID and a third combined method for convenience. Both methods expect the h letter (university code letter for WU) to be present in the passed $studentId.


OEHWU\Meta\StudentId::isValid(string $studentId): bool

Returns true if the student ID is valid, even for converted legacy IDs (e.g. h01234567 is valid).


OEHWU\Meta\StudentId::filter(string $studentId): string

Sanitizes the student ID and returns the normalized variant. If an e-mail address is provided as $studenId it will extract the local part of the address and assumes that to be the student ID.

Legacy student IDs will be converted to the old format, i.e. h01234567 will be converted to h1234567.

See the unit tests file for more examples.


OEHWU\Meta\StudentId::check(string $studentId): ?string

Normalizes and validates the given $studentId and returns the normalized student ID or null if the student ID is not valid.

Usage: Cookie

Returns a snippet which can be used to display (and dismiss) a cookie notice.


Usage: Header

This class implements one public static method:


The method returns the Header HTML string to be echoed. It should be used right after the opening <body> tag, with <body>'s margin and padding set to 0.

The cURL library has to be installed. Otherwise the method silently fails and returns null.

Usage: CheckSSL

The package has two public static methods:


Returns bool true or false.


Redirects the client to the SSL version of the current website, if not already there.