
Collector is the component in charge of subscribing to the channel where stats and events are published. Message storing policies are determined by matching type or a regexp defined in the config file.

dev-master 2012-07-08 11:02 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-12 12:10:45 UTC


Collector is the component in charge of subscribing to the channel where stats and events are published. Message storing policies are determined by matching type or a regexp defined in the config file.

You can configure:

  • Your stats types, adding operations: counter, median, percentile 95, min, max, etc.

  • Retention:

    • History time (N days)

    • Sample (N seconds or N minutes or N hours)

Also "Collector" offers a JSON API to query stored stats (used by WebUIStats component).


  • PHP 5.3.2 and up with pcntl extension installed.
  • RabbitMQ or ZMQ.
  • MongoDB

Libraries and services used

  • PHP
    • Pimple
    • Silex
    • Symfony Components:
      • ClassLoader
      • YAML
      • Console
    • PhpAmqpLib
    • Monolog
  • MongoDB
  • RabbitMQ/ZMQ+OpenPGM


The best way to install is to clone the repository and then configure as you need. See "Configuration" section.

After cloning you must install dependencies using "composer":

php composer.phar update


Start collector server:

php app/collector.php -c app/config/stats_test.yml


All configuration is done using a YAML file.

Config file is structured in 4 sections:

  • storage:

    • class name in charge of process and store messages.
  • output:

    • storage name configured to get data to the JSON API.
  • channel:

    • class name that subscribe to the channel to get messages.
  • stats:

    • stat types definition. Assign some operations and retention time.
    • config can be defined by type or by a regexp

See config file for more details and examples.

Extra notes

Use of ZMQ is discontinued because a memory leak using ZMQ with OpenPGM PUB/SUB.