
Performance improve & bugfix for oro-platform

3.1.3 2019-03-10 09:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-10 21:39:47 UTC


This bundle provide bugfixes and new features for OroPlatform.

Table of Contents

Configurable capabilities

        mq_disable_container_reset: true #Disable container reset extension for performance
        mq_send_events: true #Dispatch sending events & overwrite message priority of queue processing
        mq_log_format: true #User frendly format of MQ logs in console (in tty console)
        cron_fix_cleanup: true #Fix cron definition load command
        job_logs: true #Display job output and errors in UI
        fix_calendar: true #Fix calendar days generator in ReportBunle 

Job logger

The job logger provides the ability to display logs in the UI. Usage: inject logger okvpn.jobs.logger into your service


class SomeProcessor implements MessageProcessorInterface

    /** @var LoggerInterface */
    private $logger;

    /** @var JobRunner */
    private $jobRunner;

    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, JobRunner $jobRunner)
        $this->logger = $logger;
        $this->jobRunner = $jobRunner;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function process(MessageInterface $message, SessionInterface $session)
        $body = JSON::decode($message->getBody());

        $result = $this->jobRunner->runDelayed(
            function () use ($body) {
                try {
                    $this->logger->info('This logs will display in UI on the given root jobs page.')
                } catch (\Throwable $e) {
                        'An error occupies during job execute'
                        ['e' => $e,] // the full stack trace & exception message will display on the job page.

                    return false;
        $this->logger->info('This log will not display, because there isn\'t active job');
        return $result ? self::ACK : self::REJECT;

Execute jobs in active transaction

The log persistence happen in a separate transaction from the process that executes it, so information available to end user thru UI immediately when its created.

Change message priorities

You can change the predefined message priority. Example:

# Resources/config/oro/app.yml
        oro.importexport.cli_import: 3 # topic_name OR cron_command OR process_definition (from worklfow bundle)
        oro.importexport.pre_cli_import: 3
        oro.importexport.pre_http_import: 3
        oro.importexport.http_import: 3
        oro.importexport.pre_export: 3
        oro.importexport.export: 3
        oro.importexport.post_export: 3
        oro.importexport.send_import_notification: 1

By default 2

Message send events


namespace Okvpn\Bundle\BetterOroBundle\Event;

final class SendEvents
     * Dispatch before send a message to the producer.
     * Used for modify properties, headers, body or decline sending to producer
    const BEFORE_SEND = 'message_queue.before_send';

     * Dispatch after send message to producer.
    const AFTER_SEND = 'message_queue.after_send';

Generate bundle

The command oro:generate:bundle helps you generates new bundles taking into account the specifics of the Oro application:

  • create file Resources/config/oro/bundles.yml
  • create stub for migrations
  • not update kernel, main config and main routing app/*

Debug entity translations.

The command okvpn:entity-translations:dump debug and find not translated labels for entities

Dump not translated labels for entity

php app/console okvpn:entity-translations:dump "Okvpn\Bundle\AkumaBundle\Entity\Akuma" --skip-translated
            entity_label: ''
            entity_plural_label: ''
                label: ''
                label: ''
                label: ''
                label: ''
                label: ''

Dump not translated labels for all entities for given bundle

php app/console okvpn:entity-translations:dump "OkvpnAkumaBundle" --skip-translated

Calendar date duplicate

There is the cron command oro:cron:calendar:date for adding new days to the calendar table. This table usually used for build report with group by days, for create dql query that rerurn result from empty period with grouping by days, etc. But this command work not correctly: every time when cron triggered the duplicates appear in the table This bundle fix it to preventing duplication of records in the oro_calendar_date table.

Improve cron cleanup

When user run command oro:cron:definitions:load to load cron definitions, all cron triggers will remove from database. This behavior has been changed to allow the use of the functionality of the CronBundle without cron commands, ie to create triggers that are not based on the commands.

Disable container reset extension

Reset of container after processing a message have a great impact on perforate and memory leak. This functionality is disabled by this bundle.

Dataaudit improvement

  1. Removed not used indexes. The index size is 3x times more than the table size. At the same time, many indexes are not used and overlap each over. To remove not used index you can use query.

namespace App\Bundle\AppBundle\Migrations\Schema\v1_0;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Okvpn\Bundle\BetterOroBundle\Migration\OptimiseDataauditIndexQuery;
use Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Migration\Migration;
use Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Migration\QueryBag;

class AppBundleMigration implements Migration
     * @inheritDoc
    public function up(Schema $schema, QueryBag $queries)
        $queries->addPostQuery(new OptimiseDataauditIndexQuery());
  1. To remove old audit record you can use garbage collection cron command oro:cron:dataaudit-garbage-collector To enable the cron command needs add to your configuration Resources/oro/app.yml or config/config.yml Where: keep_time time in sec. action: update, create, remove.
            - { action: update, keep_time: 259200, entity_class: 'Okvpn\Bundle\AppBundle\Entity\Item' }

  1. Set default organization if not token in security context. When command runs from CLI and modify entity, its changes will not display in grid. You can set default organization for this case. To set default organization ID needs update configuration Resources/oro/app.yml or config/config.yml
        default_organization: 1

Disable orocrm request form

Outgoing network requests to https://r.orocrm.com were noticed. Their reason - php script and js script The give script sends information about OroPlatform to remote server, also load a strange js script.

Fix order by the time period

Order by the time period was broken by commit (OroPlatform 2.6.0): https://github.com/oroinc/platform/commit/5d9e5d1852aa82fb538710bfb0e4dcbc0b9b19b5

Bug 3

Cron run in UI


Handle jobs exception

You can see all critical errors that occurred during execute job in UI. Logs

Better log format
